OddStockTrader Scan 2/3/2021

by | Feb 2, 2021

Fantastic day overall, stay focused and nailed just about everything. Weeds are setting up HARD across the board out there and this is the main focus for me tonight.

TLRY – Had to show the insanity of this chart with the 2 year. $25 is a MONSTER level for the last to years. I fully expect a squeeze to $30s by at least next week if not much faster. Calls are my trade of choice on this.

VFF – Beast of a chart here as well. Looking to swing calls until we get that $22 parabolic day.

YCBD –  Longer term started Monday for me but if this can get volume and clear the 4.50s should be off to the races.

GNLN – Will trade that $5 breakout.

HEXO – Sick one here today off that 6.60 breakout level. Gapper and then see if the $7.50s base out.

CBDS – Will add into the $1 breakout.

ILUS – HUGE one here today. Got most just over .02 and I think we have at least a gap but then who knows. It was straight up so will sell and monster gap but if flat will continue to evaluate it.

INKW – Over a tripler on this win, sold some into the close with the failed breakout. Held onto the .06 so it can stay strong and continue higher . Will look for any big washout near .05 to get long.

AGFY – Indoor weed name. Will trade it based on action.

HILX – Will add into the $1 breakout.

MARA – Watching with bitcoin breakout out right now.




  1. Great stuff! When trading calls on a swing, how far out in time, weeklies/monthlies, or simply largest OI/volume for your decision?

  2. Thanks Cody!

  3. Thank you!!!!

  4. Thanks Cody…awsome scan as always

  5. Thanks, Cody!


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