Going to just be a quick scan as I am headed out early in the AM to work my on my golf game for Vegas!
PTON – Only trade I see here is a $24 washout bounce play and if it gives it to us in the AM will be all over it. I think the real trade will be Monday morning and even premarket on this one. If it does ok or hangs around this area we will see what the weekend can provide for chatter about it. I think it has all the makings (except crap valuation) to be a GPRO style mover.
LYFT – Still have the swing. Going to set a stop around high $39s tomorrow and just see if it can work for me. Has been holding dips decently but $42 is the big mark to break.
PRPO – Fully expect a gap on on this one. Take a look at its history. One big day always follows with a gap and run for the most part. Possibly $4.50 touch.
XBIO – Worth an eye as it had some interesting action into the close. Nothing more or less but want to just keep it on radar.
Thank you Oddstock Trader!