It was a back and forth sort of day for me overall but got a nice trade off on TSLA this am but gave it back during the washout mid day. Happens but still satisfied with the day overall. Here is what I have for tomorrow.
TSLA – Will more than likely be an observer until Friday but the range here is just too big and I know this setup all too well. Ideally $650 washout for long but if it just grinds all day lower then Friday will be the trade on the long side bounce.
MTCH – BIg fail here and options market knew it with a bunch of $75 and $70 puts yesterday. Likely fader below $75 tomorrow.
SQ – First decent red day here. Will look at $76s area to snag a few more plus a eow call trade.
LYFT – Rough one here today on calls. Someone wanted out big on that $50 level. Likely morning washout but will look mid day for action to possibly take back some long.
CAN – Going to monitor. Strange this is down three days in a row with Bitcoin action going on. Only listed Bitcoin mining stock on the NASDAQ.
NUGS – Cheapie back on radar. Snagged some of the .14+s today and if this breaks that recent .20 we can get an interesting move on it.
ZN – Worth an eye with PR it had overnight.
I really like the can idea, crypto’s r rolling and 20 days ago zion went ballistic on no news that I could find. definitely b watching both