Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes over this weekend. Wild wild world series so far, that 18 inning game was something ELSE! Anyways tomorrow may be another wait to find a base style day for the market but if some thing present themselves will for sure take some trades. Here is what I have for tomorrow.
CREG – Morning weakness for the long.
SHLDQ – Just an eyeball. will join trends.
BUDZ – bottom bouncer style. Weeds pretty beat up here and like the r/r.
DCIX – Want to see abcd trend on this to become interested again but that $2 trigger can really send this turd name.
CVIA – Beat name after recent IPO but going to eyeball it if any decent gearing action.
GIFX – The old FRFS, but it has sure caught a bid after the name change and symbol change. Might take some around .20 or the washout there.