Not a strong day for me but just waiting and watching for trades to take a bite out of. Patience of this kind can suck but also it’s very important. Now to the charts.
BTB – Has been non stop up and I fumbled it twice for losing trades both times. I don’t know even how that is possible with this chart but…I did it. Might speed up parabolic tomorrow so it’s my main watch at the open.
NYMX – Thin but like the chart here. Full risk on .40s
BKSY – Moring long out the gate for me. Risk on 1.80s
EVOK – Will look for morning washout to scoop some with risk on 1.70s
MMAT – Might be totally donezo but felt like a ton of shorts added into it today. Will set several price alerts on it. 2.20 is clearly the key level.
DPRO – Random action near the close today and really like that daily chart. May look to size into it for a swing if the 1.10 breaks and holds.
CGRA – Holding that .10 level well. Will watch for further gearing and that possible move to .20