OddStockTrader Scan 12/15/2016

by | Dec 14, 2016

Mixed day today, started off hot but then most the plays all cooled off. Didn’t plan on selling anything I took today for a swing and that was the plan, would have just been nice to have them finish a little better…but patience grasshopper. Tomorrow is massage day so hopefully don’t have everything reverse the second it starts (like last time) I will probably just pray for no disasters in 1 hour, but we know how that goes…

Some new pumps lately and both ones I have watched have bagged everyone into the close, not a good sign, but would love to find out who is behind MJPI…never easy to figure that stuff out, but here is scan.

AXPW – Still one of my favorite long setups, and Today was a nice pop back near that important .02 level. Thru that and we get some fireworks.


NBEV – Still ramping on lowish volume…this could be legit, maybe 1% of these OTC’s actually become listed and real….TRLG is one that I know of..may get some shares tomorrow to short any parabolic insanity near 6

MJNA – Notice the volume, that is the important thing, biggest day since back in NOV and nice perk over that consolidation. in 2012 and 2014 every pot ramped into the new year..hoping after the votes they all do the same again.

CBIS – Similar, but not as nice…felt like one of the main watchers during the run though.

MCOA – Same idea as above.

MJPI – Impressive still..and want a big wash day for the bounce…totally missed AIOM play this week…but would love the same.

PTCO – Two charts here..the daily and 1 min…had some weird PR today and was acting similar to MJPI at the start…NOTHING to trade if unfamiliar as this could go to .10 in a flash…so risk accordingly.




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