If you’ve been following Investors Underground for some time, you know that we put a huge focus on education. Day trading is undoubtedly very exciting, which can cause some people to dive in before they are fully prepared. Diving in unprepared is NOT recommended because it will hinder your long term success. Education is an incredibly valuable tool. It prepares you, protects you from unnecessary losses, and equips you with the knowledge necessary to profit from day trading. That being said, not all education is created equal. You need to be focusing on the right information from the right sources if you want to give yourself the best chances of succeeding in the stock market. This is the exact reason why I created the Textbook Trading and Tandem Trader educational courses.
Here are the top 5 reasons why I created these courses
1. Combating Information Overload
There is so much information about day trading out there, some free and some paid. As a new trader, you really don’t know which information you should be focusing on. You could spend hours studying technical indicators, chart patterns, and strategies, however this does not guarantee success. Ambitious traders try to absorb as much information as possible. This is a respectable trait, but it is not always conducive to one’s success. You need to be focusing on the right information: the actionable material that will actually make you money. You could spend days learning about RSI, MACD, PSAR, and other crazy technical indicators, but is that really helping your trading? It’s very easy to get overloaded with information to the point where it becomes counterproductive. Your approach to trading should be simple and actionable. Over the years, I’ve taken in a lot of information and filtered it down to a system that has allowed me to profit consistently in the markets. This information is the basis for the educational courses we provide. There is no fluff or filler content – all you get is the information that allows me to come to the market every day and take a salary.
Source: Trading Memes
2. Organizing Information Into an Actionable Game Plan
The education you acquire is only as valuable as how well it is organized. Your end goal should be to compile information that funnels itself into your trading strategy. There is plenty of great information out there but it is scattered across various locations. If you have to go up and back between YouTube, WSJ, trading blogs, and other sources of information, it can be difficult to organize the content into an actionable game plan. I’ve been studying the markets and trading full-time for years now. When I sat down to start creating my first trading course, I had to get organized. I had to take all of the information I used on a daily basis and compile it into a single product. The result was Textbook Trading, a DVD course that has helped hundreds of traders maximize their potential. Our educational courses are designed to be your “one-stop shop” for trading education. These courses are well organized, and provide and actionable strategy designed to give new traders everything they need to start conquering the markets.
3. Providing Education That Focuses on Real Life Situations
One of the biggest problems with the Internet is that you don’t know how credible certain information is. If you read a blog post about trading, it could have been written by a successful day trader or some guy who’s crushing his 6th Mountain Dew of the day while lounging in his parents’ basement. This can make it difficult to know what type of education (if any at all) you are getting. The last thing you want to do is learn from someone who has not necessarily has been successful. More importantly, you want to look for someone who has found some type of success, lost it all, recovered and realized how important consistency is in trading who is willing to share it with others. Most focus on profits and who is the hottest trader, but what happens during a cold spell? What happens when the market changes? Do you have a foundation to fall back on? There’s an incredible amount of information online, too much in fact. Information overload and thousands of ideas and views that are not organized in a manner where you can absorb the information like a sponge. I wanted to compile my insights and share them with other traders. I am a full-time trader and share all of my trades in real-time in the chat room but it’s nice to see a trade pan out in real time – the thought process behind it, what made it good/bad, and, most important, what you can learn from it. The education provided in the trading courses is the exact stuff that has allowed me to find success in the markets and try new and different methods along the way to add to my arsenal.

Nathan Michaud Ringing the NASDAQ Bell w/ DAS Trader Team
4. Preparing Traders for Chat
Trading DVDs are not a new concept; they have been around for a long time. During my first few years running a trading community, I had no intention of creating an educational course. I just loved trading and surrounding myself with the other great traders in our community. Over time, I began to receive a lot of the same questions over and over again. New traders wanted to learn more about the system I was using, and I would answer the questions one by one. In an effort to heighten the experience for members of Investors Underground, I decided to compile a trading course that would serve as the prerequisite for the chat room. This course not only serves to improve the skills of individual traders, but also improves the quality of Investors Underground as a whole. When our members watch the DVD courses before coming to chat, it ensures that everyone is on the same page. Everyone is coming to the market with the same game plan; they know what to look for and why, they know the lingo, and they know how chat operates. They can also avoid a lot of the mistakes that new traders make. Some traders think they can just sign up for a month of our service, come to chat, and instantly “get it.” Trading is not that simple. We’ve found that traders who watch the DVD courses end up improving their chances of trading profitably and signing up for annual subscriptions to IU.
5. Sharing a System that is Scalable and Actionable
As mentioned earlier, there is a lot of information available about day trading. That being said, not all education is created equal. Some courses focus on niche-specific strategies that aren’t scalable. Our courses are designed to be scalable and actionable. We come to the market every single day with a game plan and trade actively. Our strategy has worked for years and will continue to remain relevant over time. This is due to the fact that we focus on momentum stocks with high volume. We’re not focused specifically on penny stocks, pump and dumps, hot sectors, or anything like that. We go where the money goes and we have plenty of opportunities to place profitable trades every day. This is the methodology that is explained in both of the trading courses. You can even see some of the real-time trades in action on Tandem Trader.
So, What’s In the Courses?
Check out some of the previews from within the courses to better understand our methodology. Any questions about the courses, just reach out!
For more free videos, visit the Investors Underground YouTube Channel.
Check Out Our Day Trading Courses
Learn more about Textbook Trading
Learn more about Tandem Trader