OddStockTrader Scan 10/7/2019

by | Oct 6, 2019

Hope everyone had a good weekend and enjoying all the sports going on. Fun time of the year with Football and Baseball playoffs. Some sick trades last week and NFLX was a golden one, ideally some more before Thursday. As I do anytime I leave the market I just don’t watch it. Which is the plan during vegas. ENJOY THE TIME THERE without Trading. I can control myself sometimes and really excited to meet many new faces and old. Don’t be shy and say hi! Tomorrow I am watching…

AMTD – I think all the broker names are worth watching all week. They, in my opinion, ALL got thrashed far far too much. I expect a big bounce on these very soon. $35 is going to get a nice squeeze on this one.

ETFC – Closer than AMTD but same idea as far as the trigger price of $37

SCHW – Similar as above but didn’t wash as far so I expect it to be the laggard as far as big moves.

OSTK – $11 breakout and join is all I care about here.

GATA – Still an eyeball and 40% intraday swings on it. .02 is the fail and .04 can be the big breakout.

BEGI – Impressive email pump on this one, see if they continue with it tomorrow or move onto a new one. Plenty of time to get in around .07 on the email at the open. Haven’t seen this nice of a pump job in a while from emails so worth noting the players involved and which one leads the way.

SDRC – Chart still hanging up there and .03 is a big refresh seller. Thinking .035 lets it go.


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