Pretty sweet day overall with GTXI and a few others. Hopefully you guys did well today as well. NBEV those puts were JUICED, stock dropped $2 and puts moved up about .10 so that stunk. Not much else to say so…
SAEX – Shewwwww nutty move here just like years ago, let see if it can spark some other shippers. Ideally blowoff and scalp trades for me.
TLRY – DID NOT do the move I wanted today, wanted more of a mid day panic washout vs. out the gate. So might get a shot at it tomorrow.
GBHPF – Got some action today, mostly just like the chart setup for swing.
CRXPF – Been a sick swing on this one since low .20s
GCAN – Actually scooped some more here today, just wish I sold more at the .60s area. Still think they have plans here.
ALEAF – SOLD sooo early last week, might get blow off top to $3.50s
RDGL – Debated putting this one on scan, however it had great action and volume today. A well known otc bear for years was positive on it. I am skeptical but as long as the action is right, I don’t really care about anything else.
RDGL what about the standstill agreement???