[Sun May 10 17:00:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Good evening everyone!
[Sun May 10 17:00:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive We got a few questions I’ll start with ’em for Muddy and myself
[Sun May 10 17:00:45 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive go thru a few charts
[Sun May 10 17:00:49 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and open it up from there
[Sun May 10 17:01:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Hi IL, My question is about your trade on HGSI on 4/30/09. Can you elaborate on this trade as a former runner and the fact that it was on the Pre-List. What would you have done if the stock had dipped $.20, would you have gotten out or stayed in? Can you also provide other examples using other stocks and their charts because it’s more difficult to tell in this market if the volume coming in is a headfake. Thanks in advance, good trading!
[Sun May 10 17:02:09 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://InvestorsLive.com/seminar/3/hgsi.PNG
[Sun May 10 17:02:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive no I wouldn’t have used that wide of a stop
[Sun May 10 17:02:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive .20 cents on a 1.79 stock is way to wide
[Sun May 10 17:02:51 EDT 2009] Muddy i’d have been out
[Sun May 10 17:02:54 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive I usually use the bottom of the channel
[Sun May 10 17:02:59 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive as my support level
[Sun May 10 17:03:05 EDT 2009] Muddy you see the FTWR alert? on fri
[Sun May 10 17:03:40 EDT 2009] Muddy i took that from .61 to .75.i used the stop after it hit .80
[Sun May 10 17:05:09 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive If you take a step back a look at a longer term chart for the full day on HGSI http://InvestorsLive.com/seminar/3/hgsi3.PNG you can see where it was bottoming all day at 1.72 range, usually if I want to give myself some wiggle room just incase there is 1 or 2 sellers that drop it back I may use a 1.68-1.69 cover (about a dime)
[Sun May 10 17:05:27 EDT 2009] Muddy these are the ones i alerted fri before i took off…FTWR NOBL AXL HBAN SORC KAZ ODP CAR HEB CNB PWAV VRNM..i used mentals on all
[Sun May 10 17:07:25 EDT 2009] Muddy just my opinion but i think this room is getting away from the momo’s..i thought that was gonna be it’s niche…KAZ HEB SORC CNB PWAV…never a mention much as i look at the loggs
[Sun May 10 17:07:43 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive another example was COT that day http://InvestorsLive.com/seminar/3/cot.PNG
[Sun May 10 17:07:51 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive for a second example of where/when to take a loss
[Sun May 10 17:08:09 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive this is really the channel if you were “late” to the party
[Sun May 10 17:08:10 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive like I was
[Sun May 10 17:08:15 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive ched and Muddy alerted 2.90s
[Sun May 10 17:08:18 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive pre $3
[Sun May 10 17:08:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive but here being so close to a whole #
[Sun May 10 17:08:42 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive I don’t really want to be in it if it can’t hold that solid #
[Sun May 10 17:08:42 EDT 2009] Muddy [Fri May 08_09:59:59 EDT 2009] Muddy KAZ pop 1.12 [Fri May 08_10:00:03 EDT 2009] Muddy vol pop too
[Sun May 10 17:09:31 EDT 2009] Muddy it hit 2 in an hour or less
[Sun May 10 17:09:37 EDT 2009] Muddy but no comments
[Sun May 10 17:10:26 EDT 2009] Muddy watching futures on a sunday night?is this our niche?
[Sun May 10 17:11:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive so again on COT
[Sun May 10 17:11:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://InvestorsLive.com/seminar/3/cot1.PNG
[Sun May 10 17:11:47 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive with it hitting high at 3.15
[Sun May 10 17:11:53 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive when Muddy mentioned again
[Sun May 10 17:11:56 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive more towrads a momo play
[Sun May 10 17:12:07 EDT 2009] Muddy [Fri May 08_10:47:53 EDT 2009] Muddy CNB pop .88 [Fri May 08_10:47:59 EDT 2009] Muddy may have more
[Sun May 10 17:12:28 EDT 2009] Muddy does this have anything to do with the market?
[Sun May 10 17:12:48 EDT 2009] Muddy guys this is real…market does not matter
[Sun May 10 17:14:02 EDT 2009] Muddy [Fri May 08_10:16:30 EDT 2009] Muddy HEB pre,1 cross
[Sun May 10 17:14:26 EDT 2009] Muddy goes to 1.50…
[Sun May 10 17:15:01 EDT 2009] Muddy if you use a mental this is big even if only 30%
[Sun May 10 17:15:55 EDT 2009] Muddy Fri May 08_09:52:27 EDT 2009] Muddy SORC pop .094
[Sun May 10 17:16:15 EDT 2009] Muddy this goes to .18 and i’m calling it all the way up
[Sun May 10 17:16:25 EDT 2009] Muddy so thats why..
[Sun May 10 17:16:44 EDT 2009] Muddy i dont give a crap about the market…thats my point
[Sun May 10 17:20:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive OK well
[Sun May 10 17:20:42 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive some other questions
[Sun May 10 17:20:43 EDT 2009] pathan786 If you go down on a momo, do you look at the news, chatter etc on the stock to make a decision on hold or sell… or decision is purely only price based.
[Sun May 10 17:21:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive if you go down meaning if you’re red on the trade?
[Sun May 10 17:21:29 EDT 2009] pathan786 yes
[Sun May 10 17:21:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive I don’t bother looking into message boards to find out what the chatter is
[Sun May 10 17:21:42 EDT 2009] pathan786 will give an e.g
[Sun May 10 17:21:57 EDT 2009] pathan786 I bought HEB .84, sold .77 on Thurs…
[Sun May 10 17:22:06 EDT 2009] pathan786 then bought it again a/h at .84
[Sun May 10 17:22:21 EDT 2009] pathan786 since it closed strong around .82/.84
[Sun May 10 17:22:26 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/charts/big.chart?symb=heb&compidx=aaaaa%3A0&ma=0&maval=9&uf=0&lf=1&lf2=0&lf3=0&type=4&size=2&state=8&sid=17316&style=340&time=2&freq=9&comp=NO%5FSYMBOL%5FCHOSEN&nosettings=1&rand=3453&mocktick=1
[Sun May 10 17:22:29 EDT 2009] pathan786 and next day .it popped
[Sun May 10 17:22:35 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive that’s 2 day chart
[Sun May 10 17:22:48 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive so you’re wondering where if it goes against you
[Sun May 10 17:22:54 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive you’d take the loss?
[Sun May 10 17:23:00 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive given that example
[Sun May 10 17:23:18 EDT 2009] pathan786 yes…. do you take a loss and get out.. or look around to see what’s happening/ going to happen on that stock
[Sun May 10 17:23:21 EDT 2009] Muddy again,just me but i’ve found a way,my way..with the qbox action…
[Sun May 10 17:23:43 EDT 2009] Muddy i guess everyone has to find there own way…but thats mine
[Sun May 10 17:24:02 EDT 2009] Muddy i almost KNEW FAZ would go at 1.12
[Sun May 10 17:24:09 EDT 2009] Muddy the qbox told me
[Sun May 10 17:24:20 EDT 2009] Muddy ha,not FAZ
[Sun May 10 17:24:26 EDT 2009] Muddy KAZ
[Sun May 10 17:24:46 EDT 2009] cash cause it is just jiggy as all get out right Muddy
[Sun May 10 17:25:02 EDT 2009] wascold I am unclear what Qbox is
[Sun May 10 17:25:28 EDT 2009] Muddy cash….because jig but…
[Sun May 10 17:25:50 EDT 2009] Muddy the bid came up repeatedly when the ask/price dropped
[Sun May 10 17:25:56 EDT 2009] Muddy its mm manip
[Sun May 10 17:26:34 EDT 2009] Muddy qbox is in other seminars but its the Scott quote box action
[Sun May 10 17:27:00 EDT 2009] Muddy i can see what the intent of mm’s is
[Sun May 10 17:27:17 EDT 2009] cash ok so Muddy you got in KAZ right at 1.12
[Sun May 10 17:27:39 EDT 2009] cash and then rode it how high 1.80 ish
[Sun May 10 17:27:41 EDT 2009] wascold you mean level 2?
[Sun May 10 17:28:09 EDT 2009] Muddy yes 1,12 to 1.70
[Sun May 10 17:28:31 EDT 2009] Muddy no i dont ever use level2
[Sun May 10 17:28:36 EDT 2009] Muddy i feel it lies
[Sun May 10 17:28:40 EDT 2009] cash ok and i see it hit 2 so were you still holding when it hit 2 and then retraced is when yu got out at 1.70
[Sun May 10 17:28:51 EDT 2009] Muddy exactly
[Sun May 10 17:29:05 EDT 2009] Muddy it was fast and i goofed up
[Sun May 10 17:29:17 EDT 2009] Muddy so i sold 1.69
[Sun May 10 17:29:19 EDT 2009] wascold so if we don’tuse Scottrade?
[Sun May 10 17:29:27 EDT 2009] cash well Muddy wehn you have 10 trades going on once that will happen
[Sun May 10 17:29:45 EDT 2009] Muddy i only have $500 in scott to use qbox and hod list
[Sun May 10 17:30:08 EDT 2009] Muddy if you dont use that then maybe another broker has that qbox action
[Sun May 10 17:30:22 EDT 2009] Muddy i do not trade with scott ever
[Sun May 10 17:30:25 EDT 2009] cash and you used market orders still right for KAZ
[Sun May 10 17:30:39 EDT 2009] Muddy they stink for otcbb and shorts
[Sun May 10 17:30:47 EDT 2009] Muddy yes markets
[Sun May 10 17:31:43 EDT 2009] cash ok so you got in KAZ at 1.12 now you would have cut your losses if it fell to .99
[Sun May 10 17:31:58 EDT 2009] Muddy the only time i use limits is maybe for a retrace i’m trying to catch
[Sun May 10 17:32:10 EDT 2009] Muddy oh yes,cash
[Sun May 10 17:32:36 EDT 2009] Muddy .99 would have been end of game there
[Sun May 10 17:33:05 EDT 2009] cash right but you would have waited to see if it hit .99 and not just hovered at 1.00
[Sun May 10 17:35:03 EDT 2009] nghtrvn scott trade unavailable to non-US, so does anyone know of a similar qbox with another broker?
[Sun May 10 17:36:11 EDT 2009] Muddy yes,cash
[Sun May 10 17:36:35 EDT 2009] Muddy if anyone watched SORC at .10 friday in that qbox..
[Sun May 10 17:36:41 EDT 2009] Muddy it was a gimmie
[Sun May 10 17:37:04 EDT 2009] Muddy ask price went to .098 repeatedly
[Sun May 10 17:37:11 EDT 2009] speedymx etrade pro has the same thing
[Sun May 10 17:37:24 EDT 2009] Muddy but bid actually rose to .098 many times
[Sun May 10 17:37:36 EDT 2009] nghtrvn awsome thanks
[Sun May 10 17:38:02 EDT 2009] speedymx no prob
[Sun May 10 17:38:12 EDT 2009] Muddy i’m seeing .098/.098 AFTER the price comes down off .105!
[Sun May 10 17:38:52 EDT 2009] Muddy thats the defination of being a coiled spring
[Sun May 10 17:38:57 EDT 2009] cash ok this is a great example Muddy on a .098 cent stock
[Sun May 10 17:39:34 EDT 2009] cash that sells a ton of shares so how many share would you purchase of that one
[Sun May 10 17:39:59 EDT 2009] Muddy plus like KAZ,SORC you could see the vol ramp
[Sun May 10 17:40:28 EDT 2009] Muddy i trade only about $2000 on under 1’s
[Sun May 10 17:40:42 EDT 2009] Muddy 3500 on over 1’s
[Sun May 10 17:40:52 EDT 2009] Muddy but i do it over and over
[Sun May 10 17:40:52 EDT 2009] cash so 20k shares you had then
[Sun May 10 17:40:57 EDT 2009] Muddy i play small
[Sun May 10 17:41:49 EDT 2009] Muddy yes had little over 20,000
[Sun May 10 17:42:33 EDT 2009] Muddy made like .06 so 1200,,,nothing huge
[Sun May 10 17:42:50 EDT 2009] Muddy but over and over
[Sun May 10 17:43:16 EDT 2009] cash well to the average man Muddy that might be huge but it is good money
[Sun May 10 17:44:22 EDT 2009] Muddy but like HEB….
[Sun May 10 17:44:44 EDT 2009] cash so Muddy or IL when swine flu broke on that friday into the wkend did you two buy any flu stocks into the close or in afterhours trading over that wkend into monday morning
[Sun May 10 17:44:49 EDT 2009] Muddy 35% from 1 to 1.35..another 1200 on $3500
[Sun May 10 17:44:56 EDT 2009] Muddy so it adds up
[Sun May 10 17:45:37 EDT 2009] Muddy and yes i have losers , -450 on VRNM
[Sun May 10 17:46:26 EDT 2009] Muddy but KAS +1900
[Sun May 10 17:46:36 EDT 2009] Muddy so i grind it out
[Sun May 10 17:46:47 EDT 2009] Muddy KAZ
[Sun May 10 17:46:48 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive FAZ KAS KAZ hehe
[Sun May 10 17:47:02 EDT 2009] Muddy yeah
[Sun May 10 17:47:47 EDT 2009] Muddy FTWR .61 to .71,only a dime but 330
[Sun May 10 17:48:18 EDT 2009] wascold Muddy, I see your alerts, but not sure how to act on them – for a newbie, like above 1 cross, don’t know whether to clap, get in , too late or what,
[Sun May 10 17:48:46 EDT 2009] Muddy i know..its tough…
[Sun May 10 17:48:57 EDT 2009] Muddy i dont want to say …BUY
[Sun May 10 17:49:09 EDT 2009] Muddy i feel funny
[Sun May 10 17:49:27 EDT 2009] Muddy cause i dont know your position sizes
[Sun May 10 17:49:36 EDT 2009] wascold Because it would affect the share?
[Sun May 10 17:49:58 EDT 2009] Muddy and then i sound like a pumper who is frontrunning
[Sun May 10 17:50:11 EDT 2009] Muddy cause most of the time i’m already in
[Sun May 10 17:50:44 EDT 2009] wascold Don’t know how many are in this room but that is exactly what I want to know from you – don’t care if you get it wrong – you are a very good bet for some of us
[Sun May 10 17:51:37 EDT 2009] Muddy but i dont want to frontrun
[Sun May 10 17:51:55 EDT 2009] Muddy on big vol ones,its not so bad
[Sun May 10 17:52:08 EDT 2009] Muddy but on the smaller ones it could be
[Sun May 10 17:52:44 EDT 2009] wascold Absolutely understand. So maybe on the bigger ones you could give some indication of your feeling….
[Sun May 10 17:52:51 EDT 2009] Muddy ok…i could say i’m in..which i do from time to time
[Sun May 10 17:52:54 EDT 2009] Ryan I do too, if Muddy says, “I bought…xyz…@ $..” would be nice
[Sun May 10 17:53:48 EDT 2009] wascold I know you are trying to teach us to work it out for ourselves, but it takes years to see what you see if ever
[Sun May 10 17:53:55 EDT 2009] Ryan I remember Mike_13th used to say that
[Sun May 10 17:54:15 EDT 2009] WISEGUY It would be really useful not to jump in blindly, but to see reasoning behind the entry in the chart , vol ect ..
[Sun May 10 17:56:03 EDT 2009] Muddy yes but see,i don’t use a chart..its a feel,thats whats bad…a feel i was hoping to teach
[Sun May 10 17:56:06 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister yeah, I’d agree with that. Muddy– you’re THE BEST…and, to the extent you have time (I know that occasionally it’s hard to post real time alerts when things are really busy). It would be EXTREMELY helpeful to know you’re in a play as close to real time as possible..and to know the price. That way, I can know whether I’m chasing…maybe get in on a pullback to your entry price, etc. I’m not worried about your frontrunning intentionally- I know that you dodn’t do that
[Sun May 10 17:56:29 EDT 2009] Muddy ok
[Sun May 10 17:56:29 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister It’s great to learn from you
[Sun May 10 17:56:35 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister I try to do that too
[Sun May 10 17:56:45 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister but there’s honestly nothing better
[Sun May 10 17:56:50 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister than real time entries and exits
[Sun May 10 17:56:52 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister from GREAT traders
[Sun May 10 17:56:54 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister liek you
[Sun May 10 17:56:57 EDT 2009] Muddy no,i hate frontrunners..i’m too old for that stuff
[Sun May 10 17:57:36 EDT 2009] wascold What’s the definiton of a front runner
[Sun May 10 17:58:01 EDT 2009] Muddy maybe somehow..we could get a siodebar as to what i’m in
[Sun May 10 17:58:08 EDT 2009] Muddy frontrunner…
[Sun May 10 17:58:29 EDT 2009] Muddy say i buy at $1 then alert as super watch
[Sun May 10 17:58:38 EDT 2009] Ryan that would be fantastic, Muddy
[Sun May 10 17:58:41 EDT 2009] Muddy then you guys buy
[Sun May 10 17:58:50 EDT 2009] speedymx good idea
[Sun May 10 17:59:01 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister Yeah, real time alerts from you with entry price…are GOLD to the extent that you can do it
[Sun May 10 17:59:01 EDT 2009] Muddy it goes to 1.30 cause a bunch bought
[Sun May 10 17:59:05 EDT 2009] Muddy then i sell
[Sun May 10 17:59:09 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister incredible profitable and valuable
[Sun May 10 17:59:28 EDT 2009] Muddy if IL could set it up..sidebar
[Sun May 10 17:59:47 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive yup and another example potentially based on what Muddy is saying is say he buys $3.75… he’d feel weird saying
[Sun May 10 17:59:52 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive looks to go to $4
[Sun May 10 17:59:55 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive if hes already in
[Sun May 10 17:59:59 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister I’d kill for that. Well maybe not kill….but maim….LOL
[Sun May 10 18:00:04 EDT 2009] wascold My god, if you did that it would be incredible
[Sun May 10 18:00:15 EDT 2009] Muddy right IL
[Sun May 10 18:00:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and then say momo dies around 3.95 and fades shoop he’s a seller
[Sun May 10 18:00:18 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive feels bad
[Sun May 10 18:00:19 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive etc
[Sun May 10 18:00:21 EDT 2009] Muddy it feels cheesy
[Sun May 10 18:00:33 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive side bar can be done
[Sun May 10 18:00:36 EDT 2009] wascold We don’t care if Muddy makes more than us – we just need to make something
[Sun May 10 18:01:00 EDT 2009] Muddy but..if a sidebar i copuld just enter my buys
[Sun May 10 18:01:16 EDT 2009] Muddy like SORC fri
[Sun May 10 18:01:23 EDT 2009] Muddy i was in at .093
[Sun May 10 18:01:37 EDT 2009] Muddy but i felt wierd saying its gonna go
[Sun May 10 18:01:47 EDT 2009] Muddy but i keep calling it going
[Sun May 10 18:01:56 EDT 2009] Muddy so that was a clue
[Sun May 10 18:03:05 EDT 2009] Marvelmeister agreed…and that’s where every trader has to take responsibility for his own trading…he has to watch his risk control and exits. But I have absolutely no doubt that real time alerts about what you’re in and the price you’re in would generally be very, very profitable for me
[Sun May 10 18:03:22 EDT 2009] Ryan Lots of time I watch a stock, having a guts feeling like it is going up, I keep watching without entering a position (unlike Muddy), yet keep calling it going up
[Sun May 10 18:03:25 EDT 2009] wascold Second that
[Sun May 10 18:04:12 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and based on all of that you could look at the tools you use and see what you guys see andapply it to your own strategy
[Sun May 10 18:04:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive since not all have a qbox
[Sun May 10 18:04:22 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive maybe ur xyzbox looks a certain way
[Sun May 10 18:04:32 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive or your abc level2 does a funky thing
[Sun May 10 18:04:44 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and you get used to it and that’s what you see when you want to enter a trade
[Sun May 10 18:05:05 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive because I know when Muddy calls Jig.. I use Level2
[Sun May 10 18:05:05 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive but
[Sun May 10 18:05:16 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive I know what it looks like, bid/ask shifting and I expect a surge of volume to come in
[Sun May 10 18:05:26 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and prob price jump and if it comes back down the bids are bigger and higher
[Sun May 10 18:05:46 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and i only know that b/c watching what happens when he calls jig on what I USE to trade
[Sun May 10 18:07:18 EDT 2009] Muddy like this alert..i was 95% certain cause i said could have more…[Fri May 08_10:47:53 EDT 2009] Muddy CNB pop .88 [Fri May 08_10:47:59 EDT 2009] Muddy may have more
[Sun May 10 18:07:36 EDT 2009] Muddy i mean the qbox was screaming buy
[Sun May 10 18:08:31 EDT 2009] Muddy it hit 1.20 and was surprised it back off that
[Sun May 10 18:08:52 EDT 2009] Muddy the b/a action was crazy at .88
[Sun May 10 18:09:08 EDT 2009] Muddy with vol
[Sun May 10 18:09:21 EDT 2009] Muddy 21 mil on the day
[Sun May 10 18:10:16 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive once thing I notice too Muddy with you
[Sun May 10 18:10:20 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive the cheaper ones
[Sun May 10 18:10:26 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive you always state when it hits 1 mil vol
[Sun May 10 18:10:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive that’s an area of interst when you get more confident in the potential momentum kicking up?
[Sun May 10 18:10:56 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive takes it out of the “penny attempt to pump” league
[Sun May 10 18:11:12 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and a momo play
[Sun May 10 18:11:25 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive since there are so many that may pop on less than 300-500k vol and settle back
[Sun May 10 18:11:59 EDT 2009] Muddy yes,1 mil
[Sun May 10 18:12:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive sets it apart from the others
[Sun May 10 18:12:22 EDT 2009] Muddy i think alot of bigger players watch that
[Sun May 10 18:12:27 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive yup
[Sun May 10 18:12:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive when it starts to hit other scans that may have a 750k-800k min
[Sun May 10 18:12:53 EDT 2009] Muddy like even marks .its pshycological
[Sun May 10 18:13:07 EDT 2009] cash and then we can just ride the coattails of the big guys on up
[Sun May 10 18:14:03 EDT 2009] Muddy yes
[Sun May 10 18:15:07 EDT 2009] Muddy heres another thing..i use up to 20 quote boxes at a time…no way do i expect anyone to be able to watch that many for action…
[Sun May 10 18:15:09 EDT 2009] Muddy but..
[Sun May 10 18:15:26 EDT 2009] Muddy i have years of experiance..so i can …
[Sun May 10 18:15:41 EDT 2009] Muddy but if i see something in one of those..
[Sun May 10 18:15:58 EDT 2009] Muddy i try to alert it so maybe you can watch it too
[Sun May 10 18:16:37 EDT 2009] cash and i do that exact thing Muddy so i can get a feel for what you call jiggy
[Sun May 10 18:18:15 EDT 2009] Muddy someone mentioned 13th,he got to be able to do it pretty fast
[Sun May 10 18:18:53 EDT 2009] Muddy he had hawk eyes on the hod list..fast
[Sun May 10 18:19:02 EDT 2009] Muddy he trained himself
[Sun May 10 18:19:13 EDT 2009] Muddy it can be done
[Sun May 10 18:19:30 EDT 2009] cash he used to look at cahrts like 13 hrs a day didn’t he
[Sun May 10 18:19:56 EDT 2009] billiam IL are you taking all Questions on subject?
[Sun May 10 18:20:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive open chat billiam
[Sun May 10 18:21:10 EDT 2009] Katsu like Muddy said before maxmize&minimize HOD list help too. it freeze it for a moment
[Sun May 10 18:21:52 EDT 2009] billiam would it be better for Muddy to open a “jiggy” sidebar becaues if he already bought the jig might be gone before we see it in the quote box?
[Sun May 10 18:22:24 EDT 2009] cash Muddy can talk abour this but the jig stays for a little while
[Sun May 10 18:22:34 EDT 2009] Muddy yes 13hrs day for like 6 months 13th
[Sun May 10 18:22:47 EDT 2009] Muddy but he had nothing to lose he said
[Sun May 10 18:23:09 EDT 2009] Muddy got laid off from Boeing after 7 yrs
[Sun May 10 18:23:25 EDT 2009] Muddy so said he’d try
[Sun May 10 18:25:29 EDT 2009] Muddy jig goes away some times…very true
[Sun May 10 18:26:26 EDT 2009] Muddy see..i try to hop on them right away but…
[Sun May 10 18:26:39 EDT 2009] Muddy many many i know from past
[Sun May 10 18:27:06 EDT 2009] Muddy HAYZ was like this friday
[Sun May 10 18:27:24 EDT 2009] Muddy lost jig fast but did run on initial jig
[Sun May 10 18:27:25 EDT 2009] WISEGUY from what I noticed tho when u see the jig on the qbox, sometimes may take a few mins for the stock to run
[Sun May 10 18:27:40 EDT 2009] WISEGUY like getting a heads up
[Sun May 10 18:27:43 EDT 2009] Muddy exactly!
[Sun May 10 18:27:54 EDT 2009] Muddy thats the beuaty
[Sun May 10 18:28:01 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive usually you have Jig, then some1 like me who watches Level 2
[Sun May 10 18:28:06 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive saying now bids are up
[Sun May 10 18:28:14 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive then the bidders like 50k, 100k etc
[Sun May 10 18:28:16 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive which yes can be fake
[Sun May 10 18:28:23 EDT 2009] merlin Muddy,can you pick 10 stocks 5L,5SS every night so we can have something to prepare and study for next day? 1-30dollar stocks.
[Sun May 10 18:28:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive but that all happens after i see the “jig”
[Sun May 10 18:28:30 EDT 2009] Muddy right you’ll see me say “bid up”
[Sun May 10 18:28:49 EDT 2009] Muddy its a great feeling
[Sun May 10 18:29:03 EDT 2009] Muddy after the jig
[Sun May 10 18:29:53 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive its like the point where the buyers overtake the sellers
[Sun May 10 18:29:57 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and resistance clears for a bit
[Sun May 10 18:30:06 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive until more sellers step to the plate, but in the mean time
[Sun May 10 18:30:11 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive you’ve got yourself 20-30%
[Sun May 10 18:30:35 EDT 2009] Muddy WNC,one that ran friday,is a notorious jigger when vol comes in
[Sun May 10 18:30:44 EDT 2009] Muddy imo,its the mm’s
[Sun May 10 18:31:27 EDT 2009] Muddy its manip and mm’s scramble for shares
[Sun May 10 18:33:11 EDT 2009] WISEGUY When u mention “vol coming in” if ure not looking at charts , are u looking at the amount of shares traded shown on the qbox/
[Sun May 10 18:33:12 EDT 2009] WISEGUY ?
[Sun May 10 18:35:27 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive shares trade on qbox
[Sun May 10 18:35:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive You can see how fast the vol moves on Tort’s vid
[Sun May 10 18:35:43 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive let me find it
[Sun May 10 18:36:03 EDT 2009] Muddy yes the qbox,Wiseguy
[Sun May 10 18:36:20 EDT 2009] Muddy it sometimes just ramps
[Sun May 10 18:36:27 EDT 2009] Muddy KAZ fri
[Sun May 10 18:36:54 EDT 2009] Muddy was low vol but vol never quit during its jig time
[Sun May 10 18:37:07 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://stackyourcream.blogspot.com/search?q=jiggy
[Sun May 10 18:37:15 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive That’s a pic of qbox and what it looks like durin the day
[Sun May 10 18:37:30 EDT 2009] levain How many seconds did you see the Jig in KAS
[Sun May 10 18:37:36 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive not sure how close to a “jig” that is aka, if Muddy would coin it a jig since its a nasdaq breakout out
[Sun May 10 18:37:43 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive but at least u can see it in action
[Sun May 10 18:37:47 EDT 2009] Muddy at 9:58 it started coming
[Sun May 10 18:38:17 EDT 2009] Muddy KAZ held it for about 2 mins,then blasted
[Sun May 10 18:38:31 EDT 2009] levain Thanks (KAZ)
[Sun May 10 18:39:08 EDT 2009] Muddy and how i even noticed it…the hod list..it was not on any watchlist i had
[Sun May 10 18:39:32 EDT 2009] Muddy because i knew KAZ as former runner..
[Sun May 10 18:39:41 EDT 2009] Muddy i put in qbox
[Sun May 10 18:40:28 EDT 2009] Muddy so it really comes down to…
[Sun May 10 18:40:55 EDT 2009] Muddy running scans day after day…getting to know the runners/dayrangers
[Sun May 10 18:41:28 EDT 2009] Muddy for me anyway…seeing them on scrolling hod list
[Sun May 10 18:41:43 EDT 2009] Muddy the putting them up in the quote box
[Sun May 10 18:42:07 EDT 2009] Muddy not to even mention the pre list ones
[Sun May 10 18:42:32 EDT 2009] Muddy basically thats it
[Sun May 10 18:43:17 EDT 2009] Muddy but now,i’m talking daytrading..which i’m only comfortable with
[Sun May 10 18:43:43 EDT 2009] Muddy the holds..there’s others on here way better than me…
[Sun May 10 18:44:09 EDT 2009] Muddy i just like to close out and relax till next day…but thats me only
[Sun May 10 18:45:51 EDT 2009] Muddy the only ones i like to hold are the ala Tim short kind
[Sun May 10 18:49:42 EDT 2009] Muddy like a STXX kind..that doesnt scare me at all
[Sun May 10 18:50:53 EDT 2009] Muddy but if under the EDT rule,one cant have too much patience as it could be dead money awhile
[Sun May 10 18:51:20 EDT 2009] Muddy but it should see .50 again,in awhile
[Sun May 10 18:55:23 EDT 2009] Muddy one thing to note on the shorts…
[Sun May 10 18:55:39 EDT 2009] Muddy if you follow the sectors…
[Sun May 10 18:56:08 EDT 2009] Muddy look for ones that follow the coattails of the the big ones
[Sun May 10 18:56:14 EDT 2009] Muddy like energy now
[Sun May 10 18:56:26 EDT 2009] Muddy QELP,its pretty crap
[Sun May 10 18:56:29 EDT 2009] Ryan or bulkshipping like EGLE and DRYS
[Sun May 10 18:56:51 EDT 2009] Muddy but QELP a double in 3 days
[Sun May 10 18:57:13 EDT 2009] Muddy when it comes down it should be fast
[Sun May 10 18:57:20 EDT 2009] Muddy yes shippers too
[Sun May 10 18:57:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive DRYS ough
[Sun May 10 18:57:47 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive that happened fast
[Sun May 10 18:59:34 EDT 2009] WISEGUY would this be mostly on stocks under 5 to $10?
[Sun May 10 19:01:10 EDT 2009] Muddy for me i go under 10 mostly,just because they are faster..
[Sun May 10 19:01:37 EDT 2009] Muddy but if a holder its a different story
[Sun May 10 19:02:00 EDT 2009] Muddy i just like to get in/out the same day
[Sun May 10 19:06:21 EDT 2009] Muddy 1 other thing if you follow the dayrangers…look at the ADR10 vs. the ADR30…
[Sun May 10 19:06:55 EDT 2009] Muddy a nice increase in the 10 shows its a hot stock
[Sun May 10 19:07:23 EDT 2009] Muddy i love these if you get lucky enough to get the red to green swing
[Sun May 10 19:07:45 EDT 2009] Muddy or if a shortied green to red
[Sun May 10 19:08:09 EDT 2009] Muddy they are some of the best scan watches
[Sun May 10 19:09:20 EDT 2009] WISEGUY u’re referring to the columns on the sf scan when the adr 10 is showing greater than the 30 right ?
[Sun May 10 19:09:57 EDT 2009] Muddy yes
[Sun May 10 19:10:43 EDT 2009] Muddy like do the basic scan
[Sun May 10 19:11:05 EDT 2009] Muddy this brings up 42 …show stocks where the average day range(10) is above 17 percent and close price is between 1 and 10 and volume is above 300000
[Sun May 10 19:11:33 EDT 2009] Muddy then look at the ones that are increasing 10 over the 30 day
[Sun May 10 19:12:17 EDT 2009] Muddy HEB MCTH to name 2 are big
[Sun May 10 19:12:37 EDT 2009] Muddy LEE
[Sun May 10 19:12:57 EDT 2009] Muddy DAN
[Sun May 10 19:13:12 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive DAN got expensive so fast
[Sun May 10 19:13:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive so many false breaks in the .60s
[Sun May 10 19:13:19 EDT 2009] Muddy flips on those
[Sun May 10 19:13:20 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive then BAM
[Sun May 10 19:13:38 EDT 2009] Muddy so any opposite turns on those
[Sun May 10 19:13:50 EDT 2009] Muddy say MCTH opens green
[Sun May 10 19:13:56 EDT 2009] Muddy then goes red
[Sun May 10 19:14:11 EDT 2009] Muddy or opens red
[Sun May 10 19:14:17 EDT 2009] Muddy then goes green
[Sun May 10 19:14:45 EDT 2009] Muddy just some stuff espesically if still under EDT rule
[Sun May 10 19:15:53 EDT 2009] Muddy which leads us into next week,ha…i think Chuck gonna be here to answer q’s?
[Sun May 10 19:16:02 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Yes
[Sun May 10 19:16:03 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Wednesday
[Sun May 10 19:16:06 EDT 2009] Muddy from Cy
[Sun May 10 19:16:06 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 4PM
[Sun May 10 19:16:10 EDT 2009] Muddy cool
[Sun May 10 19:16:19 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive fire him with 1000s q’s 🙂
[Sun May 10 19:17:05 EDT 2009] Muddy he’s a straight up guy
[Sun May 10 19:26:08 EDT 2009] Muddy one more thing if you’re into the momo…always keep a list of the under $1 dayrangers up on 1 monitor if possible
[Sun May 10 19:26:34 EDT 2009] Muddy cause the last 2 months have been crazy with these
[Sun May 10 19:28:54 EDT 2009] Muddy it is very possible to catch 5/10 cent+ moves on these if you are quick
[Sun May 10 19:29:05 EDT 2009] Muddy time after time
[Sun May 10 19:29:41 EDT 2009] Muddy the worst they do most times is go flat..pretty encouraging
[Sun May 10 19:30:15 EDT 2009] Muddy its the trend now..don’t know why but not fighting it now
[Sun May 10 19:32:11 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive true on the flat thing
[Sun May 10 19:32:32 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive perk up.. worst case they sit where they are +/- .05
[Sun May 10 19:32:34 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive best case they run
[Sun May 10 19:33:06 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive which if you have run solid runner can wipe out 5 losers if u have ’em
[Sun May 10 19:33:26 EDT 2009] Muddy exactly
[Sun May 10 19:33:57 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive if u use KAZ example
[Sun May 10 19:34:02 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and VRNM or whatever
[Sun May 10 19:34:07 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 1 winner = 4 losers
[Sun May 10 19:35:38 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive stockpreacher tomorrow
[Sun May 10 19:35:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive woo
[Sun May 10 19:35:48 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive hope they still have flow
[Sun May 10 19:37:18 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 2 pt game Muddy
[Sun May 10 19:37:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 3
[Sun May 10 19:38:20 EDT 2009] vincytrader hi folks
[Sun May 10 19:38:27 EDT 2009] Muddy hey
[Sun May 10 19:38:28 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive how are ya vincy
[Sun May 10 19:38:32 EDT 2009] vincytrader good
[Sun May 10 19:39:28 EDT 2009] vincytrader you guys made some great calls friday
[Sun May 10 19:40:03 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive You had just joined Thurs right?
[Sun May 10 19:40:08 EDT 2009] vincytrader yes
[Sun May 10 19:40:16 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive nice, this week should be good
[Sun May 10 19:40:21 EDT 2009] John doh Yup
[Sun May 10 19:40:30 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive why you may ask…?
[Sun May 10 19:40:32 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive cuz John Doh has vaca
[Sun May 10 19:40:40 EDT 2009] Muddy if newer just try to get some favorite symbols
[Sun May 10 19:40:40 EDT 2009] John doh Oh yea
[Sun May 10 19:40:52 EDT 2009] Muddy and watch an alert on them
[Sun May 10 19:41:39 EDT 2009] John doh How was the seminar
[Sun May 10 19:41:55 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Muddy dominated
[Sun May 10 19:42:23 EDT 2009] John doh Alright, half to check them logs out later
[Sun May 10 19:42:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Yes will put up shortly
[Sun May 10 19:42:32 EDT 2009] Muddy the thing is..as time goes by you get to get your favs
[Sun May 10 19:42:53 EDT 2009] Muddy and its hard to watchn them all
[Sun May 10 19:43:04 EDT 2009] Muddy me,i love HAYZ
[Sun May 10 19:43:18 EDT 2009] Muddy i saw someone alerted it
[Sun May 10 19:43:26 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive yea straight up too
[Sun May 10 19:43:27 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive frm .20
[Sun May 10 19:43:29 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive red to gren
[Sun May 10 19:43:32 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive then settled
[Sun May 10 19:43:33 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive then BANG
[Sun May 10 19:43:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive but failed at .30
[Sun May 10 19:43:42 EDT 2009] John doh Never heard of it
[Sun May 10 19:43:47 EDT 2009] Muddy and it ran
[Sun May 10 19:43:53 EDT 2009] Muddy yeah .30
[Sun May 10 19:44:10 EDT 2009] Muddy it was a great alert for me…
[Sun May 10 19:44:18 EDT 2009] Muddy cause i never saw it
[Sun May 10 19:44:23 EDT 2009] John doh Yea
[Sun May 10 19:44:35 EDT 2009] Muddy HAYZ can run
[Sun May 10 19:44:45 EDT 2009] Muddy NOBL too
[Sun May 10 19:44:49 EDT 2009] Muddy same sec
[Sun May 10 19:45:31 EDT 2009] John doh That happened with me Friday with RRI – Came up on watchlist, channeled a bit around even dollar mark, saw vol spike, got in, took me out (put bad stop) and suddenly ran like .52 cents
[Sun May 10 19:45:33 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive its these ones we see 20 x on scans and do their 20-30% moves like MESA CTIC PIR DAN NOBL etc etc
[Sun May 10 19:45:35 EDT 2009] Muddy but its what i love about the chat..you miss,someone might find
[Sun May 10 19:45:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive VG too
[Sun May 10 19:45:41 EDT 2009] John doh Never heard of it
[Sun May 10 19:45:44 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and then booooom they make hteir move
[Sun May 10 19:45:54 EDT 2009] Muddy Ched..oh baby,watch this dude
[Sun May 10 19:45:58 EDT 2009] John doh Those scans are amazing
[Sun May 10 19:46:14 EDT 2009] John doh Ched… Don’t know how this guy does it
[Sun May 10 19:46:33 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 1 pt game 49 sec
[Sun May 10 19:46:35 EDT 2009] John doh He reminds me of one of those silent but deadly nerds from way back when
[Sun May 10 19:46:41 EDT 2009] Muddy SHSNQ
[Sun May 10 19:46:51 EDT 2009] Muddy it was real
[Sun May 10 19:47:10 EDT 2009] Muddy ha,john.yeah
[Sun May 10 19:47:15 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive SHSNQ sheww
[Sun May 10 19:47:53 EDT 2009] John doh Who volume spike on that one
[Sun May 10 19:47:56 EDT 2009] Muddy it was way tight
[Sun May 10 19:47:58 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive that reminds me of another one
[Sun May 10 19:48:00 EDT 2009] John doh huge volume I meant
[Sun May 10 19:48:01 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive sharper image
[Sun May 10 19:48:03 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive or whatever was Q
[Sun May 10 19:48:08 EDT 2009] Muddy .001 spread
[Sun May 10 19:48:14 EDT 2009] John doh Wow!
[Sun May 10 19:48:27 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive SHRPQ
[Sun May 10 19:48:33 EDT 2009] Muddy AVRNQ another tight Q
[Sun May 10 19:48:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive rememebr when SHRPQ ran
[Sun May 10 19:48:43 EDT 2009] John doh Volume crazy high right on open with SHSNQ Friday
[Sun May 10 19:48:46 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive .01 to .20
[Sun May 10 19:49:04 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive GOVX on scan too Muddy
[Sun May 10 19:49:10 EDT 2009] Muddy yes
[Sun May 10 19:49:11 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive OTCBBers come back to life full steam
[Sun May 10 19:49:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive prety soon gonna start getitng mailers again
[Sun May 10 19:50:00 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive LBAS used to be huge been watching that I have a feeling goes again
[Sun May 10 19:50:08 EDT 2009] John doh stockpreacher 7am Monday
[Sun May 10 19:50:17 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive look at GTXO Muddy
[Sun May 10 19:50:21 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive .05 to .25
[Sun May 10 19:50:24 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 5 days
[Sun May 10 19:50:36 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive Orlando up by 1
[Sun May 10 19:50:40 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 11.3 sexc
[Sun May 10 19:50:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive sec
[Sun May 10 19:51:28 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive CEMJQ
[Sun May 10 19:51:35 EDT 2009] Muddy yes
[Sun May 10 19:51:37 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive wow CCTYQ
[Sun May 10 19:51:42 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive came up from subber land
[Sun May 10 19:52:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive LEHMQ
[Sun May 10 19:53:05 EDT 2009] bmon wow
[Sun May 10 19:53:11 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive BUZZZZZZZZER BEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Sun May 10 19:53:13 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive holy %%%%
[Sun May 10 19:53:20 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive DAVIS!!!!!!
[Sun May 10 19:53:58 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive oh man that was awesome, he almost took out a small kid
[Sun May 10 19:54:25 EDT 2009] bmon lol
[Sun May 10 19:54:29 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive hahaha u see his lips?
[Sun May 10 19:54:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive to the fans
[Sun May 10 19:55:02 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive ‘f uuuuuuuu u mother f’er’s !!”
[Sun May 10 19:55:03 EDT 2009] vincytrader we won
[Sun May 10 19:55:03 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive ha
[Sun May 10 19:55:16 EDT 2009] John doh Weird, I have no more questions for the seminars. It’s almost like I got it down, haha
[Sun May 10 19:55:25 EDT 2009] Muddy my short watch leader…Symbol: TVL Availability: 1’900’000
[Sun May 10 19:55:45 EDT 2009] Muddy if it fails 3 hold..lookout
[Sun May 10 19:55:47 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive like that one too Muddy cuz
[Sun May 10 19:55:49 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive near $3
[Sun May 10 19:55:49 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive yes
[Sun May 10 19:55:55 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive and if it doesn’t fail $3….
[Sun May 10 19:55:57 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive watch for $3 crack
[Sun May 10 19:55:59 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive on way back down
[Sun May 10 19:56:08 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive then red
[Sun May 10 19:56:10 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive ba bang
[Sun May 10 19:56:12 EDT 2009] John doh Watching, thanks!
[Sun May 10 19:56:18 EDT 2009] Muddy yeah,way back maybe
[Sun May 10 19:56:23 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive oh man that was an awesome game
[Sun May 10 19:56:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive were u short Celtics Muddy?
[Sun May 10 19:56:45 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive ::ninja
[Sun May 10 19:57:53 EDT 2009] vincytrader we are the best sports town guys … celts .. pats …sox forget the bruins, they suck.
[Sun May 10 19:58:00 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive oh MAN Muddy
[Sun May 10 19:58:03 EDT 2009] Muddy ha a huge wager…Straight Wager 05/10/09 18:07 ET bet 25.00 to win 22.73 Result: Pending Celtics(Boston) Magic(Orlando) 05/10/09(20:10 ET) Under 195
[Sun May 10 19:58:08 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive let me see if I can do something for the back end on IU
[Sun May 10 19:58:09 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 1 sec
[Sun May 10 19:58:19 EDT 2009] Muddy under…just made it
[Sun May 10 19:59:18 EDT 2009] Muddy but 22.73 buys case of beer..whatever
[Sun May 10 20:00:08 EDT 2009] madmen /es
[Sun May 10 20:00:30 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive check this Muddy
[Sun May 10 20:00:30 EDT 2009] madmen wrong window, sorry 😉
[Sun May 10 20:00:32 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://investorshub.advfn.com/boards/board.aspx?board_id=15379
[Sun May 10 20:00:44 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive coming to an IU dashboard near you
[Sun May 10 20:01:47 EDT 2009] Muddy whoa,Q’s with Allyaustin
[Sun May 10 20:02:32 EDT 2009] Muddy now that’s hot
[Sun May 10 20:03:14 EDT 2009] vincytrader question = is/was the webinar eastern or pacific time ?
[Sun May 10 20:03:20 EDT 2009] Muddy BIOF a great short watch imo
[Sun May 10 20:04:03 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive EST
[Sun May 10 20:04:24 EDT 2009] vincytrader 10.58P ?
[Sun May 10 20:04:31 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive huh
[Sun May 10 20:04:38 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive 8PM EST like the email
[Sun May 10 20:04:41 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive hceck ur spam box
[Sun May 10 20:04:45 EDT 2009] Muddy IL.you see Ally?
[Sun May 10 20:05:07 EDT 2009] vincytrader i checked and it said 10 58 pm … lol
[Sun May 10 20:05:13 EDT 2009] Muddy thats a great Q link
[Sun May 10 20:05:29 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive lol!
[Sun May 10 20:05:35 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive wow
[Sun May 10 20:05:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive she’s a Mod
[Sun May 10 20:05:46 EDT 2009] Muddy 🙂
[Sun May 10 20:06:14 EDT 2009] Muddy get her over here!!
[Sun May 10 20:06:28 EDT 2009] Ryan Hope Laura is not reading the chatlog:)
[Sun May 10 20:06:58 EDT 2009] Muddy haha
[Sun May 10 20:07:17 EDT 2009] Muddy she knows i tend to get excited
[Sun May 10 20:07:48 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive FMNTQ
[Sun May 10 20:08:03 EDT 2009] Muddy but really,look at BIOF
[Sun May 10 20:08:39 EDT 2009] Muddy could say close to supernove
[Sun May 10 20:08:46 EDT 2009] Ryan BIOF was 13th most fav
[Sun May 10 20:08:50 EDT 2009] Muddy with the wick 1.65
[Sun May 10 20:08:56 EDT 2009] Muddy yes was
[Sun May 10 20:09:36 EDT 2009] Muddy the chart is nothing but red candles except last week
[Sun May 10 20:09:41 EDT 2009] Muddy its awful
[Sun May 10 20:10:39 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://www.investorsunderground.com/2009/05/10/list-of-q-stocks/
[Sun May 10 20:12:29 EDT 2009] InvestorsLive http://www.investorsunderground.com/sector-stocks/