Scans for 11/30/09 from InvestorsLive

by | Nov 29, 2009

Well things look good for tomorrow morning already, looks like we’ll start off green for anyone that grabbed RBTI 🙂 congrats guys!

Other pump on watch is PanGenex Corporation (PGCX.PK) no play here yet we’ll see what happens as it happens.. could have some serious volume but if it gaps too much – screw it possible pre market buy

Still swinging a ton of GTX Inc. (GTXI) if it doesn’t test/break $3.87 tomorrow I’ll be taking it off, $3.75 average on a ton of shares – Jamba, Inc. (JMBA) also holding it over 1.84 average … decent size will sell if it doesn’t break and hold through $1.90 in next day or two.

Red Branch Technologies, Inc. (RBTI.PK) holding a bunch over night.. as I alerted everyone I was holding it over the weekend WAY early at .125. Grabbed a ton at .125 sold some at .148 and .149 (actually all the prints up there) and then rebought at .141 what I sold because I anticipated a shake into close.

[Nov 27, 2009 6:21:17 AM PST] InvestorsLive RBTI has something going on


[Nov 27, 2009 7:36:06 AM PST] InvestorsLive man oh man

[Nov 27, 2009 7:36:11 AM PST] InvestorsLive this is getting WAY TOO SIMPLE

[Nov 27, 2009 7:36:21 AM PST] InvestorsLive I’m gapping RBTI for over weekend hold

[Nov 27, 2009 7:37:15 AM PST] InvestorsLive I’ll get you guys figure out why – ha

[Nov 27, 2009 7:37:33 AM PST] wendy19149 pumpathon il ?

[Nov 27, 2009 7:37:54 AM PST] InvestorsLive pennypic titan explicit etc

[Nov 27, 2009 9:48:57 AM PST] InvestorsLive sold some more .148 on RBTI going to hold the rest

[Nov 27, 2009 9:49:02 AM PST] InvestorsLive if they shake it will add a few

A-Power Energy Generation Systems, Ltd. (APWR) another big ranger from Friday – looking for test of $18 this may still have more in it believe it or not… going to be a fun trade both ways … more on this in chat

MedClean Technologies, Inc (MCLN.OB) first off, congrats guys on this one – huge gains all around and I know a lot of you make some serious coin – these are the ones that can turn a smaller bank roll into a big bank roll quickly … the volume on this is great, it’s been an awesome intra day trade for anyone who has paid attention to the serious calls in chat – regardless I am holding this one over night as  I mentioned Friday, looking for a gap over .04 … starting to get pretty fun – I’m sure we’ll be playing the bounce on this one too in the coming days

MediaNet Group Technologies Inc. (MEDG.OB) something is going on… this was one I found a while back the first day it popped around .15 cents played it and then it got lost on radar.. well its back snuck right back and on my radar again, the volume over 500k shares

Money4Gold Holdings, Inc. (MFGD.OB) another one – former pump looks like a re-pump may be starting watch for the .25 break and slow churn upward.. could be in for a solid move – this had a nice program back in the day.

LEGEND INTL HLDGS (LGDI.OB) longed this one – looking for potential test of $1+ here near term, that $.90 break was the reason I alerted in chat Friday looking for potential reversal here

[Nov 27, 2009 7:49:28 AM PST] InvestorsLive LGDI watch this here great chart

[Nov 27, 2009 7:49:31 AM PST] InvestorsLive .90 is a big break

Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) like this one $12 resistance now the support, watch for reversal in the coming days this may head towards $14-15 near term – watch for green hold or if it starts out red watch for red/green cross but should head towards $13 + imo


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