Merry Christmas everyone – Happy Holidays.
Hope everyone had a great day.
Main Watches:
LEAS nice one this week so far – ideally gap vs. prior highs for failed follow through
SOUN crazy it’s still hanging on – when it finally gives way it’s going to be a monster
RGTI reactive trade like Tuesday – ideally gives the same opps
QUBT QBTS reactive trades w/ RGTI
LUNR reactive trade off open then 945-10AM + trend join is ideal
Failed Follow Through:
BAOS higher for unwind
HOUR nice entries Tues – sure I wanted to hold for the unwind I did think it’d happen but if it was $7 AHs I would have been pissed.
CREV higher better for back side.
KULR breakout mode
GTI held some over
AMPG continued to break out
CMRX break out watch off dips
MYSZ note it held dips last 2 days – same lows is what I care about
Staying Familiar:
Merry Christmas Nate! Thanks for the watchlist!