Happy Thanksgiving 2013 – What I Am Thankful For

by | Nov 28, 2013

Each year, I take Thanksgiving morning as an opportunity to write a blog post and reflect on what I am most thankful for

It’s been a crazy year – you can see all trades HERE nearly $2 million verified in profits since 2010.

Over $5 million verified gains traders in my room have made with Investors Underground

Yes, first and foremost my wife Laura who waited eight years for me to propose …. it’s been one awesome year + of marriage! Since watching my DVD she FINALLY knows what I mean when a stock goes parabolic, washes out or the ABCD pattern. Seriously – she’s ready to go!

Second my family – Mom, Dad and Sister (check out her recent interview with Big Papi) all of which have always been there for me and would not be where I am today without the opportunities and support they provided as I grew up.

One of the most memorable events this year was being able to go full circle with my father returning the favor for the half dozen Red Soxs games I was fortunate enough to go to each year growing up and making it count! Yes, we attended Game 6 of the World Series!


And third everything related to my business: my website, my subscribers and those that have had an influence what I have done and helped to make this journey fun.

I have to thank Muddy & Laura for answering my email in 2008 asking them if they’d like to join forces since we traded similar stocks and each ran a chat room vs. try to compete for all the attention. They’d been running chat rooms for years and myself as well but we both had a drive to help others. Months after joining force,s we launched InvestorsUnderground live day trading chat room offering real time trading alerts, weekly webinars and 1:1 help with members.

It’s been a fun journey as each year our membership base has grown in an industry which supposedly 90% fail. Well, if you were to ask me – I think we’re in an industry where 90% make excuses as to why they break their rules, why they’re too proud to admit defeat and why they can’t just open their eyes and learn small steps that can literally change your life.

I’ve always told traders whether it’s in an interview, speaking at the PennyStocking Conference or our weekly webinars two things:

1. Surround yourself with success and it’s bound to rub off on you

2. Trade well and profits follow


Traders are TOO focused on things that DO NOT matter. “I want to come to the market today and make $500 a day” or “I just want to make $10,000 a month and I’m good” or  “It HAS to go up, just read the PRs!”  or “It’s up to much, it HAS to go down??”

It’s a fun industry and with an open and intrigued mind you can make it work for you too!

There is no question I have to thank Timothy Sykes for his CONSTANT hounding day in and day out for nearly four years “Where is your DVD?” … “When is your DVD done?” and every other email, text, instant message and rip on each blog he wrote for that matter that he wrote. It’s true, I NEVER could get around to doing it, I always made an excuse for what was not only a big opportunity for myself but rather a BIG opportunity to further the success of every single one of my subscribers with the release of just one product.  Http://Www.investorsunderground.com/Img/Oarmejypjb.png

My goal coming into this year (and 2010, 2011 and 2012’s goal for that matter) was to release my long-awaited DVD. Finally in October of this year, I did it. Again, without the constant push by Tim to get it done I probably wouldn’t have finished it – it’s by far the BEST decision I’ve made since launching my website in 2008.

My DVD launch was INCREDIBLE. I owe that to Joel (Tim’s father) who really bent over backwards to make the launch work as well as it did. Although I probably twisted too many buttons I am forever thankful for everything he and TLC Media did to support me with my launch.

Mike from profit.ly this guy is the man – always responsive to emails if ever an issue and is there in a minute to fix.

Mike, Joel – Thank you!

Now, let’s take that one step further.

There’s this dude named Cam, you might recognize him from the recent YouTube account I have been telling everyone to subscribe to since he’s been bumping out video after video creating a pretty snazzy channel.  Cam approached me in April or May and said “Nate, WTF … are you EVER going to get your DVD done? What is the problem? You have so much to say so much to offer – what’s the deal?”

He said this, “Let’s figure out a number that makes sense for both of us, you send me 15 minute segments at a time, I’ll put together all the clips AND make you sound like you know what you’re talking about and a superstar at the same time …. and we’ll get this done once and for all.” As you can tell he’s also just about as sarcastic as I am …. so … we get along.

I am so very thankful for Cam reaching out as he did, he was a member since day one in his account. I realized where my weaknesses were – I’m no video guy! If it wasn’t for Cam and his entrepreneurial ways I would not have released the my DVD which is already the #33 out of 100 top products on Investimonials!
So thank you Cam!

I am so very thankful for the VERY best trading software there is DAS Trader!

I cover DAS Trader for over 30 minutes in my DVD it’s by far the most robust trading platform any trader needs – without it … I’m not sure I would be as successful as I am. I love the product and will ALWAYS stand by it.

I am so very thankful to have developed a friendship with Karen Gentile, a great business woman who has really exponentially grown her company ringing TWO bells this year; first the NASDAQ early this year and most recently the NYSE! This is without a doubt an AMAZING accomplish to ring just ONE but ringing two within one year deserves a pat on the back. Over 100 million viewers saw the closing bell on NYSE! Congrats to Karen and her team (Tom, Sean and many more) who listen to my feedback and constantly add on new features based on ideas we brainstorm in the chat room.


I was fortunate enough to be invited along to ring the bell with Karen.

This was really the opportunity of a lifetime and allowed me to cross two life-long goals off my bucket list!

Thank you SO much Karen!

I have to thank all the moderators in my chat room who help make it happen. This year has been amazing to see traders excel.

It’s not just about me, or other moderators in the chat room. Traders new last year, or two years ago are now calling the shots and making other traders money.

Sandro has made trading his career now after leaving his job earlier this year. Shahriyar another recent stand out making trading work!

If I leave anyone out this is by no means a finished blog post I’m writing this before Thanksgiving dinner!

Marc Lehman ‏ @markflowchatter This guy is a rock star. I just recently posted a recap Cam made and it’ll show you just how great the guy is. I am SO very thankful to have him REAL TIME in the chat room every day. This guy is SUCH AN ASSET to the trading community.

Eric Wood ‏ @elkwood66 Eric is the man, great asset to have in the room and really became great friends over the past two years – mainly this past year always looking out for each other, coming up with solid ideas and bouncing them off one another and by far one of the MOST improved traders over 2013. He was never “bad” but his consistent and over coming his prior stubbornness this year has made him one incredible threat to the market- congrats and well done Eric.
Offshorehunter ‏ @offshorehunters Michele always a great asset in our room, she’s been in there since day one and over the last two years started doing two webinars a month. We are very fortunate to have her in the room she’s coming off a BANNER year with some amazing swing trade calls that MANY from the chat room benefited from – she is also the queen of ETF’s.
lx21 ‏ @lx21 Gregg is someone I look up to and admire. The dude banks $8 million, drives a mini van and you’d never know – I think that says enough. But reality is it’s a pleasure to watch him – this last quarter he’s had his hand in EVERYTHING and really closing out this year with a bang. I’ve never seen someone with such dedication day in and day out. Not to mention his brother-in-law Zach who works with him daily and provides timely alerts to the room as well – these two for me make trading more fun and humorous too.

Modern Rock ‏ @modern_rock what a year for this guy! I’ve watched him since I thought he was total bullshit just like I’m sure many of you thought when he first started tweeting. His journey is inspiring and although there are times I would love to just kick his ass as he complains about giving back $11,000 into close and “ugh so mad” “only up $30,000 on the day now” … well hey .. you know what this guy crossed a 7 figure day off his bucket list this year. It’s amazing to watch him trade so consistently and as I’ve always credited him – I learned how to nail OTC rebounds DEAD bottoms from him by watching and learning – thanks for all you do!

One quote he says a lot and it stuck to me was “You only need to get rich once” -MR

kroyrunner89 ‏ @kroyrunner89 was a pleasure to watch this guy present. He’s been trading just over a year? maybe less and I CANNOT believe how much he has excelled and how quickly. His PowerPoint was comprehensive and something it took me years to figure out thankful to have him in the chat room, thankful he is so humble and …. man what a year – congrats!

Splendores ‏ @splendores Sandro quit his job earlier this year because of the success he had – do you know he started with $2500 bucks?!

TradeHawk ‏ @TradeHawk love having him real time in the room – he’s a great info guys, great digger into filings and doesn’t speak much … but when he does MAN does he find gems! Great twitter follow as well.

Katsu ‏ @katsu127 wow, I remember this guy joining IU just a few years back in between making sushi rolls at the restaurant he was a chef at … seriously. He was always consistent with small but steady profits coming to the market each day with a plan. I say this because it’s a lesson and the same thing you’ll learn below with crawfish – he came, he worked on the basics and slowly geared up from there. In addition to great trading this year, grinding out some big and steady profits, he took a painful loss being stubborn (every great trader HAS to in their trading career otherwise you’ll never learn how to combat it) but guys this was the MOST incredible rebound I have seen to date – he took a few days off and grinded back using the same back to basics he learned and made it back within a few weeks – INCREDIBLE journey great job pal congrats on the success!

crawfish poboy ‏ @crawfish_poboy this guy is a rock star and has a sweet story to go with it. I hope to share it soon – in a nutshell make or break on decisions in his life and bammmm he had the drive, dedication and what a great attitude to go with it. Much like Katsu, he would grind out small and steady profits he’d always tell me, “I wanna get to the next level, I want to size up, I want to make more” etc – told him focus on trading well, that will come …. from $200 a day to $500 a day to $1000 a day to recent $2000 a day consistency the man has a plan and it’s working. The biggest thing to take away from him – sure he has losses but you know what? HE TAKES THEM before they TAKE HIM. Learn from him!

Free Flow ‏ @FreeFlowFinance I added him as a moderator this year based on the amount of PMs I received “Hey man .. free.flow is a great dude he helped me out huge” etc etc. Got to know him more and more this year and really has become a solid asset to the room. Thanks for all you do!

Drock ‏ @Derrickleon719 this guy came outta no where this year has found success in trading “gets it” and has become an asset in the room as well. He got on a groove after the October conference in Vegas and has been having a banner year. He’s got the scaling strategy down pat and making $$ daily. Thanks for listening and congrats on your success.

BioRunUp ‏ @BioRunUp fact is he’s in our room because he knows he loves it 😉 whether or not he uses the same alias oh .. well … maybe not BUT let’s just put it this way – he is an ASSET to our room always has been always will be whether or not he uses the BioRunUp name. Great dude, pleasure to know.

Superman ‏ @super_trades Paul is ridiculous great guy, glad I got to meet him and money and success doesn’t faze him he’s the same dude whether he wins big or small. The ability to hold the stocks he does is amazing – and it’s really what profit.ly was missing – a legit swing trader. Take ARCW for example – he nailed it early, three or four weeks later it had gone up 500% but not before it went up $5 down $4 up $10 down $8 up $12 down $8 up $5 down $6 up $15 down $5 etc etc etc. My point? To stomach that move he deserves every friggin’ dime. AMAZING. He literally gets excited when he finds a winner and has made members a ton of money – a banner year and a great job finding trades. If you haven’t checked him out – do so now.

Timothy Sykes ‏ @timothysykes like I said above this guy has created an empire. Without him I wouldn’t have been able to impact as many traders as I have nor would I have been able to create as many new relationships with traders. Tim is a great teacher and I will tell you how I know this – as guys excel through his Challenge program and get the basic groundwork they need as a trader MOST of them excel and WANT more – why do I say this? Remember “90% fail” right? Nah … not in this community there is SO much overlap of Tim students excelling and as I call it “graduating” almost like an MBA and becoming Investors Underground members this is how I know that Tim provides a SOLID foundation. PERIOD.

SA Analyst ‏ @vandykeforbes great to have this guy in the room – he’s quick at reading S.A. headlines and figuring out which ones matter and which ones can be tossed – great asset so thank you!

These guys are great follows and assets to the chat room. I am getting to know each one better and better this year as they excel as traders and relationships develop. It’s been a pleasure to watch them become as great as they are and look forward to see how far they come in 2014.

frank kolnacki ‏ @frankkolnacki
coreykindhart ‏ @coreykindhart
Phil Goedeker ‏ @OzarkTrades
SIRICOR ‏ @siricortrader
Tronk325 ‏ @tcunniffe1

Stock Horizon LLC ‏ @StockHorizon Steve has become a great friend over the past year and a half and I’ve seen his trading excel in Nasdaq trading. Congrats on your success with the Gazer!

Thanks to Max aka DayRanger in chat who has programmed some AWESOME AutoPost options allowing us to nail that $NQ trade before the entire street had it faster than Twitter!

Thanks to the entire community we’ve built, we have an ego-free zone and I thank everyone daily for keeping it that way. There is NO other chat room like what we have on the web and without all the cooperation we wouldn’t be able to have it that way.

Thanks to Guy Gentile and his entrepreneurial wisdom for creating SureTrader. Without this many traders under $25,000 wouldn’t have had the chance they have currently to make it work with a smaller account.

Thanks to CenterPoint Securities for getting us the borrows we need, the team is incredible. Scott, Matt, Mike and Royce who is just the man, always there to help. I’ve never heard a complaint from anyone I’ve sent there and once again if you are a trader looking for the best brokerage around – contact me and I’ll send you information!

Thanks to all of twitter for making trading fun.

Thanks to all the trolls who make my days humorous with the time you waste! Always remember, we (real traders)  KNOW the only reason people troll is when they’re not making money in the market – so save yourself the embarrassment – join a real community through your non-working strategy away and come with a clear head!

Lastly thank you … for reading this! I hope that these follows, ideas and comments help you excel as a trader. I’ve been doing this since 2003 and it’s incredibly amazing to see people transform as traders. I am continually learning from mistakes and bettering my trading along the way. I can’t wait to continue to share that journey with you all.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!



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