Scans for 06/10/09 from InvestorsLive

by | Jun 9, 2009

ADCT can’t ignore the volume today as long as the market is sideways or up this very well may re-test towards $9

AVNR nice volume today keep an eye for $1.50 break and continuation – normally I wouldn’t even consider this but with the way runners are sustaining… definately a watcher

LDK had some nice fades today big range past few days if it holds could test $12.. if its sideways and starts to break down should be a great fade under $11 but solar is hot right now so don’t fight the trend

NTWK we played it last time went out on it many did well on the long side, Reaper well on the short side… well its back at it again this time without the ‘push’ and looking good on scan. We nailed it nice and early .65s but the fact it was on pre list and a former … didn’t even think twice and went for it quite a few others played as well… congrats

[Tue Jun 09_09:57:04 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive NTWK was a pre list one.. former runner

[Tue Jun 09_10:09:00 EDT 2009] Muddy NTWK test .66 hods

SQNM on scan again for tomorrow again despite the big day due to volatility expected, should be yet another great day

TTI no reason for this one to stop but I am going to start monitoring it for the short. Hoping it accelerates towards $11 in the next few days area of interest is around $10/share if it begins to fade for the short

ASH couldn’t break the $30, hit $29.99 – hoping for an accelerated move through $30 but at the same time if it fails still monitoring for short as I do each day and trade it quite often

AXL still kicking from the alert the other day watch for an accelerated move towards $4 tomorrow and a correction

TEN a big alert in chat today coming from red to green – many red/green plays have been working well in this market. Closed near highs – excellent trader during the day should have some continuation

[Tue Jun 09_09:47:21 EDT 2009] tortexal TEN red green

VRNM still swinging this, sold half today to lock some in

DAN swinging this as well I have 1/3 size left will sell if there’s a gap/continuation tomorrow


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