What a launchpad of a Friday on earnings. W, ROKU, TTD insane range and breakouts with almost zero selling. Going to be interesting to how we open/gap Tomorrow with China News. I think buying blindly on a lot of this momentum. In fact ill be looking to get short some of these monster runs, for potential profit taking
W- ss pops using 155 guide
ROKU- 66-67 para to 70 to lean into or possible quick flush out on open for red to green move, not fighting trend either way. 10am +++ trade
HYRE- love this daily near aths here, will look 4.60 guide for dips to buy
CYBR- love this name, slow and steady will look 104.50 guide for al ong
TTD- will look for 205-210 para for a short. Once again trend join 10am++ for safer and better r/r setup
IGCC- insane insane move will be looking for a short quick into a morning spike, secondary watch for me not main
MU- lookiing to short pops using 43.20 guide
NVDA- name has been lagging needs to hold over 160 or will look to get short using that level as a guide
AMRN- another monster will look 19 guide for long setups