OddStockTrader Scan 7/10/2019

by | Jul 9, 2019

Pretty nice day overall, but missed a few easy ones here and there. OTC seems to be pretty dead at the moment, but as I have learned over the years it takes the market going straight up for a while in order to get OTC heat like we are used to. So until SPY decides to get on it’s horse it will likely stay quiet. Here is tomorrow

TWTR – Calls from last week finally went on today’s move. Decided to keep all of mine open even with a 200% gain on them. I think $38 might be the magic number where I might look to lock some in. If we open weak, I will actually add to the position.

CEI – Insane one today, took some long after hours and a decent risk on that decision. Short’s may have been blown out completely but I like the weak open and smoke everyone move for the am.

TOPS – Not sure what really sent it but nice move that held so going to put this and the rest of the turds on watch.

ESEA – On watch for possible TOPS style.

DCIX – With the other two.

CNAB – Interesting CBD news on this one today, if no follow through tomorrow will just ignore.

RTON – Cheapie that came back to life today, keeping on watch for rest of the week.


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