Scan for 12/18/24 From Nate

by | Dec 17, 2024

Finally the NUKK focus paid off. I had been stalking that since that reverse split if you recall was .30 then r/s then squeezed that day and faded since. So, when this happened today given the float etc it was a no brainer to me. Does it mean it’d work? Not necessarily – but it was worth the risk to me. Now, sure good trade and yes could have been huge but remember for the same reason as a trade like REMI or any of these other intraday offerings if you’re always swinging for the home run without locking in – this is not something that will work over time. Just happy I was that bullish and it was showing all the signs of being the chosen one.

We’re still COVID/bubble-ish action which has been really hard for me to adapt and just chase it all — but as I’ve said you’re only as good as your cover. Once again SOUN, RGTI, QUBT etc. you see how true that is. Yes we will have some days that things just unwind completely and likely cover too soon but – again, play the long game here.

TNXP a major opportunity today too.

Main Watches:

NUKK I sold some AHs from the gapper idea – posted I wanted a walk down and ideal was flush/trappy into close for gapper so I took the idea and posted in the $11-12 range that I was taking it over. Trimmed some risk we’ll see on rest. Could be a few circuits. I think traders are really stuck. HIGH risk tho.

SOUN reactive trade – use the lines from last few days

QUBT $22-25 blow out? We’ll see – I’d imagine blows out and a few circuits down but who knows. One day at a time.

QBTS reactive trade as well

RGTI reactive trade

Failed Follow Through:

RDDT possible pops vs todays resistance

PRTG higher better for fade.

OPTX watching post clearout

RZLV clear outs and fades

SIDU clear outs and fades


RR this thing has been setting up well – nice idea today on the long

AHG still holding for now see if we get a good shove tomorrow will likely sell 1/2

Staying Familiar:


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