OddStockTrader Scan 2/16/2021

by | Feb 15, 2021

Happy long weekend. Hope everyone had a great one! The shroom theme is still my main focus for now. Some other scattered ideas in there as well but it is the main overall swing focus with intraday trades as well. Here is my scan for tomorrow.

PSCYF – Holding well, and really like the breakout and base move it made the last two days. Doubled then found its base afterwards. Ideally .50 break on volume.

MMEDF – $4.10 and 4.20 breakouts for confirmed move to likely ath’s in the coming days/weeks.

LKYSF – Similar as above but 1.50s is the big level needed to close on the daily.

CMPS – Two ramps and rejects last few days. Would like to see this close at least over 50-52.5 area at least once this week for a gear and rip chart on the daily.

SEEL – Reminds me a bit of the early JKS chart. Steady days up. If it does have a big washout day, I will look to accum more in the back account and forget about it.

AIKI – Broke a huuuuge daily level. I like it on dips for constant swing provided the $2s still hold.

SHRMF – Like the .80s breakout and hold.

PSYC – Finally got that 5x move I was talking about from the mid .01s area. I think it’s just getting started as well. Accum on dips, sell on the big rips.

BLXX – Origin protocol looking interesting as of late. It had an insane move over .02s that day but I am looking to re-add it tomorrow.

BTZI – Big breakout on the daily. Adding into strength

MTTCF – Starting a fresh new long term swing here tomorrow with long term view.

IPNFF – Same as above.

NGTF – Going to add a few more here for long term idea.


  1. Thanks Cody. I’m thinking of starting in on a few of these tomorrow

  2. Thanks Cody!

  3. I think BLXX is a different company. They have gold mines.

  4. Thank you Cody!

  5. thank yuo

  6. Thank you, Cody!


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