Another nice green day for me, did lock in quite a bit of positions and sized down in others. I tend to have monster runs like this and as Nate would say, give a lot of it back on a few dumb chases. Not this time, I want to at least lock in this week and then have fresh eyes. Going to be a semi half day for me have to head to airport and other things so I will be in and out of the room. I am very pleased to see how fast people are moving into the OTC room, lots of new traders and some of the old ones, pretty nostalgic to me and really enjoy it.
As, with this room the same rules generally apply as the MOMO room so just keep that in mind going forward. Never know how long these turds will be moving, but I will take the action as long as I can get.
BBEPQ – Pretty unreal, they saved it BIG time mid day today, this is FULLY reminding me of FNMA move where it just went for 5 days from .30 to $1.20 if new highs break tomorrow, who knows..could get another double in a day or two on this. I am going to just trade it based on how it reacts.
MCOA – Added large into this swing on that .015 break today. Held it all for a gapper as well would love to lock in some around .023 area if we can get there tomorrow. Impressive chart
MCIG – Super oldie here and have been swinging some as well as an add today on this. The .06 level is huge as you can see on the daily, so still semi cautious till some massive volume through that level.
CBDS – Just awesome…had been mentioning that if 3.80s would break I would add size (dont chase breakouts unless its your plan!) Did and just picture perfect here. Would be nice to get a CANN style ramp tomorrow if not will likely just hold that core.
CANN – 1 of 2 things. Weak open with calculated base around 4 or else morning para thru 4.50 near maybe $5 then I will look to borrow some and take it short. Amazing move but I have just noticed things that do this from $1 find the tops near $5.20 area, ala FNMA MGT style….just using that as mental reference.
GRCU – STILLLL waiting on the big .02 break…and I will be there for it…however until that point zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
AGTK – Kind of just want to put this on here to show non OTC traders on what the hell can happen in any given name in this land. Unreal move. never had any of it but just wow.