Got burnt with LAKE today, constant seller in there after that swipe. Looked back at the time and sales and it turns out it was a 100k block on the bid taken vs a straight buy at higher prices. Oh well, made some back with APT and others but oh well. Netflix finally going to pay off with those puts from a few days ago and a week ago plus. Gave myself a wide timeframe as I mentioned and should be a nice 5-6x on those. Here is tomorrow
NFLX – Going to test $300 and quickly imho. Ideally get that and a nice big washout tomorrow for a quick trade.
EBAY – Some nice info in the filings tonight on a name I fully expect to be one of the biggest spots to shop online and challenging Amazon in specific areas. Looking for $42 breakout.
CHWY – I have puts and likely plan to add on earnings. (yes this is a binary bet) but I think this one eventually goes the same way as Why not just order from Amazon…. Probably $27s or lower after earnings.
CURLF – One of the most popular (likely just due to distribution right now) is SELECT THC and CBD products. Curaleaf aquired them and I think that is a BIG moment for the stock long term. Ideally going to get a nice pull tomorrow morning to start a long term swing on it.
MFST – Nice near doubler on the Amazon PR today. Trades thin so be aware but big volume day relative for it.
APT – Was super early on this one after the Ebola post from Stapes. Nothing moved for a good 10 minutes. Going to be careful though, situations usually have to keep getting worse with large news coverage for these names to have any chance to start a short squeeze (which is what we all want)
IMUC – Just an eyeball.