Nice relaxing morning today doing nothing and taking care of some other stuff I have been putting off. Going to be a smaller list today as I think my focus has been so spread out lately that I need to start narrowing my lists and nailing a few big trades here and there. Market was so insane into close it makes me think we have a gap down tomorrow but either way my bias is a red close. There are going to be so many more cases in the US popping up in the next week it will for sure spook the market hard. If market does gap and run tomorrow will actually look to take some of the next week puts.
TRNX – Tends to be about 50/50 when it comes to gap and goes but more than likely a gap in the cards tomorrow. 3 days of steady increase in volume and the ATM PR they were done with it. Swinging some and plan to add if we get monster volume out the gate in either direction.
BIOC – Strange one here but I think something interesting going on with these firms buying up 9%+ of cheapies and then they explode. Volume here is wild and I think we can see $1 pretty soon on this.
NET – Really thought this would fly with the market going but broke and retested today. Ideally still that $25 parabolic move for some sells. $22 peak out is worrysome however.
AAL – Possible $19 ramper if market decides to just keep going. Name is beat but rightfully so.
CTYX – Oldie Subber worth an eye.