OddStockTrader Scan 3/9/2021

by | Mar 8, 2021

Market, as expected has shifted BIG time in the last 2 weeks. We are back to stock selection and good trading. That and avoiding trading when it isn’t your market. I think we are close to some dead cat bounces in some big names. May not be tomorrow but I would expect this week sometime. So, let’s take a look at tomorrow.

We could open anywhere tomorrow but I think the biggest brutal move would actually be a gap and squeeze on the markets.

TSLA – Chart looks like $500 washout but may bounce before it. Either way, like this one for a full rest of the week watch on some panic. Already joined some Friday but kept it small for now.

DDD – Looking for that $20 washout to join long for a dead cat bounce swing.

SSYS – Exact same as above.

VIAC – Thinking gap and parabolic for the short on this.

FOSL – Those $18.50s looking very interesting. With EXPR making a nice move I could see this one having a big move. Like the morning washout for the long.

CGC – Have some calls overnight. Could be a total airball but if market bounces I like this one to join hard with the US weed news today.

COST – Going to snag some long term tomorrow off the open and if we get under $300s

ARKK –  Ideally $100 panic washout and then a heavy long. This whole thing could totally unwind so going to play that one by ear but either way, should be some amazing trades on this.


  1. Thank you Codey

  2. ARKK $100 panic washout?

  3. Thanks Cody. Glad to see your watchlist back

  4. Thank you Cody! Hope you enjoyed your time away

  5. Thanks, Cody!


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