OddStockTrader Scan 10/29/2018

by | Oct 28, 2018

Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes over this weekend. Wild wild world series so far, that 18 inning game was something ELSE! Anyways tomorrow may be another wait to find a base style day for the market but if some thing present themselves will for sure take some trades.  Here is what I have for tomorrow.

CREG – Morning weakness for the long.

SHLDQ – Just an eyeball. will join trends.

BUDZ – bottom bouncer style. Weeds pretty beat up here and like the r/r.

DCIX – Want to see abcd trend on this to become interested again but that $2 trigger can really send this turd name.

CVIA – Beat name after recent IPO but going to eyeball it if any decent gearing action.

GIFX  – The old FRFS, but it has sure caught a bid after the name change and symbol change. Might take some around .20 or the washout there.



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