Scans for 03/04/09 from InvestorsLive

by | Mar 3, 2009

Not too many on scan tonight – hard to find a bunch of green stocks up more than 10% unless its a short sided ETF (which we love).

PSYS awesome bounce play today rode it from $13.10 sold at an average of $14.25s, CIT and MAPP on the long side amongst a few others – ARNA on the short side later in the day closing at LODs

ABM biggest percentage gainer – $15 tough resistance, may have enough to get over it but definitely short biased

AUSI nice OTCBB rarely will you find one trending UP – stock’s don’t go up on the OTCBB!

BX was a nice pop today in chat – didn’t play it (it was all Muddy’s) but definately profit potential, should be a good trade tomorrow

FINL has been steady past 2 days despite market droppage – if it continues tomorrow it may have some increased volatility to the upside

PSYS will watch for a dip tomorrow and see if we’ve found bottom…


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