INPX FINALLY WENT!! Oh man had been sitting on this one for a while and finally it took off today along with HMNY which was random but nice. Should be another wild day tomorrow but I will be taking a 1/2 day as friend is coming over. Anyways these are my main watches.
INPX – Shewwww man, thinking this gaps and goes but a/h its working everyone out so we shall see…didn’t hold it this long to just sell it all on the first big up day.
MRMD – Such a sick daily setup. $4 breakout
LBUY – Looking to scoop some on the open here. Promo chart from last year but big vol last week.
NIO – Still building and added some today to swing, also too some call options for next week.
GCAN – They came back and made it obvious with the .91 print. It was off to the races after that. Kept some for gap and go, but would like an add sub .20
FRLF – NEVER got a dip on this today, hopefully something near .25 tomorrow
CNAB – Nice eod trender, will keep on radar.
RMHB – Took chunk of this oldie, it tends to run and quickly. .01 full risk.