[Dec 6, 2009 5:01:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive Good evening all!
[Dec 6, 2009 5:01:31 PM PST] InvestorsLive hope you had a good weekend
[Dec 6, 2009 5:01:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive got a few questions I’ll start then hand it over to Muddy – he got a bit more about his scans and what not
[Dec 6, 2009 5:01:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive will start off with those questions that were received and open it up from there
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:05 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’ll do it regular …
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive if you have questions ON TOPIC
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive feel free to ask in the chat room channel
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:21 PM PST] InvestorsLive otherwise just PM me a NEW question
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive or wait for others
[Dec 6, 2009 5:02:48 PM PST] InvestorsLive few things I wanted to mention first too – welcome all the new folks that just joined the past 2 weeks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:03:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive our chat room is a bit different… I see more and more due diligence posted and what do you think about this company.. they have X Y and Z and they are undervalued here etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:03:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive first things first we are a momentum chat roomo
[Dec 6, 2009 5:03:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive investing in these things… for those that are doing it now… good luck… you will lose
[Dec 6, 2009 5:03:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive its a losing strategy
[Dec 6, 2009 5:04:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive I was there when I first started
[Dec 6, 2009 5:04:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive I was quite the sheep.. made a bunch and then gave it all back by thinking MCLN was the next big thing
[Dec 6, 2009 5:04:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:04:41 PM PST] InvestorsLive another note www.investorsunderground.com/dashboard
[Dec 6, 2009 5:04:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive become familiar with it.. it has all the screens both Muddy and I put a scan out each night
[Dec 6, 2009 5:05:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive MCLN I was asked what I thought about it by a good 4-5 people … if ur not reading my scans.. especially when they have word for word what I’m looking for
[Dec 6, 2009 5:05:32 PM PST] InvestorsLive and when I’m done playing it.. well comon! waste of time
[Dec 6, 2009 5:05:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive there are a few moves that I like before the volume tapers off
[Dec 6, 2009 5:05:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive and risk/reward goes up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:05:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive and interest goes away
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive those are the breakout moves… 52 week breaks..
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive tanks.. that first bounce… pull back and repump… after that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive its dunzo in my book and that’s how I play them
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive another thing
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’ve had an insane run on all these OTCBB and Pinks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:37 PM PST] InvestorsLive insane
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive huge $$$ made
[Dec 6, 2009 5:06:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive but I notice all around stuff is starting to get hit hard…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive promotions aren’t lasting
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:04 PM PST] InvestorsLive and greed is kicking in
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive take HWSY and RBTI for example
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:30 PM PST] InvestorsLive those are the kinda plays that killed the OTCBB / Pinks market 1.5-2 years ago
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:42 PM PST] InvestorsLive before it just got real hot the past 6-8 months +
[Dec 6, 2009 5:07:56 PM PST] InvestorsLive so be aware of that.. I think 2 people in here were asking about HWSY
[Dec 6, 2009 5:08:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive “I’m still in, should I get out”
[Dec 6, 2009 5:08:31 PM PST] InvestorsLive do yourself a favor and if you’re not familiar with them stick with our main niche which is stocks on the nasdaq/amex etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:08:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive stuff that is predictable
[Dec 6, 2009 5:08:56 PM PST] InvestorsLive because if you’re not capable of taking a loss and just end up bag holding stuff… you’re nto going to last
[Dec 6, 2009 5:09:02 PM PST] InvestorsLive good trades take losses
[Dec 6, 2009 5:09:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive if you don’t they turn into bigger losses
[Dec 6, 2009 5:09:47 PM PST] InvestorsLive and you will get burnt out and will not be here in 3 months.. I only trade with about 2 friends that are left that I started trading with in 2003
[Dec 6, 2009 5:09:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive out of 20-30+ that I knew
[Dec 6, 2009 5:10:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive maybe 3… the rest never learned.. .never cared to learn
[Dec 6, 2009 5:10:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive so that’s that… hope that gives the new people some insight to this chat room
[Dec 6, 2009 5:10:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive we play MOMENTUM
[Dec 6, 2009 5:10:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive we don’t care WHAT the stock is/does
[Dec 6, 2009 5:10:46 PM PST] InvestorsLive we care about volume and its potential… risk/reward where it could go, has it ran previously etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:11:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive any questions so far on any of those comments, if not I’ll start with some of the questions I got
[Dec 6, 2009 5:11:57 PM PST] Ironman is their anytime of year in particular you feel that stock promotions are the best?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:12:13 PM PST] InvestorsLive its all diff now..
[Dec 6, 2009 5:12:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive used to be dead in summer
[Dec 6, 2009 5:12:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive heat back up nov dec and jan
[Dec 6, 2009 5:12:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive but no.. just like I said Friday… I’m not really gapping anything… they aren’t working much anymore
[Dec 6, 2009 5:12:42 PM PST] InvestorsLive the continuation plays aren’t there
[Dec 6, 2009 5:13:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive alright
[Dec 6, 2009 5:13:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive so
[Dec 6, 2009 5:13:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive QUESTION: In alerts, I see you refer to “test”…can you explain what this means.
[Dec 6, 2009 5:13:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive you’ll often see Muddy and myself say test/re-test
[Dec 6, 2009 5:13:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive bmon/Laura and Fugu.. everyone basically that’s been here a while that trades similar to us
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:05 PM PST] milan82 TTWO is short tommorow
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive milan82 – please wait til after the seminar
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive and who knows, no sense predicting – useless
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:34 PM PST] InvestorsLive anyway – QUESTION: In alerts, I see you refer to “test”…can you explain what this means.
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive so what we are looking for is .. a stock that has been ripping out of the gate… or intraday
[Dec 6, 2009 5:14:54 PM PST] InvestorsLive something like CLWT in the last 2 weeks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:00 PM PST] InvestorsLive it may have spiked earlier in the day
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive let’s say it moved $3.40 to $4
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive then it sold way back down to 3.50… 3.60
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive later on in the day we watch it heads back towards 3.80… 3.90 inching up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive now its coming up on the test
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:46 PM PST] InvestorsLive to break the highs $4 etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive we play a lot of this breaks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:15:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive so that’d be a HOD test
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:02 PM PST] InvestorsLive also coming up on red/green test
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive is say tomorrow we’ll use CLWT as an example again
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:32 PM PST] InvestorsLive say it sells off to 2.50 2.60 range
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive and comes back towards 2.70-2.75
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’ll be watching for the red/green ‘test’
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive we play a lot of those, when stocks go from red on the day to green on the day
[Dec 6, 2009 5:16:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive usually a surge that follows with it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:17:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive probability of having a decent trade is higher…. not EVERY stock.. just going red to green.. the chart has to agree with it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:17:23 PM PST] mlbfan2007 Playing this test/retest has been huge for me since I joined IU…is this a “new” trend or something you and Muddy have seen for years?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:17:45 PM PST] ko1 so in second example, you would then make a buy entry at 2.75 (when it goes red/green)?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive alrgith lemme answer these 2 then I’ll ask for more
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:13 PM PST] InvestorsLive QUESTION: Playing this test/retest has been huge for me since I joined IU…is this a “new” trend or something you and Muddy have seen for years?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive I wouldn’t say its new, Muddy‘s been doing it forever… I play it now more so than before
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive I used to trade AAPL every day… didn’t really matter
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:47 PM PST] InvestorsLive since I started trading Muddy‘s style, I use it as a tool MUCH more past 3 years +
[Dec 6, 2009 5:18:50 PM PST] Muddy mlbfan…for years
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive been extremely successful with it… for some reason.. I always go back to my Uncle as an example because
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive his strategy is just buying ‘green stocks’
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive people that “invest” love green
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:26 PM PST] Muddy on the day ramgers and pre ups the best
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive lotta people use it as a bullish sign too
[Dec 6, 2009 5:19:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive so if we’re tracking stuff and anticipate that break
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:05 PM PST] InvestorsLive we have an ‘edge’
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive for all those that flood in after the break
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:11 PM PST] mlbfan2007 great! I was hoping so! THANK YOU IL/Muddy!
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive another thing mlb
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive I and Muddy too… ESPECIALLY like
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive red to green test on whole #s
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive say $3 was prior close… and its 2.85 sneaking up… 2.90 w/ vol
[Dec 6, 2009 5:20:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive $3.01 is green.. huge… love those
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive but remember key is volume too
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive we trade based on volume
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:17 PM PST] ko1 and your entry would be at $3.01ish?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:23 PM PST] ko1 or before
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:28 PM PST] mlbfan2007 those are two of the things I use more than anything nowadays. Works more than not!
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive no I would more than likely anticipate the move
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:34 PM PST] InvestorsLive so 2.90s
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive if it has volume and its inching up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive most times we play those they are ‘inching’ towards their highs to re-test
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive so it all agrees
[Dec 6, 2009 5:21:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive check marks across the board
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive incher… sneaking up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive volume picking up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:05 PM PST] InvestorsLive red to green
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive whole number near
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive check check check check
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:33 PM PST] Big J When you say “has volume” how much are you looking for? Is it relative to the stock’s prior volume?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:22:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive higher relative to moments before… or avg that it’s had
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive so if its just trading casually throughout the day
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive then you see a big pop
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:17 PM PST] InvestorsLive sometimes Muddy may say Jiggy
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive usually with a bunch of vol come in you see a spike or some pick up
[Dec 6, 2009 5:23:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s why if I miss first move I’ll watch for a pull back
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:04 PM PST] InvestorsLive if it holds.. then I know it wants to head back up… if it doesn’t… then you have ur stop loss back where it started
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:12 PM PST] ko1 if i recall, that’s what Muddy called by over/under/over in prior seminars?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:17 PM PST] ko1 just to be sure
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive he does that for whole numbers
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive so if it spikes thru $2
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive usually waits to see if it goes
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:42 PM PST] InvestorsLive 1.80 1.90 2… 2.10 2.15 etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive rather than just buy
[Dec 6, 2009 5:24:50 PM PST] InvestorsLive let it come back and test $2 see if it holds
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive more often than not.. that strategy is used on a quick move
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive thru a whole numbre
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive if its just inching etc… not as important
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:25 PM PST] ko1 which would mean it’s slightly different from your play IL .. where you sorta anticipates the $2 break, and made your entry (on vol) at $1.90ish
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive well no ko1 ….
[Dec 6, 2009 5:25:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive I would do same thing its more so on quick spikes
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive something I’d miss lets say
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’re not going to be in every play…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:12 PM PST] ko1 ahh
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive so say it spike sthru $2 we all miss but we see it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive now we watch for the “magnet” around $2
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive and see if it settles around there and picks up higher from there
[Dec 6, 2009 5:26:48 PM PST] InvestorsLive so most often apply that to big spikes where you’ve missed the initial move
[Dec 6, 2009 5:27:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive as far as inchers going towards whole numbers.. Muddy and I both anticipate and usually will buy pre break
[Dec 6, 2009 5:27:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive I on the other hand like taking off some into that break.. so if I buy 2.90 range
[Dec 6, 2009 5:27:29 PM PST] Big J So do you usually wait for the pullback or is there a good way to get in on the first pop (aside from whole numbers, which i believe u explained)
[Dec 6, 2009 5:27:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive and it spikes quick to 3.10
[Dec 6, 2009 5:27:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive I’m prob out 3.08-3.09 for 1/2
[Dec 6, 2009 5:28:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive only way I would be in on the first pop is if its an incher/HODing… etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:28:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive as far as pull back over/under and stuff this is mainly for if you miss.. or if its just ripped up and your not sure if you should chase or not
[Dec 6, 2009 5:28:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive let it prove to you that its going to stay above $2
[Dec 6, 2009 5:28:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive before you just throw your $ at it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:29:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive any other questions on that?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:29:45 PM PST] jonnyslots …and what indicates the “proof” of holding the round number and possibly moving higher?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:29:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive just that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:29:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive it holds… starts to move higher off it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:30:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive then you have a) place to be in… b) place to take a loss c) potnetial profit
[Dec 6, 2009 5:30:14 PM PST] Ironman example of that friday is I missed the initial spike on FLOW and waited for it to come back down to 2.92 before i got in. only had aslight pop to 3.02 afte rthat but if i chased i would have suffered a loss for sure
[Dec 6, 2009 5:30:41 PM PST] Big J So as soon as it starts moving higher off of it that signals a buy?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:31:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s where I’d normally buy because now you know if it doesn’t hold that whole #.. give it a few pennies
[Dec 6, 2009 5:31:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive if it doesn’t hold cut it off
[Dec 6, 2009 5:31:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive hardest part is getting in and/or knowing where to take loss
[Dec 6, 2009 5:31:34 PM PST] InvestorsLive if you play that way off pops at least you know both
[Dec 6, 2009 5:32:27 PM PST] jonnyslots but it’s common to see gyrations between, for example. 2.9 and 3.05 and it’s hard to tell if it’ll pop higher or descend…we’ve all seen them go both ways…so you’re looking at that point at volume flows?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:32:35 PM PST] ko1 so after you made your entry, and assuming it does rise, at which point do you sell? (or do we go by “take profit at 20-30%” rule of thumb), i notice Muddy has been milking every trade
[Dec 6, 2009 5:32:50 PM PST] InvestorsLive right so if it doesn’t hold $3..
[Dec 6, 2009 5:32:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive you wouldn’t be in it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:09 PM PST] ko1 or it comes from experience of knowing former runners
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive you’re not interested in it if its going between $2.90 and 3.05
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:19 PM PST] InvestorsLive ur interested in it if it goes to 3.05 – 3.10 comes back holds $3
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive then re-test 3.05 – 3.10
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:27 PM PST] jonnyslots immediate dump once it charges back under the round number?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:33:48 PM PST] InvestorsLive I usually give it some room but yea at least it gives you an exit
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive for example my TTWO buy was sorta like that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive went down hit $7
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive bounced a lil
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:19 PM PST] InvestorsLive re-tested held…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:21 PM PST] InvestorsLive I bought 7.07
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive and I said stop if LOD braks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive breaks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:37 PM PST] InvestorsLive it gave me a place to buy… $7 held 2nd time
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:42 PM PST] InvestorsLive proved to me over $7
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive (its opposite example since it was a tanker but same concept)
[Dec 6, 2009 5:34:59 PM PST] jonnyslots so you might give it a few cents under 7, but hit sell if it pentetrates 6.95 in a southerly direction?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive right
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-20:32) ko1: so after you made your entry, and assuming it does rise, at which point do you sell? (or do we go by “take profit at 20-30%” rule of thumb), i notice Muddy has been milking every trade
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive I sell first pop with volume at least 1/2
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive then I let it either ride out see how it does as long as it keeps going
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive I’ll hold
[Dec 6, 2009 5:35:46 PM PST] InvestorsLive if its sideways or starts fading I’ll just take the res toff the table
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:00 PM PST] InvestorsLive those examples of where I’d sell are in the seminars I linked this weekend
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive to review with charts
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive some of me trading/exits etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:21 PM PST] ko1 but that could also mean the start of what you term “launching pad”, no? i think i saw one of the charts in your prior seminar
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:31 PM PST] ko1 when it sideways, that is
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive well thats more about when it pops… then sideways consolidation again and about to re-test HODs
[Dec 6, 2009 5:36:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive so i’ll be watching for a break w/ volume
[Dec 6, 2009 5:37:04 PM PST] InvestorsLive usually at the .05s
[Dec 6, 2009 5:37:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive 2.75 2.80… 2.85 etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:37:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive I’ll buy with the volume because usually if it DOESN’T end up breaking out worst case is even.. few pennies profit or few pennies loss
[Dec 6, 2009 5:38:33 PM PST] Muddy i watch for the sideways,at least 15 -20 mins,longer the better it seems, and the the retest
[Dec 6, 2009 5:38:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive yes good point
[Dec 6, 2009 5:38:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive nice sideways consolidation, first blip of volume and a retest
[Dec 6, 2009 5:38:57 PM PST] Muddy because the longer the safer imo
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:13 PM PST] Muddy you mioght not get the new pop
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:22 PM PST] Muddy but you rarely get a drop
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive this is an old one but perfect on this point ko1/jonny – check this recap out http://www.InvestorsLive.com/2009/09/12/seminars-prepared-us-for-this-move-tri-valley-corp-tiv/
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive I always link back to it because its text book what Muddy and I are talking about
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:43 PM PST] ko1 clear, thx
[Dec 6, 2009 5:39:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive only its a visual
[Dec 6, 2009 5:40:01 PM PST] Muddy if you are playing the darkwatches and/or the day rangers
[Dec 6, 2009 5:40:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive has the same “lingo” we’re talking about here as well
[Dec 6, 2009 5:40:19 PM PST] Muddy the odds are on your side of another pop,imo
[Dec 6, 2009 5:41:15 PM PST] milan82 GAP down stock normally goes down in pre market take a spike at open and than goes down most of the time TTWO didnot follow the spike first at open …….. is there any trick to know this tho . . . .
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:04 PM PST] ko1 if we have time and relevant, can we elaborate more on what is darkwatches (i tried searching on blog post, but couldn’t find one that describe what these are)
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:09 PM PST] jonnyslots sorry…can’t find “darkwatch” definition but notice they’re very quick and good movers when you alert them…quick definition and or link would be appreciated
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:21 PM PST] InvestorsLive milan82 – no that’s why I rarely hold into the opening bell – and if you’re right or wrong just cut it off and let it consolidate for a move you can predict
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:41 PM PST] ko1 that’s what i thought jonny, can’t find what defines “darkwatches”
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:50 PM PST] milan82 agree . . . . thanks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive yes, if you sent that question in – that’s one to be answered by Muddy tonight
[Dec 6, 2009 5:42:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive but – any more on topic please?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:43:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’ll get there guys
[Dec 6, 2009 5:43:11 PM PST] InvestorsLive anything so far from what we’ve covered?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:43:34 PM PST] mobileguy IS there different process with pennies
[Dec 6, 2009 5:43:50 PM PST] Muddy darkwatches how i find them…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:44:07 PM PST] Muddy “hot” stocks…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:44:19 PM PST] mobileguy hot
[Dec 6, 2009 5:44:41 PM PST] Muddy http://darksidetrading.blogspot.com/2008/10/how-i-find-darkside-watches.html
[Dec 6, 2009 5:45:14 PM PST] ko1 gotcha
[Dec 6, 2009 5:45:22 PM PST] mobileguy tnaks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:45:52 PM PST] jonnyslots yes…t naks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:46:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive QUESTION: This is for InvestorsLive. Do you still use stockhouse for your screens and if so do you have the screens you use listed anywhere?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:46:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive all Muddy and everyones screens are right here: http://www.investorsunderground.com/stock-fetcher-scans/
[Dec 6, 2009 5:46:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive sorry L did you have something to add… 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 5:48:23 PM PST] Laura was just going to say that Mudd has two blogs, neither very active, but still tons of info on them
[Dec 6, 2009 5:48:59 PM PST] Laura http://greenonthescreen.blogspot.com/
[Dec 6, 2009 5:49:13 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://darksidetrading.blogspot.com/
[Dec 6, 2009 5:49:29 PM PST] Laura yes, thanks for jumping in, LOL
[Dec 6, 2009 5:49:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 5:49:35 PM PST] ko1 yea been reading them, have tons of questions, but maybe i’ll save it for next seminar 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 5:49:54 PM PST] Laura ask away
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:02 PM PST] InvestorsLive Another question that was asked was a bit about my charts and do I use 10/60 etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive I use 1 min chart w/ vol
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s all
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive period
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive no I don’t use 10/60
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:23 PM PST] Laura we don’t even use 10/60 that much
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:32 PM PST] Laura just a nice tool at times
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’re in a market WITH plays if its harder to come by plays
[Dec 6, 2009 5:50:56 PM PST] InvestorsLive sure.. maybe nice to add to arsenal
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:30 PM PST] Laura we don’t watch charts obsessively thru the day
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:39 PM PST] fairah investorlive, did you make money on the TTWO on friday ?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:40 PM PST] Laura more price/volume for us
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:48 PM PST] InvestorsLive yes a ton fairah
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive that was really my only main play
[Dec 6, 2009 5:51:55 PM PST] ko1 Laura, it’s technical question on your scan on GOTS – perhaps I can send separate email? I was trying out stockfetcher scan yesterday
[Dec 6, 2009 5:52:02 PM PST] dantx what 1 min charts do u use equity feed?
[Dec 6, 2009 5:52:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive I use dastrader dantx
[Dec 6, 2009 5:52:29 PM PST] Laura ko1, send me a PM
[Dec 6, 2009 5:52:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive w/ SpeedTrader
[Dec 6, 2009 5:52:53 PM PST] fairah when u recommended it in pre-market, it was trading at 7.73, dropped after market open
[Dec 6, 2009 5:53:21 PM PST] InvestorsLive I didn’t recco it, but I was trading it prior maybe before you got into the chat room
[Dec 6, 2009 5:53:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive made $300-400 on the first trade
[Dec 6, 2009 5:53:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive then rebought with .45 cent average going into bell
[Dec 6, 2009 5:54:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive then sold that at 9:30 let it trad ebefore I alerted at 7.07
[Dec 6, 2009 5:54:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive check chat logs fairah they are avail here one sec
[Dec 6, 2009 5:54:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://www.investorsunderground.com/2009/12/04/trading-hour-chat-logs-220/
[Dec 6, 2009 5:54:29 PM PST] fairah oh ok thanks
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:00 PM PST] fairah one question, i bought SOMX at 3.99 on wed, still holding it. Wating for teh FDA response
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:09 PM PST] fairah i lost money on it holding it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:30 PM PST] fairah i am not sure if i should hold it or drop it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:38 PM PST] fairah FDA didnt give response on dec 4
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive well ur playing flip a coin
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive if u hold for FDA
[Dec 6, 2009 5:55:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive so just be prepared for -50% or 100%
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:10 PM PST] Muddy agree,i never do that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive if u can stomach that then go for it… but I just trade the momentum on that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:13 PM PST] InvestorsLive otherwise wouldn’t hold it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:18 PM PST] Laura yeah, I don’t like holding pharmas like that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:26 PM PST] Muddy nah
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s not trading, that’s hope 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:48 PM PST] amberkeener i learned my lesson on holding and not trading momentum
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:51 PM PST] amberkeener 🙁
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:51 PM PST] dantx hold whats that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:51 PM PST] Laura see people doing it all the time………..”THEY GETTING FDA APPROVAL FRIDAY”
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:54 PM PST] fairah yea i know, most of the time it doesnt work out
[Dec 6, 2009 5:56:59 PM PST] amberkeener im with you IL… no hope
[Dec 6, 2009 5:57:03 PM PST] Laura ah, noooooo, you don’t know that
[Dec 6, 2009 5:57:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive another question regarding re-pump / pump etc
[Dec 6, 2009 5:57:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive one seminar I went over how I played pumps
[Dec 6, 2009 5:57:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive and recently as I’ve also stated they aren’treally having big second days anymore…
[Dec 6, 2009 5:57:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive which kinda sucks cuz there was a ton of money made there
[Dec 6, 2009 5:58:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive but for example if we are expected a ‘repump’
[Dec 6, 2009 5:58:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’re just looking to take advantage of the gap
[Dec 6, 2009 5:58:17 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s all, nothing else stuff like HWSY
[Dec 6, 2009 5:58:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive if it doesn’t hold or go up right outta the bell you need to sell it
[Dec 6, 2009 5:59:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive one other thing
[Dec 6, 2009 5:59:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive the CABL trade
[Dec 6, 2009 5:59:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive some were chasing into the big pop
[Dec 6, 2009 5:59:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive guys its OK to miss a trade
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://www.investorsunderground.com/2009/06/28/seminar-28th/
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://www.investorsunderground.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/lee1.png
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:14 PM PST] kydra so if a stock is closing at HOD is it generally recco to buy it and catch the morning gap given enough volume was present?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive that perfectly explains what I’m looking for in a momentum trade
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:33 PM PST] InvestorsLive if you guys are chasing that move… settle down
[Dec 6, 2009 6:00:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive its ok.. there will be more
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:02 PM PST] madmax is the reason that you don’t gap NASDAQ because it can be traded AH vs. pink/otcbb?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:02 PM PST] cpaul very true
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive a move that goes from inching .01 … at a time every few minutes 5-10 minute sgains another penny
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:13 PM PST] InvestorsLive to bammmmmmm .05-.10 cents in a minute
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive TAKE UR GAINS
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive some of them if not all
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:34 PM PST] InvestorsLive not all.. but just be sure to lock in
[Dec 6, 2009 6:01:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive if ur buying there… good luck
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:00 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s best way to explain CABL .. many times these will have another re-test like PEIX did for us
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:04 PM PST] InvestorsLive sometimes they dont
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive remember PEIX
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=peix&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=4&size=2&state=8&sid=1948771&style=340&time=3&freq=6&comp=NO%5FSYMBOL%5FCHOSEN&nosettings=1&rand=3114&mocktick=1
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:33 PM PST] InvestorsLive ramped into the close on the 3rd
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:50 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-21:00) kydra: so if a stock is closing at HOD is it generally recco to buy it and catch the morning gap given enough volume was present?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:02:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive I usually do if it closes well
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:02 PM PST] InvestorsLive and if theres lots of newsletters on it
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:11 PM PST] InvestorsLive because theres a good chance they’ll be slapping everyone high fives saying
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive oh man we are great
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:15 PM PST] fairah can u alert us to that investorlive?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive more gains coming blah blah
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive alert u to what?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:46 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-21:00) madmax: is the reason that you don’t gap NASDAQ because it can be traded AH vs. pink/otcbb?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:47 PM PST] fairah when it closes good during closing and rises during the nextday at market open
[Dec 6, 2009 6:03:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive I go to the gym .. don’t like refreshing my phone also juts look at PIEX
[Dec 6, 2009 6:04:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive PEIX ***
[Dec 6, 2009 6:04:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive nasdaq isn’t relied upon for pumpers
[Dec 6, 2009 6:04:17 PM PST] jonnyslots Friday you suggested that the gap up strategy might be waning…yes?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:04:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive so if it moves into close strong on some1 getting squeezeds
[Dec 6, 2009 6:04:41 PM PST] InvestorsLive that doesn’t mean its gonna open th same
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive right jonny… a lot of the gaps I’ve been doing lately are either right at closing price
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:11 PM PST] InvestorsLive or right where i bought
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive like QASP bought .018 … ended up selling like .0185
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive in any other market would be .022 etc
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-21:03) fairah: when it closes good during closing and rises during the nextday at market open
[Dec 6, 2009 6:05:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive not sure how to alert you to that more so than I already do
[Dec 6, 2009 6:06:02 PM PST] fairah ok i understand
[Dec 6, 2009 6:06:14 PM PST] fairah thanks
[Dec 6, 2009 6:06:36 PM PST] jonnyslots so you alter your strategy based on trends, yes…for example about two months ago I had an extraordinary run on a basket of Chinese stocks and managed to get out near highs for great gains…and the gap up strat has produced great results…what’s percolating now on a macro level?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:06:58 PM PST] jonnyslots or you just have to wait and see?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:07:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive yea no idea
[Dec 6, 2009 6:07:47 PM PST] InvestorsLive just greed coming
[Dec 6, 2009 6:07:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive RBTI HWSY etc
[Dec 6, 2009 6:08:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s why you take losses – everyone looking for the bounce on HWSY
[Dec 6, 2009 6:08:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive HELLLLLOOOO did you not see RBTI yesterday?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:08:09 PM PST] InvestorsLive lol
[Dec 6, 2009 6:08:16 PM PST] InvestorsLive same thing different ticker
[Dec 6, 2009 6:08:29 PM PST] jonnyslots always scary when they open way gapped…then immediately start to backslide
[Dec 6, 2009 6:09:41 PM PST] jonnyslots i stay away
[Dec 6, 2009 6:10:08 PM PST] InvestorsLive and if you guys are playing pre market – please understand its risky, I take gains on the first move up
[Dec 6, 2009 6:10:32 PM PST] InvestorsLive or cut them quick if wrong
[Dec 6, 2009 6:11:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive last thing people had asked Mud, was that tanker scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:11:40 PM PST] InvestorsLive how to locate the big big tankers
[Dec 6, 2009 6:11:58 PM PST] Laura you newbs playing PM and AH are nuts IMO
[Dec 6, 2009 6:11:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive XCEL we got lucky – I just found it scrolling thru old tickers
[Dec 6, 2009 6:12:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive said WOAH
[Dec 6, 2009 6:12:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive yes – and if you are new feel free to PM first don’t just buy/sell because you think you understand something if you have a question feel free to PM
[Dec 6, 2009 6:12:29 PM PST] jonnyslots on the pennies/POSs i like to look at how how they’ve traded in a 52 week window…say Theramed, which is at .06 and has been as high as .75 or ACTI, etc. you guys put any stock in that (no pun intended)?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:12:40 PM PST] Laura nope
[Dec 6, 2009 6:12:59 PM PST] Muddy i mentioned XCEL thurs night because i knew i had an edge
[Dec 6, 2009 6:13:30 PM PST] Muddy i KNEW i had an edge over 90% of folks out there
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive hanging out after hours helps too 🙂 while we scan and talk
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive usually 9-10PM
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:21 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://www.InvestorsLive.com/2009/12/04/jobs-jobs-jobs-for-november/#comments
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:24 PM PST] InvestorsLive night we found XCEL
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:34 PM PST] Muddy i don’t want an edge over the 160 in this chat,but you better believe i want it over the other millions
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:40 PM PST] Muddy and i DO
[Dec 6, 2009 6:14:51 PM PST] InvestorsLive yup
[Dec 6, 2009 6:15:11 PM PST] Muddy bacause i run that losers scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:15:24 PM PST] ko1 IL, 9-10PM is good time to come in yea?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:16:38 PM PST] Muddy for example i KNOW about BIOF,GRZ,GRH monday
[Dec 6, 2009 6:16:56 PM PST] Muddy i KNOW the odds
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:04 PM PST] Muddy i KNOW the facts
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:12 PM PST] fairah those will rise monday ?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:20 PM PST] Muddy bacause i KNOW the odds
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:28 PM PST] Muddy i have no clue
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:38 PM PST] ko1 and that comes after experience?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:45 PM PST] Muddy i KNOW if on GREEN the odds!!!!
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:45 PM PST] ko1 after = from
[Dec 6, 2009 6:17:53 PM PST] cpaul and age 😉
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:01 PM PST] Muddy no its the scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:09 PM PST] Muddy its not a filter!
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:18 PM PST] Muddy it an odds SCAN
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:27 PM PST] ko1 darkside watches?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:29 PM PST] Muddy i knoe their dayrange
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive (simsim – check ur PM please)
[Dec 6, 2009 6:18:46 PM PST] Muddy i KNOW how beat they are
[Dec 6, 2009 6:19:12 PM PST] Muddy i KNOW their runs in the last 100 days!
[Dec 6, 2009 6:19:16 PM PST] Laura http://darksidetrading.blogspot.com/2008/11/scan-for-losers.html
[Dec 6, 2009 6:19:28 PM PST] Laura code is all there for SF users
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:03 PM PST] Muddy i KNEW XCEL for friday had huge odds in your favor
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:05 PM PST] fairah Muddy, any picks like XCEL for monday ?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:25 PM PST] Laura DO YOUR OWN SCANS!
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:27 PM PST] Muddy run the scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:34 PM PST] InvestorsLive fairah, we are PREPARED for tomorrow
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive who knows whats gonna go
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:39 PM PST] Muddy i jusy gave you 3
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:42 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s why we are traders
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:44 PM PST] Big J So on the loser scan are you looking for potential longs?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:20:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive if we knew, we’d be billionaire and not trading
[Dec 6, 2009 6:21:05 PM PST] Muddy the code is already written for you
[Dec 6, 2009 6:21:08 PM PST] Laura Mudd gave 3 possibles, BIOF GRZ GRH
[Dec 6, 2009 6:21:21 PM PST] Laura how much more you want guys?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:21:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive right trading like this is all about preperation, you become familiar with the tickers you prepare yourself for the next trading day
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:06 PM PST] Muddy OPXA ZIOP too
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:20 PM PST] InvestorsLive that’s why we talk about former runners a lot.. you’ll understand if you do many scans over time… then these big losers that Muddy is talking about make more sense
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:23 PM PST] fairah oh ok thanks, i am still new to investorlive.. so am learning
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive you see it on HOD list w/ vol tomorrow
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:27 PM PST] Laura yes Big J
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:32 PM PST] Laura potential longs
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:35 PM PST] chillax would you say how far something might run, would you look at DJIA and spx as well
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:40 PM PST] Big J thx 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:40 PM PST] Laura look at XCEL chart
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:44 PM PST] InvestorsLive no chillax
[Dec 6, 2009 6:22:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive Muddy doesn’t know what the market does on any given day
[Dec 6, 2009 6:23:05 PM PST] Muddy that scan shows odds of 1-5 5-10 over 10% odds
[Dec 6, 2009 6:23:51 PM PST] Laura if you aren’t going to bother to do the SF scans on your own, then you shouldn’t be asking questions here IMO
[Dec 6, 2009 6:24:13 PM PST] Laura it’s not rocket science, easiest thing in the world
[Dec 6, 2009 6:24:35 PM PST] kydra sorry if I missed this I’m new- where are the SF scans?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:24:41 PM PST] Laura start doing your own scans and get familiar with the symbols that pop up time and again
[Dec 6, 2009 6:24:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive same link I provided earlier in seminar http://www.investorsunderground.com/stock-fetcher-scans/
[Dec 6, 2009 6:25:12 PM PST] kydra thanks – again 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 6:26:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive by doing scans each night.. when you see them come up on scan during the day you’re prepared
[Dec 6, 2009 6:26:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive if you don’t do scans… its like going to the final without studying
[Dec 6, 2009 6:26:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive prepare yourself if you want to be successful
[Dec 6, 2009 6:27:24 PM PST] Muddy and if you are time cruched,run that losers scan after a few red market days
[Dec 6, 2009 6:27:37 PM PST] Muddy thats when it really shines
[Dec 6, 2009 6:28:36 PM PST] Muddy that scan even shows you the FAILS
[Dec 6, 2009 6:28:38 PM PST] Ironman i do recall a while back Muddy also said that if you are not always able to run scans that dayrangers 1 time per week and the pre-leaders will provide plenty of plays
[Dec 6, 2009 6:28:45 PM PST] Muddy how easy is that?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:29:19 PM PST] Muddy yup once a week all you ever need,iron
[Dec 6, 2009 6:30:07 PM PST] Ironman especially if your under pdt or dont trade as much as some of the people here, you dont need 5 plays a day then, just find the ones you feel are the best
[Dec 6, 2009 6:30:15 PM PST] Ironman maybe stalk them till the time is right
[Dec 6, 2009 6:30:23 PM PST] Muddy from losers look chart HEAT
[Dec 6, 2009 6:30:50 PM PST] Muddy you got odds on side big if you see green
[Dec 6, 2009 6:31:02 PM PST] Muddy otherwise let it go deeper red
[Dec 6, 2009 6:31:12 PM PST] Muddy then tues stalk again
[Dec 6, 2009 6:31:29 PM PST] Muddy and so forth
[Dec 6, 2009 6:32:23 PM PST] Muddy these are facts,how much they run last 100 days and their day range
[Dec 6, 2009 6:32:42 PM PST] tarheeljeff Muddy, you like to see a percentage point or two confirmation on green before jumping in (intraday), right?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:33:18 PM PST] Ironman everyone alwasy wants to be in a good trade, but sometimes discipline and patience and discipline pays off. maybe that play you were looking for may not happen that day, but the next and you are still ready for it. tough lesson to learn, but dont jump the gun
[Dec 6, 2009 6:33:46 PM PST] TinkertBells hi, which of the scans would you say is best to follow … ADR, 10% Gainer or Losers scan …
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive Tinker they’re all different
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive they are for different thing
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:18 PM PST] InvestorsLive its his homework, how he prepares
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive I prepare with th stockhouse scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:30 PM PST] InvestorsLive and chart his plays that he puts up as well
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:47 PM PST] Muddy the whole deal is this,on Fri i had no more clue than anyone if XCEL would catch green…
[Dec 6, 2009 6:34:53 PM PST] JJB (another vote for the stockhouse scan, it’s amazing)
[Dec 6, 2009 6:35:03 PM PST] Muddy but i KNEW if it did it could be huge
[Dec 6, 2009 6:35:22 PM PST] Muddy thats why i was calling it all the way up
[Dec 6, 2009 6:35:43 PM PST] TinkertBells oki…
[Dec 6, 2009 6:36:45 PM PST] Big J Is there a place where all the scans are explained (what they mean and what you are looking for)?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:37:06 PM PST] tarheeljeff Muddy‘s blog (for his scans)
[Dec 6, 2009 6:37:30 PM PST] Big J Thx and what about the ones not done through stock fetcher?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:37:47 PM PST] tarheeljeff http://greenonthescreen.blogspot.com/2008/06/im-gonna-try.html
[Dec 6, 2009 6:37:58 PM PST] tarheeljeff those are stockfetcher
[Dec 6, 2009 6:38:29 PM PST] Muddy MMPIQ was another i mentioned Fri
[Dec 6, 2009 6:38:41 PM PST] Muddy IT NEVER WENT GREEN
[Dec 6, 2009 6:38:42 PM PST] tarheeljeff it’s mentioned under “Important Links” on the DashBoard (for future reference) also
[Dec 6, 2009 6:38:51 PM PST] Muddy you do not touch it fri
[Dec 6, 2009 6:39:05 PM PST] Muddy but if green mon,i’m on it
[Dec 6, 2009 6:39:23 PM PST] Muddy cause it got bombed more
[Dec 6, 2009 6:39:31 PM PST] milan82 is there any tool which shows real time short , floating, outstanding stocks in the market. . . . .
[Dec 6, 2009 6:39:38 PM PST] Muddy which is great for me
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:05 PM PST] Laura dunno milan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:08 PM PST] Muddy its adr 10 is 52%!!!!!
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:10 PM PST] milan82 thx
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:13 PM PST] Laura best I know is shortsqueeze.com
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:48 PM PST] smccl when you say “went green” how much green and for how long generally before you like to jump in.. i understand volume probably plays a role here as well
[Dec 6, 2009 6:40:53 PM PST] Muddy do you think MMPIQ odds arent on your side if green?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:41:17 PM PST] Muddy its down 33% in 2 days
[Dec 6, 2009 6:41:27 PM PST] smccl 2% for 20 minutes for example.. just to guage your comfort level
[Dec 6, 2009 6:42:19 PM PST] Muddy how about BRYN on that scan?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:42:32 PM PST] Muddy i love those odds on green
[Dec 6, 2009 6:43:59 PM PST] tarheeljeff Just a note, the SF scan from Muddy‘s “Losers Scan” blog post only shows those w/ price between 1 & 15 , will have to modifiy to see pennies
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:09 PM PST] dwarfjesus have a q on scans Laura says run your own scans but are they not the same as posted?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:13 PM PST] Muddy BRYN .78 to .22
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:26 PM PST] Muddy and big odds on its daily run
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:40 PM PST] Muddy you know i’m on that on green
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:51 PM PST] Laura dwarf, sure they are the same as posted
[Dec 6, 2009 6:44:56 PM PST] dwarfjesus ok
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:02 PM PST] Laura but you can modify for price
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:06 PM PST] Laura and ADR
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:11 PM PST] dwarfjesus results i mean
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:15 PM PST] Laura and many other tweaks
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:26 PM PST] dwarfjesus pre dark etc
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:33 PM PST] Muddy the scan tells me what to watch
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:43 PM PST] Muddy i don’t pre judge these
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:53 PM PST] DCobra ref. BRYN on green…BRYN got more pump by PSC this weekend
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:54 PM PST] Muddy only what the action is
[Dec 6, 2009 6:45:55 PM PST] Laura so many people want to compare results with us, but there are so many tweaks you may want to make due to market conditions
[Dec 6, 2009 6:46:04 PM PST] Laura yes DC
[Dec 6, 2009 6:46:21 PM PST] dwarfjesus cool
[Dec 6, 2009 6:46:33 PM PST] DCobra now that I know what Muddy‘s looking for, I’ll be watching 😉
[Dec 6, 2009 6:47:01 PM PST] Laura DCobra not the lemming then, he “gets it”
[Dec 6, 2009 6:47:20 PM PST] Muddy i seperate the losers scan by price and use the “totals”
[Dec 6, 2009 6:47:28 PM PST] Laura look at the big picture of what Muddy is saying
[Dec 6, 2009 6:47:48 PM PST] DCobra they’ve been so severely beaten last few days (BRYN and MMPIQ) that they almost have no place ese to go but up….correction drastically oversold
[Dec 6, 2009 6:47:53 PM PST] Muddy the totals are explained in that link,Laura put up
[Dec 6, 2009 6:48:32 PM PST] Big J I’m a little confused on the market conditions topic. You guys say you don’t care what the market is doing but then you also say that scans may need to be tweaked due to market conditions. How do we know how/when to tweak things? Is this addressed anywhere?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:49:17 PM PST] Ironman well if the market is down 300 points im sure lots of stuff is not going to break out
[Dec 6, 2009 6:49:33 PM PST] nramesh30 Muddy did u play CLWT on friday. I see that it showed up on thursday night’s RFR scan
[Dec 6, 2009 6:49:45 PM PST] Ironman and if it is up 300 im sur etheir wont be as many short opportunities, or selling off
[Dec 6, 2009 6:50:18 PM PST] Ironman so essentially a stock that goes red/green on a down day may not work the same if the market is on fire
[Dec 6, 2009 6:50:33 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-21:48) Big J: I’m a little confused on the market conditions topic. You guys say you don’t care what the market is doing but then you also say that scans may need to be tweaked due to market conditions. How do we know how/when to tweak things? Is this addressed anywhere?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:50:35 PM PST] Big J Do you guys watch the market as well then ?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:50:49 PM PST] InvestorsLive nothing really to tweak… I think ur referencing one thing
[Dec 6, 2009 6:50:53 PM PST] InvestorsLive and my decision to cut down on gappers
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive because they weren’t working as well as they were
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive in past month
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive other than that, what else is changing?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive if u can pinpoint – please lemme know
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:27 PM PST] Laura Big J, I just meant if things get more volatile, you may want to up the ADR % on some scans
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive or address 1 in particular
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive maybe I can better answer
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:37 PM PST] Big J Yes that’s true but I also asked that question in reference to what Laura said
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:54 PM PST] Laura I mean a few years ago 8% day range may have been good
[Dec 6, 2009 6:51:59 PM PST] Laura Now………….different
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:02 PM PST] DCobra thats one thing we all need to learn that havent learned it already….like the gappers, market conditions do change over time and strategy that worked for a while will no longer work
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:27 PM PST] Big J It wasn’t to anything in particular… just how to know when/if slight changes need to be made. Wondering if I should watch the market
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive if market drops hard and all these big runs start just fading left and right
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive we’ll have more shorts
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive other than that if you can clarify ..
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:48 PM PST] Laura When I first started trading with Muddy about 5 years ago, if you got one 10% runner you felt lucky
[Dec 6, 2009 6:52:53 PM PST] Laura Different market
[Dec 6, 2009 6:53:33 PM PST] Laura Main thing Muddy does is tweak his filters/scans so he has about 40 on watch for each filter
[Dec 6, 2009 6:53:48 PM PST] Laura So you tweak the ADR etc up/down to do that
[Dec 6, 2009 6:53:50 PM PST] Big J No that makes sense thanks. I was just wondering if there was more to it. U guys answered thank u
[Dec 6, 2009 6:54:03 PM PST] Laura No big deal, just how we do it
[Dec 6, 2009 6:54:28 PM PST] Muddy no on CLWT fri,it lost its vol
[Dec 6, 2009 6:54:43 PM PST] InvestorsLive lost connection
[Dec 6, 2009 6:55:35 PM PST] Laura but…………I luv CLWT
[Dec 6, 2009 6:55:53 PM PST] Laura LOL, wait til it comes back……I hope! 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 6:56:34 PM PST] Muddy GCKO play off the day fri,outta subs
[Dec 6, 2009 6:56:50 PM PST] Muddy showing huge brief asks
[Dec 6, 2009 6:57:08 PM PST] Muddy who would’ve knew thurs night
[Dec 6, 2009 6:57:20 PM PST] dantx is stockfetcher.com the site to use for scans?
[Dec 6, 2009 6:57:22 PM PST] Muddy and their be one monday
[Dec 6, 2009 6:57:45 PM PST] TinkertBells CLWT … the gift that keeps on giving 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 6:57:50 PM PST] Ironman yeah GCKO nice late day also
[Dec 6, 2009 6:58:11 PM PST] Muddy CLWT as the fellow said,on rfr
[Dec 6, 2009 6:58:26 PM PST] Muddy but you need to see the jig with vol
[Dec 6, 2009 6:59:06 PM PST] Big J I asked in an email what exactly you guys are looking at during live trading (how many monitors, etc..). Could you answer that here? I’m not sure what exactly what would be best to be looking at. Right now I just have charts, L2 and order entry
[Dec 6, 2009 7:00:23 PM PST] bmon 3 here big j
[Dec 6, 2009 7:00:58 PM PST] Big J Cool and what are you watching on each one?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive 3 24s
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:33 PM PST] cpaul 2 22s
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:34 PM PST] bmon middle screen i have hod/lod list, orders 2 charts/lvl2/t&s
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:44 PM PST] bmon other one this chat, trade ideas, chart
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:47 PM PST] bmon then another with 8 charts
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:52 PM PST] InvestorsLive chat 6 stocks level 2 time and sale … 4 other level2 and time and sales equity feed tweet deck etc
[Dec 6, 2009 7:01:53 PM PST] bmon just depends what ya like too look at
[Dec 6, 2009 7:02:26 PM PST] Big J cool thanks for the input 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 7:03:28 PM PST] JJB definitely a personal preference thing, i go with a less-is-more approach
[Dec 6, 2009 7:03:39 PM PST] silentstatement 3 towers 9 monitors i need more
[Dec 6, 2009 7:03:53 PM PST] JJB haha sheesh
[Dec 6, 2009 7:04:37 PM PST] TinkertBells lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:06:35 PM PST] Laura I’m like JJB, keep it simple, less is more
[Dec 6, 2009 7:06:42 PM PST] Laura 2 22s for me
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:03 PM PST] Laura wouldn’t mind another, but no big deal
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:09 PM PST] JJB yeah i’m close, my 18″ laptop and a 23″ lcd
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:24 PM PST] JJB and really, that’s more than i need/use anyway
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:37 PM PST] Muddy HEB from the losers scan.there’s odds imo
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:56 PM PST] DCobra just upped to a 22 and a 23….thanks to my son for messing up and grounded from his PC for a while haha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:07:58 PM PST] Big J thx for the input everyone
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:07 PM PST] Laura same here JJB, better to find the right ones than obsess over them all
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:18 PM PST] JJB indeed
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:20 PM PST] Laura ha DC
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:25 PM PST] silentstatement matrox g450 quad card about 50$
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:32 PM PST] bmon if your newer big j id focus on the less is more thing
[Dec 6, 2009 7:08:55 PM PST] Big J Ok will do. Just workin off a 24″ imac for now
[Dec 6, 2009 7:09:11 PM PST] Laura all you need to start
[Dec 6, 2009 7:09:59 PM PST] JJB i had one 19″ when i started
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:08 PM PST] JJB hah
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:13 PM PST] Laura ok everyone, follow DCobra
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:22 PM PST] Laura ground your kids!
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:23 PM PST] DCobra I trade just fine from a 6 year old Compaq laptop with 14 inch screen when out and about working tho…cant watch as many things but I gotta drive anyways lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:27 PM PST] JJB hahaha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:10:49 PM PST] bmon ground your kids and make them learn stocks
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:05 PM PST] Laura sheesh I wish bmon
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:08 PM PST] JJB and they can only be ungrounded by picking winners 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:21 PM PST] thahound lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:23 PM PST] DCobra yeah, my son is not too happy about my appropriating his 23inch LCD but maybe Santa will be nice if it makes me more productive
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:28 PM PST] bmon yes! unless your kids the dean then dont let him near stocks 😛
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:30 PM PST] Muddy MCLN on losers scan
[Dec 6, 2009 7:11:38 PM PST] Muddy 60% adr10
[Dec 6, 2009 7:12:34 PM PST] DCobra thats funny bmon…my kid does want to learn trading
[Dec 6, 2009 7:12:42 PM PST] thahound GNVC looking good if it can hold $1 and get some more vol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:12:47 PM PST] bmon wow good deal dc! hwo old
[Dec 6, 2009 7:13:24 PM PST] DCobra he’s 9…smart kid but underachiever
[Dec 6, 2009 7:13:25 PM PST] Laura but if newer to this……………stay away from MCLN types. you might get killed
[Dec 6, 2009 7:13:35 PM PST] Muddy yup
[Dec 6, 2009 7:13:56 PM PST] Laura best to catch these type on first few days
[Dec 6, 2009 7:14:07 PM PST] DCobra he has a trust fund he will be getting when he’s 24 and Im already working on him not to blow it on cars, women, etc etc but parlay it into money for life
[Dec 6, 2009 7:14:29 PM PST] bmon yeah thats the best way to do it….make money off that then blow some on cars, women, etc
[Dec 6, 2009 7:14:47 PM PST] JJB yikes
[Dec 6, 2009 7:14:53 PM PST] JJB you better work hard
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:03 PM PST] thahound or blow it on bmon and jjb’s new pr
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:07 PM PST] Muddy ACPI watching green too
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:13 PM PST] JJB hahaha yessss
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:24 PM PST] DCobra yep…plenty of time to spend profits later…make em first…biggest hump to get over in this game is having enough capital to start the ball rolling…he’ll be ahead of the game on that end if he plays it right
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:52 PM PST] JJB get him started now so when he gets the trust money, it’s no big deal to him
[Dec 6, 2009 7:15:54 PM PST] bmon ACPI old HGCP
[Dec 6, 2009 7:16:02 PM PST] Muddy its got that pinch chart with huge 38% odds of decent run
[Dec 6, 2009 7:16:25 PM PST] DCobra haha…I made him read Candlestick Charting for Dummies…and he actually is reading it
[Dec 6, 2009 7:18:07 PM PST] bmon good deal! wow couldtn imagine learning that at 9 haha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:18:30 PM PST] JJB um, i still can’t learn it… and i’m 27
[Dec 6, 2009 7:19:05 PM PST] Muddy if HWSY gets the repump,watch out
[Dec 6, 2009 7:19:11 PM PST] DCobra I didnt know squat about stocks at 9…wish I’d have taken an interest much earlier
[Dec 6, 2009 7:19:18 PM PST] JJB ditto
[Dec 6, 2009 7:19:43 PM PST] Muddy red vol more than green vol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:20:23 PM PST] Muddy that means theres shrs out there ready for green move,if it hits it
[Dec 6, 2009 7:22:49 PM PST] smccl just went through my weekend spam and ZENG is being pumped like crazy
[Dec 6, 2009 7:22:57 PM PST] smccl just fyi
[Dec 6, 2009 7:23:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive ya
[Dec 6, 2009 7:23:12 PM PST] InvestorsLive we caught that frontload Friday
[Dec 6, 2009 7:23:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive they give it away every time
[Dec 6, 2009 7:23:36 PM PST] DCobra ZENG is biofuels…that and ethanol has been hot lately, but that can change
[Dec 6, 2009 7:23:39 PM PST] Muddy one thing i have to stress..those high brief asks on the under $1’s
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:00 PM PST] kydra buy ZENG on the bell Monday? should get a good pump?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:05 PM PST] Muddy i see them on scott,maybe you see on your broker
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:16 PM PST] Muddy but i don’t on IB
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:19 PM PST] InvestorsLive pump over night.. so prob not kydra
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive good for those in from Friday
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:28 PM PST] Muddy take advantage
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive may pop but scary to buy on a big gap
[Dec 6, 2009 7:24:56 PM PST] kydra yea I was late on Friday…fought with girlfriend on the phone instead of buy on the close..%%%%!
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:20 PM PST] Muddy i didn’t like the b/a action on ZENG friday
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:22 PM PST] bmon s/s g/f
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:33 PM PST] kydra lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:38 PM PST] smccl xtremepicks getting 2mil free shares
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:47 PM PST] smccl he and psc must be the same or something
[Dec 6, 2009 7:25:55 PM PST] smccl always getting compensated by the same sleazy comanies
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:25 PM PST] Muddy for real ,imo.these pump ones are for fun if you have a larger acct
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:30 PM PST] kydra stockrich.com also pumping ZENG
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:33 PM PST] InvestorsLive they are
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:38 PM PST] InvestorsLive stockrich is hototc
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:44 PM PST] Muddy the money is in the other stuff,day by day
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive yea guys need to be careful on pumps if new
[Dec 6, 2009 7:26:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive VERY careful
[Dec 6, 2009 7:27:05 PM PST] Muddy i’ve run a chat 10 yrs now
[Dec 6, 2009 7:27:22 PM PST] Muddy i’ve see prob over 200 just gone
[Dec 6, 2009 7:27:37 PM PST] Muddy never to be seen again
[Dec 6, 2009 7:27:43 PM PST] smccl heed taken
[Dec 6, 2009 7:28:34 PM PST] Muddy just a few % a week,over and over
[Dec 6, 2009 7:29:20 PM PST] Muddy but sure the homerun swing is fun and works sometimes on the pennies
[Dec 6, 2009 7:29:37 PM PST] Muddy if you can take the hit down
[Dec 6, 2009 7:30:23 PM PST] Muddy but with the scans,on GREEN you hugely increase the odds in your favor
[Dec 6, 2009 7:30:35 PM PST] Muddy thats the ones i stalk
[Dec 6, 2009 7:32:39 PM PST] bmon g2r before an even number is one of my fav plays sometimes get that nice pop follwed by shorts covering and new buyers rolling in
[Dec 6, 2009 7:34:36 PM PST] bmon i mean r2g
[Dec 6, 2009 7:37:37 PM PST] bmon p.s for those of you who follow me on twitter i changed my thing
[Dec 6, 2009 7:38:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://twitter.com/bmontrades
[Dec 6, 2009 7:38:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive comon guys he only has 1 follower
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:06 PM PST] InvestorsLive $5 dollar paypal bonus to the 100th follower
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:11 PM PST] bmon yes 🙁
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:17 PM PST] bmon 1 follower haha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:22 PM PST] bmon and that guy i dont even really like!
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:25 PM PST] InvestorsLive lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:27 PM PST] bmon lol 😀
[Dec 6, 2009 7:39:29 PM PST] InvestorsLive oooo
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:13 PM PST] mindstatements lol il being the only follower
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:18 PM PST] dantx im techno challenged still not tweeting lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:30 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://twitter.com/bmontrades
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:31 PM PST] InvestorsLive refresh
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:38 PM PST] mindstatements I shall follow … I suggest you dont follow back none of my tweets are trade related lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:39 PM PST] Katsu lol no twitt? bmon
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive not after bmons comment
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:45 PM PST] bmon :O
[Dec 6, 2009 7:40:52 PM PST] bmon i just started it tonight lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:00 PM PST] InvestorsLive 0 Followers
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:07 PM PST] bmon lol you kill me IL
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:14 PM PST] mindstatements il unfollowed
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:20 PM PST] mindstatements I followed
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:22 PM PST] InvestorsLive yea mind
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive (Dec 06-22:39) bmon: and that guy i dont even really like!
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:30 PM PST] InvestorsLive hahaha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:30 PM PST] mindstatements dont burn bridges
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:48 PM PST] mindstatements bmon you better be interesting
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:53 PM PST] bmon did that tweet work IL?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:41:56 PM PST] InvestorsLive ok followed again
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive haha ur going to get a tweet back bmon
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:07 PM PST] dantx do u set the tweet up to go to ur phone? i signed up for the fda tweet site
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:11 PM PST] InvestorsLive from you / you’re
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:14 PM PST] InvestorsLive cuz u spelt it wrong
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:14 PM PST] mindstatements @InvestorsLive your my hero
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:15 PM PST] InvestorsLive hahaha
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:17 PM PST] bmon you’re yes lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:30 PM PST] bmon im not sure how to do that dantx
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:31 PM PST] InvestorsLive they’ll tweet it and say WRONG!
[Dec 6, 2009 7:42:50 PM PST] mindstatements cuz u spelt it wrong <— the irony of this statement (spelled)
[Dec 6, 2009 7:43:06 PM PST] bmon lol i always do that
[Dec 6, 2009 7:43:26 PM PST] InvestorsLive they are both correct
[Dec 6, 2009 7:43:27 PM PST] InvestorsLive mind
[Dec 6, 2009 7:43:28 PM PST] Muddy ELTP,i’m hearing repump
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:02 PM PST] vrae hey guys
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:13 PM PST] vrae heard 5 promoters are going out on owvi
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:16 PM PST] vrae OVWVI
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:21 PM PST] vrae OWVI
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:30 PM PST] InvestorsLive are you one of the 5?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:31 PM PST] bmon thats a hard ticker to read
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive who are the other 4
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:38 PM PST] vrae no i am not
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:48 PM PST] vrae I am currently in the loop with promoters
[Dec 6, 2009 7:44:52 PM PST] Muddy ELTP .08 to .25 0n frist pump
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:00 PM PST] JJB yum
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:02 PM PST] vrae I get in before the so called “pump
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:02 PM PST] mindstatements lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:08 PM PST] mindstatements oh this shall be great
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:09 PM PST] vrae “pump”
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:24 PM PST] vrae just something to look out for
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:25 PM PST] DCobra so called pump? what else do they call it?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:29 PM PST] vrae lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:45:39 PM PST] dantx i have 3 different promoters email on ZENG and the description from beacon sounds like ZENG
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:00 PM PST] DCobra yeah Beacon sounds like they will chime in on the ZENG pump
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive I disagree
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:47 PM PST] dantx whats ur guess IL
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:55 PM PST] dantx on beacon
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:55 PM PST] InvestorsLive lemme look
[Dec 6, 2009 7:46:59 PM PST] InvestorsLive i doubt beacon would come same day
[Dec 6, 2009 7:47:02 PM PST] InvestorsLive as hot and PSC
[Dec 6, 2009 7:47:04 PM PST] DCobra still pissed i took a loss on ZENG a few weeks back right before joining here…sometimes holding aint such a bad idea…have seen three stocks I sold at loss jump last week
[Dec 6, 2009 7:47:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive waste of $$ for promoters
[Dec 6, 2009 7:47:50 PM PST] DCobra who knows what ZENG does this week…but it’s over my initial entry right now lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:47:57 PM PST] InvestorsLive biofuels vs. green stock
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:01 PM PST] InvestorsLive green stock usually green energy
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:17 PM PST] DCobra could be GRBG too
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:25 PM PST] DCobra Green Bridge
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:25 PM PST] JJB or FSLR
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:28 PM PST] JJB wait
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:30 PM PST] JJB ……..
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:45 PM PST] DCobra or any one of a hundred others
[Dec 6, 2009 7:48:47 PM PST] InvestorsLive GRBG way to low imo
[Dec 6, 2009 7:49:42 PM PST] DCobra too sub-penny for them you think IL?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:49:54 PM PST] InvestorsLive its not “too” subpenny
[Dec 6, 2009 7:49:56 PM PST] InvestorsLive it IS sub penny
[Dec 6, 2009 7:50:01 PM PST] DCobra lol
[Dec 6, 2009 7:50:16 PM PST] DCobra so Beacon doesnt touch subs?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:50:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive no
[Dec 6, 2009 7:50:58 PM PST] DCobra learn something every day here…thanks
[Dec 6, 2009 7:51:36 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://finance.yahoo.com/search?s=green&b=10&v=s&g=1&r=100
[Dec 6, 2009 7:51:48 PM PST] dantx so there are no mm on dastrader u can buy pinks and otcb pm?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:51:48 PM PST] InvestorsLive start going dwon the green plays
[Dec 6, 2009 7:51:58 PM PST] InvestorsLive nah not normally
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:00 PM PST] InvestorsLive very hard
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:03 PM PST] InvestorsLive unless like VRMLQ
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:07 PM PST] InvestorsLive and GGWPQ
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:10 PM PST] InvestorsLive with ARCA active
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:28 PM PST] Muddy OWVI a failed pump in the past.twice
[Dec 6, 2009 7:52:53 PM PST] Muddy and a sub one
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:05 PM PST] vrae I agree
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:06 PM PST] Muddy who needs that?
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:28 PM PST] InvestorsLive subs arent the hot ones lately anyway
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:33 PM PST] InvestorsLive Not only that, but it’s one of those SUPER LOW-PRICED stocks that allows our members to purchase a ton of shares. And even the smallest move higher, can reap fantastic gains for members.
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive sly remark…
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive aka BUY TONS OF SHARES
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:46 PM PST] InvestorsLive funny how they sneak that in there
[Dec 6, 2009 7:53:47 PM PST] InvestorsLive on beacon
[Dec 6, 2009 7:54:09 PM PST] DCobra OWVI in a good place chartwise for a boost….if they start diluting the heck out of it, it will head for .002’s quickly
[Dec 6, 2009 7:54:23 PM PST] InvestorsLive its in sheep getting mode
[Dec 6, 2009 7:54:41 PM PST] InvestorsLive then slow death
[Dec 6, 2009 7:56:03 PM PST] DCobra good volume on OWVI most of last week but not much price action…looks like someone is selling paper
[Dec 6, 2009 7:56:34 PM PST] vrae hototc
[Dec 6, 2009 7:56:45 PM PST] vrae psc
[Dec 6, 2009 7:56:58 PM PST] vrae pennyprofit
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:02 PM PST] vrae pennyclincher
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:16 PM PST] vrae are a few that are going out on OWVI
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:21 PM PST] Laura nice pumping vrae
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:22 PM PST] DCobra accumulation/distribution definitely looks like ssomeone is dumping paper on OWVI
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:27 PM PST] vrae not sure if it will move
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:41 PM PST] vrae no pumping
[Dec 6, 2009 7:57:46 PM PST] vrae just conveying
[Dec 6, 2009 8:00:10 PM PST] dantx talk to u ladies and gentleman 2morrow thanks for all the info
[Dec 6, 2009 8:00:33 PM PST] vrae sorry if you think i was pumping
[Dec 6, 2009 8:00:41 PM PST] vrae i am new at this whole chat thing
[Dec 6, 2009 8:00:47 PM PST] vrae no promoting here
[Dec 6, 2009 8:01:05 PM PST] vrae just trying to learn the how you guys work
[Dec 6, 2009 8:01:14 PM PST] Muddy gotcha,it’s cool
[Dec 6, 2009 8:01:27 PM PST] vrae 🙂
[Dec 6, 2009 8:01:47 PM PST] bmon vrae welcome
[Dec 6, 2009 8:01:54 PM PST] vrae thank you
[Dec 6, 2009 8:02:05 PM PST] bmon you’ve found the best non pump chat on the net
[Dec 6, 2009 8:02:11 PM PST] vrae i am trying to learn how this works
[Dec 6, 2009 8:02:14 PM PST] vrae lol
[Dec 6, 2009 8:02:48 PM PST] vrae thats why i joined
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:05 PM PST] kydra all chat logs vrae…I’m new – 2 days…my eyes hurt reading them all but great info there
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:31 PM PST] vrae cool
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:35 PM PST] InvestorsLive http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/read_msg.aspx?message_id=44240534
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:39 PM PST] InvestorsLive GELV could be beacon’s tomorrow
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:43 PM PST] bmon once you get used to them the chat moves slower trust me
[Dec 6, 2009 8:03:45 PM PST] InvestorsLive stockhideout = beacon
[Dec 6, 2009 8:04:12 PM PST] bmon and you almost know what someone is going to alert when you see them typing
[Dec 6, 2009 8:05:37 PM PST] Muddy on green these ones under 1,decent odds imo..MCLN MMPIQ ACPI MTVO CHFI HWSY PGNE ELTP BOCL BMGP PEIX JADA NTRZ BLTA WAMUQ BLLN HDVY RPC AVSC GETA
[Dec 6, 2009 8:09:36 PM PST] vrae will join you ladies and gentlemen tomrw