DCIX Video Recap & Chat Logs
IU Chat Logs for Nov 3, 2017
07:54:07 am InvestorsLive: gm all
07:54:20 am cmorbutz: gm
07:54:39 am InvestorsLive: gotta remember CC
07:54:41 am InvestorsLive: man SBUX what a rally
07:55:04 am InvestorsLive: or maybe im just bitter I owned it $3.50 ago
07:55:30 am @realDonaldTrump – Pocahontas just stated that the Democrats, lead by the legendary Crooked Hillary Clinton, rigged the Primaries! Lets go FBI & Justice Dept.
07:55:37 am InvestorsLive: WING some gap
07:56:11 am InvestorsLive: P disaster
07:57:18 am InvestorsLive: DATA known to have major range
07:59:28 am fahdieno: IMGNgap down
07:59:30 am fahdieno: IMGN
08:00:35 am @d4ytrad3 – Bob Duggan Assumes Chairmanship, @ $PLSE
08:03:22 am InvestorsLive: GROW nice move lately
08:03:51 am @realDonaldTrump – ISIS just claimed the Degenerate Animal who killed, and so badly wounded, the wonderful people on the West Side, was “their soldier.” …..
08:04:03 am InvestorsLive: TEVA has $7 tgt by MS this AM
08:05:22 am InvestorsLive: joined AAPL ss
08:05:40 am InvestorsLive: P is like AKS these $1-2 rangers
08:05:43 am InvestorsLive: in cheap names uglyyyy
08:08:40 am InvestorsLive: DATA another few bucks
08:08:59 am InvestorsLive: SBUX near r/g
08:10:02 am InvestorsLive: DCIX buck gap
08:10:06 am InvestorsLive: started after hours to walk up
08:11:05 am InvestorsLive: MELI nice gap
08:11:33 am @realDonaldTrump – …Based on that, the Military has hit ISIS “much harder” over the last two days. They will pay a big price for every attack on us!
08:12:29 am InvestorsLive: Usually ingore $5-8 stocks but lately they’be been moving $2 down
08:12:33 am InvestorsLive: OCLR AKS etc …
08:12:44 am InvestorsLive: KEYW P PACB IMGN CBL latest
08:14:26 am InvestorsLive: AAPL I’m always early on first entry last night too before the big splash
08:14:29 am InvestorsLive: added a few
08:14:35 am InvestorsLive: mid .20s avg 1/3
08:15:20 am spectre: s AAPL starter
08:15:42 am InvestorsLive: geez ANET
08:15:56 am InvestorsLive: smacked into the close now ripped
08:17:04 am InvestorsLive: BLMN down too
08:17:31 am TradeAddict: FLS big unwinder yesterday noone has seen
08:18:10 am spectre: AAPL stopped.
08:18:34 am InvestorsLive: FLS nuts
08:18:39 am InvestorsLive: so many of these candles yesterday
08:20:50 am InvestorsLive: This is why I try not to trade pre lol now AAPL waste my time down almost a buck ha
08:20:54 am InvestorsLive: https://www.investorsunderground.com/scan-for-110317-from-nate/ top of scan last night
08:20:57 am InvestorsLive: if you guys want to send in a photo
08:20:59 am InvestorsLive: please do
08:21:50 am InvestorsLive: this BLDP feels like it can fun
08:21:52 am InvestorsLive: if wash opps
08:22:32 am MMLifeMatt: good morning and good luck to all
08:23:32 am InvestorsLive: Figure Monday all the $200 $250 PT come out AAPL
08:24:01 am InvestorsLive: only 2 are 200 so far surprised no wild ones yet
08:24:20 am InvestorsLive: Meanwhile DCIX is $4
08:25:51 am InvestorsLive: SBUX green
08:25:53 am InvestorsLive: brb
08:26:12 am scrabblehero: nice SBUX what a move
08:31:43 am cmorbutz: NFLX setting up for $2-$3 move over 200
08:33:40 am cmorbutz: /NQ flying
08:33:45 am InvestorsLive: DCIX is very thin
08:33:59 am InvestorsLive: damn coffee cost me some $ AAPL
08:34:35 am xssara1: Morning!!
08:34:43 am InvestorsLive: waiting to scale any size there closer to 9am into open
08:34:50 am InvestorsLive: MTBC another gap
08:34:58 am InvestorsLive: once again I think real key is going to be just focus on 2-3 maybe 4 names
08:35:08 am InvestorsLive: Yesterday was so much going on … easy to lose focus
08:35:11 am InvestorsLive: so much range lately
08:35:31 am InvestorsLive: GE going to watch weakness w/ risk off yesterday lows
08:36:08 am InvestorsLive: MU marching
08:38:02 am P_Mil: IMGN nice push
08:39:05 am spectre: P nlod
08:39:59 am JimTilton: Somebody is busy this morning
08:40:20 am InvestorsLive: Goal is 3-4 names by open Jim
08:40:24 am seq:
08:40:29 am InvestorsLive: can’t wrap my head around all these
08:41:19 am spectre: s SBUX 54.70 risk 50c
08:45:08 am @d4ytrad3 – $RCII market telling Vintage capital exactly what it thinks of its “offer”
08:45:20 am PPOWER: CCL gaping up
08:49:48 am Eurocayman: JUNO gap down 2.3%
08:50:30 am sub2pointzero: KEM some gap after big down day yesterday.
08:50:50 am scott916: BONT delisting as of 11/9 from nasdaq in case hasn’t been posted yet
08:52:30 am InvestorsLive: P range is ridic already
08:54:07 am InvestorsLive: AAPL thinking some decent range today 168-180 range maybe better
08:54:11 am InvestorsLive: SBUX prob $2 trade in it at some point
08:54:14 am InvestorsLive: 945-10AM + sorta join
08:54:34 am InvestorsLive: CC I don’t want to lose off radar if and only if it decides to have failed follow thru many itmes moves happen quick and need to be ready to cover
08:54:49 am HITrader: P has someone liquidating like crazy in last 20min
08:54:59 am InvestorsLive: BLDP I think could do $6.50-7 short term if and only if dips/trend holds like XNET was … I’d want to see dips along a trend healthy pulls but over all trend holding
08:55:01 am InvestorsLive: then may start to gear up
08:55:28 am InvestorsLive: AAPL I’m wrong so far 174.2x’s avg starter so far thinking maybe ducks into open quick slam cover and look for a trade after that if not, will move on
08:55:57 am scott916: DCTH 1 for 350 r/s lol, not ORIG but close
08:55:59 am InvestorsLive: TEVA NWL GE all watching for trend join may need a few days – had 2 q’s on AMD I think AMD the ‘easy’ part is over ie: reactive trades and I think it’ll be in a consolidation pattern until NVDA is done
08:56:20 am InvestorsLive: JUNO weak open ramp is ideal cautiously and slowly looking to scoop if trend confirms
08:56:23 am InvestorsLive: ATH failed follow thru
08:56:32 am InvestorsLive: nice work SBUX spectre
08:57:39 am InvestorsLive: P only edge is a wash imo … $4.80s comes to mind
08:57:54 am InvestorsLive: otherwise trend join this is trading real heavy like NWL was into open
08:58:08 am spectre: SBUX all covered.
08:59:34 am InvestorsLive: VWAP test AAPL
08:59:44 am InvestorsLive: timing is right re: the move just didn’t scale
09:00:54 am JimTilton: SBUX ceo on this AM, stronger trade may follow
09:06:46 am InvestorsLive: DATA coming back nicely
09:07:00 am PLelek: P perk
09:08:45 am InvestorsLive: P stuffy still
09:08:48 am InvestorsLive: SPCB still won’t go away
09:08:53 am InvestorsLive: nada to chase but def aw atch
09:10:24 am spectre: BOOT no vol. nice gap. will eye for volume and trend later
09:11:08 am InvestorsLive: DATA 4 on air
09:11:12 am Umar: DATA gaining back
09:13:07 am InvestorsLive: CBL like P 25% hair cuts
09:13:29 am InvestorsLive: focus for me sorta in batches … TEVA NWL GE watching for the weak open and rally back style trade … but secondary sorta watches
09:13:45 am InvestorsLive: AAPL ideally cracks pretty much flattish here from the starter .20 off here
09:13:54 am InvestorsLive: P when SSR comes on may be a nice opp like TEVA yesterday off any wash
09:14:10 am InvestorsLive: JUNO same as scan
09:15:08 am InvestorsLive: THS ATH CC BLDP on screens as well for scan plan but not reactive out of gate
09:15:09 am cmorbutz: NWL some bids
09:15:14 am scott916: RMAX light volume but good size gap down on some sketchy sounding new re: their CEOs
09:15:20 am @d4ytrad3 – $EROS Eros Now Announces Entry into South African Market with Telecel Global Partnership (Dow Jones 11/03 05:15:00)
09:15:21 am scott916: *news
09:15:34 am fahdieno: ISIG lil gap
09:15:52 am InvestorsLive: WING skipping on air
09:16:01 am InvestorsLive: has range potential
09:16:28 am Just_cool_penguin: CBL gap down
09:17:52 am PLelek: KEM gap… failed follow through opp
09:18:04 am InvestorsLive: best to get up earlier than 13 minutes before open ^ re: CBL
09:19:09 am P_Mil: IMGN perk
09:21:34 am AT09: DCIX awake
09:21:50 am InvestorsLive: P nasty candle attacked that 500k offer
09:23:13 am InvestorsLive: nailed AAPL .. woo wee for a dime sick trade … $1.50 risk .10 reward
09:23:53 am JimTilton: Risk v Reward not recommended ^
09:24:34 am InvestorsLive: My focus today is going to be patience and look to join vs. out of gate
09:24:37 am iromano4: may as well have gone long pre e/r re AAPL
09:24:40 am InvestorsLive: ie: ATVI failed follow thru etc
09:25:00 am InvestorsLive: DCIX still going
09:25:01 am Most Mentioned Tickers, Pre: AAPL(71), P(70), SBUX(51), DCIX(30), DATA(25)
09:25:14 am Top tweeted pre-market: AAPL P SBUX ANET TSLA TEVA IMGN AMZN WING CBL
09:26:18 am cmorbutz: DATA push
09:27:02 am JimTilton: OO Tweet: TEVA A Price Below $8 Is Real – RBCMS re-its Underweight, Drops PT $14 -> $7
09:27:10 am trader530: gabelli downgrading OLED
09:27:17 am InvestorsLive: This DCIX don’t underestimate it
09:27:31 am InvestorsLive: either direction but could be great if a lot short the gap and turns into a $7-10 + runner
09:27:42 am InvestorsLive: GE back
09:27:46 am InvestorsLive: yesterday lows was in the .60s
09:28:26 am cmorbutz: 2 mins
09:28:39 am gblair: JD perk
09:30:16 am InvestorsLive: DCIX ramp
09:30:18 am JimTilton: SBUX low of the pre-market last 90 minutes
09:30:22 am InvestorsLive: will trade this thing cautuously
09:30:44 am cmorbutz: P pop
09:31:12 am InvestorsLive: cov some AAPL
09:31:16 am fahdieno: ss DATA
09:31:16 am InvestorsLive: going to scale ATVI ss if pops fail
09:31:35 am elkwood66: ss tiny STMP
09:31:52 am InvestorsLive: all cov AAPL
09:31:59 am cmorbutz: JUNO r/g
09:32:05 am InvestorsLive: DCIX important to have ur own plan – but nice so far
09:32:16 am InvestorsLive: scalnig ATVI
09:32:19 am elkwood66: ss tiny OLED
09:32:41 am InvestorsLive: nice pull AAPL
09:32:46 am strangeracer: DCIX is insane
09:32:55 am cmorbutz: long some AAPL into wash
09:32:56 am fahdieno: stopped DATA
09:33:01 am JimTilton: ATVI red
09:33:05 am PLelek: KEM ramp
09:33:10 am InvestorsLive: ATVI nasty guys
09:33:13 am elkwood66: OLEd theres 2$
09:33:14 am cmorbutz: NWL
09:33:15 am InvestorsLive: sick nail
09:33:42 am elkwood66: STMP murdered
09:33:45 am InvestorsLive: CC I told you guys – dont let me forgget
09:33:46 am cmorbutz: NWL huge
09:34:10 am huskybrusky: ISIG nhod
09:34:34 am InvestorsLive: Damn NWL nasty
09:34:37 am elkwood66: add TEVA
09:34:55 am cmorbutz: P hods
09:35:17 am BLR3000: b ZGNX starter
09:35:40 am Ron: JUNO on r/g
09:35:47 am ollietrolly: DRYS sympathy?
09:35:57 am InvestorsLive: scaled more ATVI
09:36:04 am P_Mil: SNAP push
09:36:05 am elkwood66: STMP i think easily 10 more dollar
09:36:13 am TaurGuy: JUNO snap
09:36:21 am InvestorsLive: JUNO fast slam
09:36:23 am fahdieno: re ss DATA
09:36:25 am InvestorsLive: AAPL steady sell
09:36:28 am InvestorsLive: CC nearing 50 test
09:37:01 am MMLifeMatt: TEVA nHOD
09:37:14 am Ksav: ITUS nhod
09:37:39 am @KerrisdaleCap – $ADMS: Productive call/update last night. Interesting new tidbit – 40% of Gocovri patients experience ≥50% reduction in dyskinesia. High #s!
09:37:45 am Emil: started in TEVA short
09:37:59 am fahdieno: XNET nhods
09:38:06 am OddStockTrader: XNET lil push
09:38:22 am Ksav: ITUS nhod
09:38:42 am InvestorsLive: TEVA nice off wash r/g test
09:38:47 am InvestorsLive: BLDP theres a good wash too watching dips if trend ohlds
09:38:49 am elkwood66: add TEVA ss
09:38:50 am InvestorsLive: ADMS fresh highs
09:39:33 am P_Mil: SNAP hod break
09:39:58 am fahdieno: LBIX push
09:40:00 am Hardo: AAP near yesterday’s low
09:40:06 am MMLifeMatt: SBUX nHOD
09:41:02 am TaurGuy: JUNO Washing
09:41:11 am Hilltop_88: ss KEM ss NWL
09:41:11 am scrabblehero: BLDP nice wash and ramp near hod
09:41:14 am InvestorsLive: JUNO not taking off radar — have a feeling 10AM + will offer a nice ramp back later on
09:41:17 am InvestorsLive: no position but watching
09:41:26 am InvestorsLive: P big rally
09:41:49 am elkwood66: lookin 170s to cover STMP
09:41:49 am InvestorsLive: Bscaling BLDP
09:41:52 am InvestorsLive: scaling * per scan plan
09:41:53 am OddStockTrader: CERS impressive
09:41:55 am fahdieno: MTBC red
09:42:22 am BLR3000: XNET was newsletter fwiw
09:42:56 am InvestorsLive: TEVA next leg
09:43:07 am InvestorsLive: AAPL guess I should held still thinking 168 potential
09:43:15 am InvestorsLive: may lean back on it if offers some pops
09:43:18 am Hilltop_88: cover 1/2 KEM
09:43:24 am InvestorsLive: JUNO that was fast
09:43:48 am huskybrusky: XNET nHOD
09:43:50 am InvestorsLive: added more BLDP
09:44:34 am P_Mil: SNAP nhod
09:44:41 am Emil: added few more TEVA
09:44:49 am Emil: last add until back side
09:44:52 am InvestorsLive: NWL comments yesterday that morning move first 15 min likely to get back to VWAP and back to selling (once they seller comes back into market) happening now
09:45:08 am InvestorsLive: CC faield follow thru
09:45:27 am InvestorsLive: TAL steady trend
09:45:34 am elkwood66: STMP yes sir
09:45:39 am InvestorsLive: XNET like with $11.80 guide
09:45:43 am elkwood66: 179s
09:45:45 am Hilltop_88: cov NWL for sm profit
09:45:50 am InvestorsLive: nice short Eric STMP
09:45:57 am InvestorsLive: JUNO higher
09:46:00 am PLelek: MU gave up gap
09:46:01 am fahdieno: covered half DATA
09:46:05 am trader530: FDC hearing jana going activist in it new large top position
09:46:16 am InvestorsLive: thinking $60 rip $62 likely I was hoping more dips and not a rebound this soon was hoping 10 AM + o well
09:46:30 am PPOWER: GE perk
09:46:51 am InvestorsLive: adding ATVI
09:47:34 am fahdieno: XNET ss
09:47:35 am InvestorsLive: DCIX .80s absorbed prob get rid of all the $5 + chasers work them out as long as it reclaims should be decent if not be cautious – again trade ur own plan here if it holds I wrote what I thought pre but know the history here
09:47:36 am PLelek: OMI decent push
09:47:45 am trader530: fdc CONFIRMED
09:48:32 am JBrown: TWTR red
09:49:05 am InvestorsLive: DCIX reminder that still Kalani and still can sell so if it loses trend . you know what’s likely if it holds, then likely many will be wrong side make sure you understand that part
09:49:28 am huskybrusky: LBIX nHOD
09:49:43 am snuffleplatypus: ss some XNET, had newsletter on it long
09:49:46 am InvestorsLive: MELI — DanS we can’t forget — was thikning maybe unwind back red later so far steady fade
09:50:34 am InvestorsLive: JUNO there it is
09:51:00 am AT09: yep DCIX Kalani stock , same guy who murdered DRYS
09:51:05 am AT09: not saying its a short, float is too low
09:51:09 am AT09: just something to be aware of
09:51:32 am InvestorsLive: $4.80 is only level now reclaim game on if not stay safe
09:51:36 am InvestorsLive: CC again LODs
09:51:40 am InvestorsLive: nice off failed follow thru
09:51:58 am InvestorsLive: like I said last night … when it moves it moves and china stuff has been getting crushed
09:52:01 am InvestorsLive: JD TAL MOMO etc
09:52:07 am InvestorsLive: another buck CC
09:52:07 am Ron: BLDP nhods
09:52:13 am Hilltop_88: cov the rest KEM
09:52:28 am InvestorsLive: BLDP added
09:52:35 am fahdieno: covered half XNET
09:52:36 am InvestorsLive: GE watch w/ scan plan
09:52:41 am InvestorsLive: dips now prob worth eye
09:52:47 am cmorbutz: TEVA staying up .. started GE long
09:53:10 am InvestorsLive: started small feeler GE
09:53:45 am Knowgood: GNMK halt
09:55:00 am P_Mil: SNAP speeding up a bit
09:55:16 am cmorbutz: SBUX hods
09:55:17 am Arsenal: PYDS tryin
09:55:45 am InvestorsLive: SBUX steady rip
09:55:56 am P_Mil: ONCS nhod
09:56:18 am cmorbutz: add AAPL long
09:58:27 am InvestorsLive: SNAP day early – nice ramp today
09:58:41 am Arch173rd: CERS multi month B/O
09:59:20 am cmorbutz: SBUX speeding up
09:59:43 am InvestorsLive: JUNO nice trap again
09:59:59 am InvestorsLive: scooping slowly dips if no stuffs
10:00:02 am Most Mentioned Tickers, 1st 30m: JUNO(50), TEVA(40), XNET(40), AAPL(35), NWL(30)
10:00:04 am Top tweeted, first 30m: DCIX AAPL ITUS SBUX ISIG LBIX OLED HRC DATA P
10:00:18 am gblair: BLUE at it again
10:00:32 am MMLifeMatt: NWL pulled a bit lower
10:00:33 am InvestorsLive: thinking JUNO prob $2 on iar
10:00:43 am MMLifeMatt: JUNO 60+
10:00:53 am gblair: b JUNO
10:00:58 am JimTilton: great call on JUNO
10:00:59 am Hilltop_88: NWL nice unwind so far, hopefully $30.5s today
10:01:02 am sub2pointzero: KEM perk through vwap
10:01:59 am InvestorsLive: TEVA non stop
10:02:18 am Hilltop_88: ss KEM again sm risk hod
10:02:33 am InvestorsLive: FB LODs
10:03:12 am JimTilton: CMOR nice timimg on AAPL
10:03:15 am cmorbutz: s adds AAPL +1ish back to core
10:04:06 am AndrewPZ: ISIG hod
10:04:11 am InvestorsLive: MELI watching this reversal
10:04:27 am cmorbutz: P fade
10:04:32 am Arsenal: MTBC perk
10:05:04 am ameer: AAPL perking up, closing in on VWAP
10:05:08 am sub2pointzero: long KEM
10:05:31 am fahdieno: MTBC gearing
10:05:58 am InvestorsLive: SBUX watching now next pop if it fails
10:06:08 am cmorbutz: CELG steady
10:07:15 am sub2pointzero: KEM nhod
10:07:23 am gblair: IO hod
10:07:23 am Hilltop_88: out ss KEM
10:07:50 am InvestorsLive: BLDP sized down on some adds failed follow thru look to re accum dips poer plant ho
10:09:08 am PLelek: OMI nHod
10:09:44 am InvestorsLive: TRUP on air – steady
10:09:46 am sub2pointzero: sold KEM
10:09:49 am elkwood66: STMP theres the 104 more to bad im covered
10:09:53 am elkwood66: 10$
10:09:53 am cmorbutz: b SBUX
10:09:57 am cmorbutz: starter
10:10:02 am InvestorsLive: BABA AABA heavy
10:10:34 am Hilltop_88: NML cov for now
10:10:37 am Hilltop_88: NWL
10:11:06 am InvestorsLive: took GE off few cents see no edge
10:11:26 am elkwood66: STMP still heavy
10:11:34 am JBrown: WLL / OAS abcding
10:11:37 am InvestorsLive: JUNO fail
10:11:44 am fahdieno: cover rest DATA flat
10:12:08 am @AureliusValue – Exactly the dynamic described by different doctor to us $MDXG https://t.co/rl3KvdE6DK
10:12:45 am cmorbutz: took GE off flat
10:12:55 am InvestorsLive: DCIX still sub VWAP but gearing back
10:12:55 am elkwood66: PM nate
10:13:28 am cmorbutz: SBUX no adds for me until over .5 w/ base
10:13:34 am fahdieno: RCII hods
10:13:34 am InvestorsLive: VRX unwind
10:13:42 am JBrown: TWTR nlod
10:13:49 am elkwood66: ate OLED small loss
10:14:55 am InvestorsLive: snagged few JUNO 5850 over/under guide
10:15:00 am JimTilton: BABA broke yesterdays lod, Wednesday low is 183.58
10:15:00 am InvestorsLive: wide picture idea
10:15:39 am InvestorsLive: ATVI staying heavy
10:16:20 am elkwood66: been leaning hard! TEVA and this is auto swing until punished way higher
10:17:04 am InvestorsLive: MOH monster move — watcher for later feel free to post any big moves or backside formation – prefer not to miss it off radar but likely will
10:18:48 am InvestorsLive: CC nice rally
10:19:03 am elkwood66: fwiw im seeing TEVA similar to GE style so have to be willing to ride the rollercoaster
10:19:06 am cmorbutz: start DATA long
10:19:08 am fahdieno: DATA gearing
10:19:24 am OddStockTrader: HMNY 10
10:19:42 am InvestorsLive: MAT inching
10:19:42 am fahdieno: covered some more XNET
10:19:46 am fahdieno: 1/4 left
10:20:25 am PPOWER: GE gearing again
10:21:05 am cmorbutz: add back AAPL
10:21:39 am cmorbutz: add DATA
10:21:39 am QuantTrade: OMER on the rise
10:21:41 am InvestorsLive: FNSR OCLR perk / gear – worth an eye on LITE if any curl up and sustained rebound
10:22:15 am cmorbutz: DATA 1/3 size or so leaving room
10:22:27 am njoerdrson: JD ramp
10:23:04 am MMLifeMatt: NWL failed at 32 again for now
10:23:08 am PPOWER: CCL ramp
10:23:37 am InvestorsLive: VRNS another big ranger
10:24:22 am InvestorsLive: joining NSTG small
10:24:31 am InvestorsLive: (pops/offers)
10:24:46 am InvestorsLive: Scan hits neg – DISCK T FOXA MO CTL CIG ITUB
10:24:57 am InvestorsLive: + EXC SYMC KEM HDP PYPL JD RCII FNSR
10:24:59 am Ron: BLDP gear
10:25:44 am cmorbutz: done AAPL
10:25:52 am @MoxReports – VERY LONG $RH – analysis coming shortly. Market has missed several big items. Stock headed much higher very soon.
10:26:06 am MMLifeMatt: TEVA pull to VWAP
10:26:35 am AT09: DCIX still grinding, be careful if on short side
10:26:42 am DanS: RH Mox reports
10:26:45 am DanS: they are long
10:26:45 am AT09: got few PMs about it ^
10:26:56 am cmorbutz: JUNO perk
10:27:04 am InvestorsLive: $4.80s is key on DCIX same as before but still sub VWAP
10:27:19 am InvestorsLive: again trade ur plan e know its a turd but doesn’t mean there isn’t opp off washes
10:27:22 am InvestorsLive: we *
10:27:28 am InvestorsLive: JUNO slowly
10:28:26 am InvestorsLive: MDT like this higehr the better and then failed follow thru to fade it back yesterday big loser
10:28:35 am @realDonaldTrump – Bernie Sanders supporters have every right to be apoplectic of the complete theft of the Dem primary by Crooked Hillary!
10:28:43 am Hilltop_88: re short KEM sm
10:28:58 am InvestorsLive: JUNO if it stuffs will lock af ew in – but ncie rally back off the scoop
10:29:27 am Arch173rd: ISIG nhod
10:29:39 am cmorbutz: s 1/2 DATA
10:29:39 am Hilltop_88: also starter NWL again for vwap fail
10:29:55 am @realDonaldTrump – I always felt I would be running and winning against Bernie Sanders, not Crooked H, without cheating, I was right.
10:30:09 am JT: sbux restarting
10:30:15 am @d4ytrad3 – $SBUX amazing complacency. Given 5pts premium over levels last night all off 1 sentence in cc that could be taken as v. general commentary
10:31:52 am InvestorsLive: VRX steady unwind
10:32:02 am Awatler: NTBC Broke 4.3 support. Let’s see if it retests 4.15
10:32:06 am fahdieno: TEVA ss
10:32:07 am Awatler: MTBC
10:32:17 am InvestorsLive: TEVA nice Eric — VRX speeding
10:33:21 am InvestorsLive: SNES SPCB still on my back radar not momo trades but if they trend in coming days hours etc I am def interested
10:33:41 am cmorbutz: out rest DATA
10:33:44 am @MoxReports – LONG $RH – Article is now up. https://t.co/cUkh2BrH2f
10:33:57 am Emil: adding in TEVA
10:34:00 am InvestorsLive: My goal today was focus so .. not trading as much and just still short ATVI from open and all those adds
10:34:04 am Emil: and will add more under 11.5
10:34:13 am fahdieno: covered rest of XNET flat
10:34:22 am cmorbutz: add SBUX long
10:34:29 am InvestorsLive: almost $4/share here so be cautious along way ideally $58-60 splash in perfect world but $4 is a lot – nice job if you nailed too
10:36:42 am iromano4: NRG squeezing
10:37:07 am ameer: CELG on vwap
10:37:12 am InvestorsLive: JUNO on r/g test
10:38:18 am QuantTrade: (again)
10:38:25 am elkwood66: OLED nonstop , good covers for loss there
10:38:40 am cmorbutz: started NWL long
10:38:54 am Hilltop_88: cov 1/2 KEM
10:39:11 am QuantTrade: OMER likely backside
10:40:18 am Hilltop_88: another 1/4 KEM cov
10:40:40 am Hilltop_88: the rest to ride out or trend change
10:41:00 am cmorbutz: stopped SBUX
10:41:47 am scott916: FTR through previous 2 day lows
10:41:56 am cmorbutz: re visit over .5 as original plan
10:41:59 am cmorbutz: AAPL push
10:42:00 am @d4ytrad3 – $SBUX technical picture, < $55.75 imo its heading back to red & likely see a drift back to low $54s at least
10:42:19 am JimTilton: Some short term Bearish Puts on VRX VRX Bearish Put Spread — 42,214 November 10.50 puts bought for 0.64 against open interest of 1,955 contracts, 42,214 November 9 puts sold for 0.22 against open interest of 1,984. Stock 11.23.
10:42:28 am InvestorsLive: DCIX nice guys
10:42:48 am JimTilton: VRX earning 11/07
10:43:26 am cmorbutz: long few P
10:43:27 am @d4ytrad3 – Started $DRYS swing Long today; Think $DCIX move going to be shocking & going to reheat the sector
10:43:36 am InvestorsLive: Oh yes DCIX locked a bit get me a halt will ya
10:43:46 am cmorbutz: DCIX ncie
10:43:55 am InvestorsLive: Yes sir !
10:43:56 am Awatler: DCIX running
10:43:58 am InvestorsLive: 1/2 left
10:44:15 am InvestorsLive: halt that hoe
10:44:20 am cmorbutz: started back in AAPL long
10:44:22 am JimTilton: OH my!
10:44:50 am @d4ytrad3 – $SBUX rating d/g @ Fitch to A- (ill take whatever I can get, lol)
10:45:04 am @d4ytrad3 – $DCIX talk about timing, huge move!
10:45:26 am @d4ytrad3 – $DRYS I think should be more like $4.75-5.25 here
10:45:35 am cmorbutz: ditch NWL
10:45:43 am InvestorsLive: Monster guys well done on the trade plan DCIX again trade ur plan .. should trade on ur own … sick reclaim
10:45:43 am Hilltop_88: cov 1/2 NWL
10:45:44 am NewportBeach: PRELF (HIVE Blockchain). GROW owns 10% stake, approximately. Both up.
10:45:50 am InvestorsLive: i prob sold too many bu tI always get nervous with Kalani
10:45:56 am @realDonaldTrump – Just took off for ceremony @ Pearl Harbor. Will then be heading to Japan, SKorea, China, Vietnam & the Philippines. Will never let you down!
10:46:21 am OddStockTrader: DCIX wild
10:46:30 am InvestorsLive: $7 looks more realistic now? from pre .. haha $7-10 goal
10:47:01 am Awatler: DCIX crazy
10:47:35 am Hilltop_88: KEM covered last 1/4, great trade, but not like DCIX wow, great job guys!
10:47:47 am DanS: DRYS getting some life
10:48:05 am ollietrolly: you’re awesome Nate. didn’t take part in DCIX but wow
10:48:18 am TaurGuy: MOH ss Starter risking hod
10:48:40 am InvestorsLive: Yep im awesome when I am right
10:48:55 am PLelek: FNSR pull
10:49:31 am OddStockTrader: watching GLBS and other shipper turds, along with CYTR recent r/s for any decent vol
10:50:00 am stapes1: anyone know if DSX still owns stake in DCIX..last i saw was 44% but was awhile back
10:50:28 am InvestorsLive: Guys along w/ Cody comment as with anything
10:50:34 am InvestorsLive: remember unless this goes totally nuts
10:50:37 am InvestorsLive: careful chasing sympathy names
10:50:54 am InvestorsLive: 1 outta 10 go and many times go and stuff sometimes best to see them prove themselves after the first move
10:51:00 am InvestorsLive: just general warning on these
10:51:15 am InvestorsLive: nice eyes as always tho just really trade ur plan be patient don’t chase
10:52:16 am OddStockTrader: exactly nate
10:52:21 am InvestorsLive: JUNO I took 1/3 into that
10:53:48 am raghu: starter BL here , stop under 6.02
10:53:52 am raghu: CBL
10:54:28 am InvestorsLive: XNET slowly
10:54:33 am Ron: XNET nhods
10:55:53 am @d4ytrad3 – $SITO Announces Multi-Year Partnership with Bell Media to Provide Audience Behavior Insights and Media Solutions
10:57:11 am cmorbutz: TEVA back near hods
10:58:08 am Arch173rd: TEVA nhod
10:58:58 am cmorbutz: AMD curl
10:59:18 am Arch173rd: isig gearing
11:00:05 am Top tweeted, previous hour: DCIX AAPL SBUX ISIG GBT TSLA P OLED ANET LBIX
11:00:15 am InvestorsLive: CRUS gap and unwind
11:00:20 am PLelek: TEVA stuffed
11:00:26 am fahdieno: re short DATA
11:02:00 am klaw: SPCB pop
11:03:46 am Awatler: MTBC Testing LOD
11:04:10 am InvestorsLive: SPCB / SNES all low vol under radar trading them etc but not posting after this unless big moves since no momentum and best I think under radar
11:04:16 am @d4ytrad3 – $HMNY fwiw, think this is still not a chase / not time for start of round 2 just yet, but on dips, worth dipping into until trend builds
11:06:05 am raghu: add CBL
11:07:08 am InvestorsLive: AIG staying heavy
11:07:21 am @d4ytrad3 – $MNKD one to watch if trend keeps building; historically BIG runs into EPS (Tues), so still some good runway here to turn into momo play
11:07:45 am InvestorsLive: seems like $6.10 is the new $4.80 on DCIX will be a key level imo
11:08:15 am @d4ytrad3 – $OSTK pop here, but feels like nearing the end of “Round 1” – going to be stalking for a $6-8pt SHARP pullback soon
11:08:28 am Knowgood: GNMK pushing off vwap
11:08:29 am InvestorsLive: again comments are same everyone should have a minimum of $1-1.50 padding here so all comments thoughts are w/ that in mind but … don’t forget what stock this is … but at the same time since Kalani is ther e so will shorts anad if they aren’t hammering on offer then there is a good chance of nice action
11:08:42 am InvestorsLive: but again should be at least 1/2 and $1-1.50 + padding if not, stay cautious be cautious
11:09:39 am cmorbutz: SBUX gearing
11:09:48 am cmorbutz: .5 key level
11:10:20 am Awatler: MTBC bleeding out.
11:11:06 am InvestorsLive: SNES thru $3 again nice – but not a chase imo
11:11:39 am InvestorsLive: NSTG fail off VWAP
11:11:40 am P_Mil: SNAP nice action so far
11:13:04 am Ron: BLDP pulls
11:13:28 am InvestorsLive: moved on BLDP re visit Monday or another time when it sets up
11:13:40 am InvestorsLive: JUNO test again
11:14:42 am Hilltop_88: another stab at KEM ss been good to me so far
11:14:57 am InvestorsLive: UNVR TWX slow fizzle … aKS nearing 4
11:16:07 am InvestorsLive: JUNO
11:16:35 am gblair: s 1/2 JUNO
11:18:41 am AT09: like nate said $6.10 over under on DCIX now
11:19:21 am Awatler: DCIX Testing HOD
11:19:54 am AT09: PYDS pull
11:19:59 am trader530: EQT moving up on SP comments about 11M to buy
11:20:04 am trader530: from ISI
11:20:38 am DGTrading101: DATA sub vwap
11:20:53 am cmorbutz: re trying some long NWL
11:21:09 am InvestorsLive: 1/3 JUNO left for now
11:21:37 am Hilltop_88: NWL taking off, took my $$ covered
11:21:47 am cmorbutz: nice NWL
11:22:14 am InvestorsLive: back to 1/2 JUNO will risk on VWAP on rest
11:22:19 am InvestorsLive: DCIX nasty
11:22:22 am InvestorsLive: be smart along way
11:22:37 am Just_cool_penguin: DCIX another Abcd/
11:22:40 am Just_cool_penguin: ?
11:22:47 am gblair: JUNO s 1/4
11:23:54 am Hilltop_88: reshort NWL hod guide
11:24:26 am elkwood66: TEVA more D/G and ugly note
11:24:29 am InvestorsLive: ATVI LODs
11:26:04 am JimTilton: AAPL 172.5 resistance, then VWAP test
11:26:20 am ameer: JUNO nHoD
11:26:40 am InvestorsLive: JUNO great work guys
11:26:44 am InvestorsLive: DCIX magical
11:27:31 am ameer: DCIX felt like it was alrdy too late to chase at 6..
11:28:19 am PLelek: OMI nHOD
11:28:39 am InvestorsLive: TWX lower
11:29:08 am Hilltop_88: Nate did say $7-10 DCIX, great call chief! I’m on the sidelines on this one now
11:29:45 am cmorbutz: s NWL
11:30:23 am fahdieno: covered half DATA
11:32:08 am Umar: ACIA down
11:32:31 am Hilltop_88: covered 1/4 NWL 1/2 at vwap is the plan
11:32:38 am Ron: P nearing lods
11:34:13 am Just_cool_penguin: DCIX is growing like on steroids
11:35:00 am Hilltop_88: NWL covered all into that push, better to scalp this one on the shorts. i believe it has potential to explode today
11:35:49 am Hilltop_88: if NWL returns to vwap and it holds, i may switch to long bias
11:35:59 am InvestorsLive: DCIX getting thin
11:37:11 am InvestorsLive: done JUNO for now
11:37:12 am TaurGuy: sold 1/4 DCIX +3.72
11:37:19 am InvestorsLive: want to concentrate on ATVI and DCIX this is getting unreal
11:38:23 am Arch173rd: DRYS running sympathy
11:38:52 am InvestorsLive: TOPS as well
11:38:58 am InvestorsLive: sympathy has a nice secondary push fueling each otehr
11:39:07 am InvestorsLive: nice big fail there ATVI
11:39:18 am TaurGuy: Bail MOH ss – .27
11:40:00 am Hilltop_88: cov 1/2 KEM taking profits
11:40:43 am InvestorsLive: covered first batch 1/4 ATVI
11:40:52 am InvestorsLive: DCIX going towards the top end of range oh my
11:41:15 am InvestorsLive: 1/4 DCIX left
11:41:18 am InvestorsLive: sick doubler
11:41:21 am TaurGuy: sold another 1/4 DCIX
11:41:31 am InvestorsLive: once again usually when I sell the easy $$ comes the $1-2 power upticks haha
11:42:01 am jcherniack: nice sales
11:42:23 am Hilltop_88: cov the rest KEM see what the vwap test brings
11:43:26 am gblair: TOPS going
11:43:26 am InvestorsLive: BLDP nice exits
11:44:09 am elkwood66: ok im out , all cash except TEVA and a couple longterm plays , headed for gold have a great weekend , TEVA is a swing
11:44:31 am JimTilton: Gold = Golf
11:44:58 am trader530: Gronk on CNBC next, he gonna tout DCIX ?
11:45:14 am bryanplace86: lol
11:45:16 am InvestorsLive: lol — some emoji thing
11:45:26 am JimTilton: AAPL testing VWAP
11:45:46 am scott916: ^ the emojis cost $10 per month I hear
11:46:14 am P_Mil: SNAP hod test
11:46:48 am InvestorsLive: leaning on K
11:46:57 am P_Mil: SNAP nhod
11:48:32 am PLelek: IO ramp
11:48:48 am JimTilton: :dice made just for XSS?
11:50:43 am JimTilton: AAPL above VWAP
11:51:20 am InvestorsLive: UA UAA steady fades
11:51:35 am InvestorsLive: UNVR more lows, and PG heavy
11:52:06 am Maximus: Short OMER, tight stop
11:54:05 am TexMex: XBIT XBiotech’s MABp1 to be Featured in Oral Presentation at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 11:54:00 GLB
11:54:53 am InvestorsLive: SNAP beauty
11:56:25 am P_Mil: yessir ^
11:56:48 am PLelek: OMI unwinding
11:57:36 am InvestorsLive: W steady grind
11:57:49 am cmorbutz: AAPL adding along trend
11:57:58 am InvestorsLive: ATVI key level for potential reversal if it fails prob unwinds (need as stuff) if not will look to add more
11:58:06 am InvestorsLive: from the covers into the LODs
11:58:20 am InvestorsLive: if so *
11:58:24 am InvestorsLive: if not, will likely size down
11:59:07 am PLelek: ss XNET
11:59:38 am Maximus: OMER stopped
11:59:59 am InvestorsLive: MYO low vol inch
12:00:04 pm Top tweeted, previous hour: DCIX AAPL HMNY DRYS ALNY SBUX TSLA BABA NVDA RCII
12:00:52 pm InvestorsLive: DCIX killer trader off washes the panics are met with .70-.90 bounces
12:00:52 pm InvestorsLive: ridic
12:01:41 pm trader530: OSTK sweeper
12:01:53 pm trader530: they are awful too
12:02:00 pm Ksav: NLNK moving
12:03:18 pm TaurGuy: re ss MOH small
12:03:22 pm InvestorsLive: PLSE HODs the Druggan way
12:03:58 pm InvestorsLive: Duggan
12:05:02 pm InvestorsLive: Going to lean on FCAU
12:05:19 pm InvestorsLive: LOW HODs
12:05:26 pm cmorbutz: SBUX
12:05:46 pm PLelek: XNET crack
12:06:12 pm cmorbutz: sold 1/3 SBUX
12:06:30 pm PPOWER: TEVA cracking vwap
12:06:56 pm cmorbutz: sold adds AAPL
12:07:03 pm InvestorsLive: RH straight down since Mox report
12:07:18 pm huskybrusky: GROW growing
12:07:59 pm cmorbutz: NWL lods
12:09:23 pm iromano4: HZNP slow mover but look like its trying to break out of long consolidation
12:09:52 pm @realDonaldTrump – The rigged Dem Primary, one of the biggest political stories in years, got ZERO coverage on Fake News Network TV last night. Disgraceful!
12:11:10 pm TradeAddict: WMT steady all day on the breakout chart
12:11:47 pm @d4ytrad3 – StreetSweeper made some cautions comments $OSTK just earlier -while generally not as actionable, their last mention $TRXC went -30% in 2days
12:12:33 pm InvestorsLive: FOXA steady lows
12:12:58 pm InvestorsLive: just baby sitting DCIX ATVI and some small K FCAU starts — here to help in lounge or PM guys – nice way to end week trying to behave rest of day.
12:13:26 pm @adamfeuerstein – The $ABBV and now $AXON trial readout delays have marred our Q4 Scorecard! Still, we soldier on, emoji-fying.… https://t.co/bJkCXCHTTo
12:14:10 pm InvestorsLive: ATH from yest unwinding
12:14:13 pm InvestorsLive: VLO fader
12:14:45 pm scott916: FTR more lows
12:16:35 pm OddStockTrader: DCIX gearing again
12:18:23 pm cmorbutz: done SBUX majority
12:18:37 pm InvestorsLive: ATVI
12:18:59 pm cmorbutz: DCIX hods
12:19:17 pm OddStockTrader: TOPS some gear as well
12:19:37 pm DGTrading101: TOPS some newsletter out on it
12:19:40 pm TaurGuy: closed DCIX
12:19:44 pm @d4ytrad3 – $DRYS revising my thoughts entirely; had said 4.75-5.25; I think need to start thinking about $7.50-10 if we kick into momo mode
12:19:48 pm TaurGuy: ran out of shares
12:20:03 pm iromano4: NRG new highs
12:20:42 pm @d4ytrad3 – The move on Sympathy stocks is always delayed, but catches on FAST once it gets going. 10% Monday gap & go could well be in playbook $DRYS
12:21:44 pm PPOWER: TEVA nice fade off that hod rejection
12:22:11 pm @realDonaldTrump – JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! https://t.co/twUNktGbnb
12:22:28 pm OddStockTrader: TOPS nhod
12:22:35 pm Scottm169: XNET approaching g/r
12:22:37 pm InvestorsLive: K moved on
12:22:47 pm huskybrusky: ITUS nHOD
12:23:44 pm snuffleplatypus: XNET short from earlier working well
12:23:47 pm cmorbutz: AAPL sold majority
12:26:18 pm InvestorsLive: Reminder top of scan last night — send in some pics: [email protected] https://www.investorsunderground.com/scan-for-110317-from-nate/
12:27:54 pm InvestorsLive: cashed up FCAU
12:28:53 pm InvestorsLive: OSTK sweeping shorts out of the way
12:30:32 pm Arch173rd: DRYS sloppy gearing, looking ABCD ish
12:32:16 pm AT09: DCIX speeding up again
12:32:19 pm InvestorsLive: likely a margin stop out here
12:32:25 pm InvestorsLive: some big upticsk
12:33:06 pm TaurGuy: Whoa
12:33:08 pm InvestorsLive: all out DCIX
12:33:10 pm AT09: DCIX para
12:33:21 pm JimTilton: Waiting for the 13-14 today call DCIX
12:33:26 pm AT09: short DCIX
12:33:29 pm 66213: Very nice guys,DCIX
12:33:47 pm OddStockTrader: reverse shorting for the win
12:33:51 pm InvestorsLive: Remember what i said
12:33:52 pm InvestorsLive: usually when i sell
12:33:57 pm InvestorsLive: the power upticks come
12:34:05 pm InvestorsLive: $15 and halt very possible
12:34:12 pm AT09: add DCIX short
12:35:06 pm AT09: that was 100% para / margin call blow out
12:35:29 pm Umar: DCIX insane…
12:35:30 pm InvestorsLive: Likely just got some more shorts in there now
12:35:40 pm InvestorsLive: not trying to be contrary but if this pauses
12:35:43 pm InvestorsLive: next leg will be $2-3
12:35:44 pm InvestorsLive: on air
12:35:58 pm InvestorsLive: nop matter teh side be cautious guys very dangerous one
12:36:02 pm OddStockTrader: GLBS testing highs
12:37:08 pm AT09: want < $10 for covers DCIX
12:37:30 pm InvestorsLive: scooped the wash using 9 guide scalp only
12:37:56 pm InvestorsLive: if stuffs wil be out not going to post every entry / exit
12:38:06 pm InvestorsLive: gets dangerous after the first wash and snap back up
12:38:33 pm InvestorsLive: ATVI i think 1 more trade later on on this blow off
12:39:11 pm InvestorsLive: ATH still unwidning
12:40:14 pm InvestorsLive: re start ATVI ss
12:40:39 pm InvestorsLive: I guess its worth noting that the crazier DCIX gets def potential for request for more info style halt so any trades on it — realize that
12:41:53 pm InvestorsLive: LRCX like htis one for a lean on it — starting in — Jim you may like this look
12:43:10 pm InvestorsLive: DCIX thinned up again if it stuffs – then will be done avoid but seems to have absorbed
12:43:12 pm InvestorsLive: hit or miss here
12:44:14 pm iromano4: damn, literally stopped out DCIX on on lod, 4.21, unreal
12:45:41 pm InvestorsLive: Perfect DCIX
12:45:48 pm InvestorsLive: LRCX watching 205.50s as goal
12:46:06 pm InvestorsLive: I don’t like the risk akk dibe DCUX’
12:46:10 pm InvestorsLive: all done DCIX
12:46:11 pm InvestorsLive: damn keyboard
12:46:38 pm P_Mil: SNAP nhod
12:46:40 pm InvestorsLive: I really do think it can squeeze out again but r/r not in my favor … if i do trade it’ll be real small
12:46:46 pm InvestorsLive: this is where the nuttyy moves come
12:46:49 pm InvestorsLive: if this goes its gonna go fast
12:47:58 pm InvestorsLive: couldnt stay away but again
12:48:05 pm InvestorsLive: my comments are not trying to be bullish here
12:48:10 pm InvestorsLive: more of a warning for those fighting trend
12:48:15 pm InvestorsLive: pletny of range and time
12:48:55 pm JimTilton: JD some nice option calls 42.50, stock is testing resistance at 38.60
12:49:06 pm InvestorsLive: bingo DCIX
12:49:09 pm MileHighTrader: holy
12:49:14 pm OddStockTrader: sick sick read nate
12:49:15 pm bryanplace86: o.O
12:49:48 pm InvestorsLive: all done again illw atch to 15
12:50:21 pm Arch173rd: ^machine
12:50:46 pm SS1IU: we need a buzz lightyear (to infinity and beyond) emoji for stocks like DCIX
12:50:52 pm SS1IU: lol
12:50:58 pm TaurGuy: MOH vwap break
12:51:31 pm P_Mil: ONCS solid recovery- perk back on highs
12:52:30 pm InvestorsLive: 99% of the time I sell these para names too early right before the big upticks hence the warnings hope they helped folks stay safe
12:52:38 pm InvestorsLive: Remember after the big upticks come the bigger upticks
12:52:52 pm InvestorsLive: the $2 ramps turn to $4 ramps the $4 ramps turn into parabolic account breakers
12:53:46 pm TWB52: starting to think its time to go into Swedepilot mode and buy your dire warnings..lol
12:53:57 pm OddStockTrader: :rocket
12:54:11 pm InvestorsLive: I got that $10.50 wash nicely but all the people asking me about a halt scared me lol
12:54:16 pm JimTilton: 14’s :money:rocket
12:54:59 pm @realDonaldTrump – The decision on Sergeant Bergdahl is a complete and total disgrace to our Country and to our Military.
12:55:20 pm Awatler: DCIX.. Sooo crazy!
12:55:40 pm gblair: insane calls Nate
12:56:21 pm Impertrader: DCIX next resistance 161547 :rocket
12:56:23 pm InvestorsLive: The halt risk is there which is why I sized down … its not a bash etc just .. why I sized down if I trade 10k … I wouldn’t want to get caught with 10k rather get caught 1-2k
12:56:46 pm InvestorsLive: so just food for thought and be cautious from here on out it may not at all not meant to scare at all just … realistic in this day and age w/ these momo names and nasdaq
12:57:18 pm SS1IU: investorslive…can you say that DCIX is going to 100?….pretty please with a cherry on top?….lmao
12:57:23 pm OddStockTrader: took starter ESEA (only for swing idea, best chart in case shippers all go crazy again)
12:57:55 pm PPOWER: TEVA g/r
12:58:44 pm Ltd: hi everyone
12:58:59 pm InvestorsLive: ATVI coming in
12:59:00 pm SS1IU: not in DCIX but i enjoy watching things like this move higher fast…hope many are profitting
12:59:38 pm Ron: DRYS relative weakness
01:00:05 pm Top tweeted, previous hour: DCIX AAPL DRYS FRFS TOPS ISIG XNET P OSTK TSLA
01:01:22 pm JimTilton: FB curl
01:02:56 pm InvestorsLive: TWTR getting long slowly
01:03:40 pm scrabblehero: BLDP VWAP test
01:05:09 pm Hilltop_88: KEM long start
01:05:27 pm JimTilton: FB .50 off VWAO, not a 10.00 move like DCIX but easier for me
01:05:31 pm JimTilton: VWAP
01:06:01 pm cmorbutz: TWTR nice eye
01:06:31 pm cmorbutz: starting in there as well
01:10:01 pm InvestorsLive: Ridic DCIX getting REAL thin now
01:10:06 pm TaurGuy: JUNO big fail
01:10:12 pm InvestorsLive: paper thin
01:10:44 pm InvestorsLive: There’s the upticks getting gigger can go into a circuit a few more of those
01:12:05 pm InvestorsLive: bigger *
01:13:16 pm MileHighTrader: DCIX holds 15 probably 20 later
01:13:46 pm Eurocayman: TEVA pop off g/r line again
01:19:48 pm Arch173rd: DRYS based and broke back through 4.50
01:19:56 pm QuantTrade: GE green
01:20:44 pm JovanC: GE nHOD
01:21:10 pm cmorbutz: started long GE
01:21:43 pm _81_: or DCIX will just go to 20 now maybe…
01:22:29 pm InvestorsLive: Skipping dollars DCIX
01:22:36 pm OddStockTrader: toop bunch of TOPS long
01:22:47 pm nick00787: DCIX Just like that
01:23:02 pm InvestorsLive: This is people blowing up now on DCIX
01:23:15 pm OddStockTrader: halt would be great for sympathys on DCIX
01:23:30 pm teodora: don’t think many had access to share to short
01:24:05 pm InvestorsLive: uh …
01:24:23 pm InvestorsLive: it woudn’t be at 19 if no shorts
01:24:27 pm cmorbutz: DCIX insane, anyone still there?
01:25:04 pm cmorbutz: GE nice move to hods I’m in starter so far
01:25:59 pm Awatler: Didn’t even get started… lol
01:26:03 pm Hilltop_88: i keep snapping super small size on dips and dumping whole size on pops DCIX but super small
01:26:13 pm InvestorsLive: started into some GE will look to add add add if right
01:26:22 pm InvestorsLive: TWTR ditched flattish few cents off LRCX canned the feeler as well
01:26:25 pm InvestorsLive: ATVI sticking around for now
01:26:51 pm @d4ytrad3 – $DCIX at this point, you have to REALLY think about HALT risk if you are long imo
01:26:57 pm _81_: DCIX puke
01:26:59 pm cmorbutz: DCIX 3 dolla dip
01:27:26 pm @d4ytrad3 – If really are bullish on $DCIX here for higher, plenty of other shipper sector names you can buy that are lagging bigtime (all of them) lol
01:27:34 pm JarrodV: Alex must have leaned on it
01:28:03 pm OddStockTrader: hell of a snapback there
01:28:06 pm claudiubadau: “dip”
01:28:18 pm _81_: DCIX already recovered unreal
01:28:20 pm nick00787: wow
01:29:15 pm cmorbutz: scale GE lil
01:29:24 pm InvestorsLive: added some GE
01:29:40 pm InvestorsLive: VWAP over/under my stop if ATVI cant peak
01:30:22 pm Hilltop_88: KEM still being weak, no patience for it until confirm. out long
01:31:02 pm InvestorsLive: Friday slow squeeze MDXG
01:32:29 pm DanS: ACAD rip
01:32:41 pm InvestorsLive: done ATVI
01:32:56 pm OddStockTrader: SINO nhod
01:33:02 pm InvestorsLive: prob is top but rather focus elswhere
01:34:38 pm InvestorsLive: GLBS rather than being first in on the first push — here is example follow thru
01:34:41 pm InvestorsLive: proven worth eye
01:34:54 pm JBrown: WLL nhod
01:35:21 pm cmorbutz: GE nice
01:35:22 pm cmorbutz: hods
01:37:11 pm OddStockTrader: ESEA perk
01:38:11 pm cmorbutz: AAPL steady
01:38:24 pm cmorbutz: all out here
01:39:20 pm Arch173rd: SINO and GLBS a little sympathy there too
01:39:48 pm OddStockTrader: do it ESEA, sweeet
01:40:03 pm DanS: QCOM
01:40:16 pm KG87: QCOM spike
01:40:27 pm @d4ytrad3 – $AVGO reportedly considering bid for $QCOM
01:40:40 pm OddStockTrader: GLBS as well, oh boy
01:40:50 pm DanS: NXPI tank
01:41:32 pm cmorbutz: QCOM rip
01:41:47 pm OddStockTrader: adding to ESEA dips
01:42:04 pm OddStockTrader: TOPS nhod
01:42:23 pm P_Mil: IMGN hod test
01:42:29 pm Image posted by InvestorsLive

01:42:34 pm InvestorsLive: Key level on GE to watch
01:42:38 pm cmorbutz: QCOM missed 60 ss darnit
01:42:45 pm trader530: smells like a headlock to get NXPI
01:43:14 pm @d4ytrad3 – $DCIX $11-13 on retrace imo
01:43:45 pm Arch173rd: SINO holding near HOD
01:43:55 pm cmorbutz: TEVA push
01:43:57 pm InvestorsLive: TEVA skipping up on way low vol
01:44:33 pm P_Mil: IMGN nhod
01:46:40 pm Arch173rd: TOPS nhod
01:47:19 pm OddStockTrader: done 1/2 TOPS
01:47:20 pm nick00787: TOPS
01:48:26 pm OddStockTrader: done TOPS
01:49:22 pm 66213: Very nice Cody TOPS
01:49:35 pm OddStockTrader: way early lol on sells
01:49:39 pm MMLifeMatt: TEVA huge volume candle here
01:49:54 pm OddStockTrader: EGLE no pos yet, but untouced…want to see some vol
01:51:09 pm MMLifeMatt: GE nHOD
01:51:48 pm OddStockTrader: geeezus TOPS
01:52:07 pm Hilltop_88: ss NWL again looking for .5s risk over under 31
01:52:07 pm cmorbutz: sold 1/4 GE .17
01:54:09 pm MMLifeMatt: TEVA volume and a bit higher
01:54:35 pm InvestorsLive: GLBS bingo
01:55:56 pm InvestorsLive: locked some GE nasty ramop
01:55:56 pm OddStockTrader: ESEA hod
01:56:50 pm BJBTtrades: TOPS crazy ripper
01:56:59 pm cmorbutz: sold down to 1/2 GE
01:57:21 pm cmorbutz: QCOM push
01:57:22 pm InvestorsLive: I only sized down cuz I needed some BP lol – GE as I’ve said is any size due to liquidity had a grip
01:57:23 pm Myles: DCIX reminsicent of drys is nov last year
01:57:50 pm OddStockTrader: TOPS imma fool
01:58:03 pm BJBTtrades: haha a little too early
01:58:06 pm Arch173rd: DRYS volume coming in
01:58:46 pm _81_: DRYS near hod
01:58:55 pm cmorbutz: long some TEVA
01:59:14 pm gigatrade: SINO perk
01:59:19 pm cmorbutz: QCOM another buck
01:59:27 pm trader530: dow jones now on QCOM
01:59:30 pm trader530: 2nd source
01:59:52 pm OddStockTrader: SINO again
01:59:54 pm OddStockTrader: GLBS!
02:00:04 pm Top tweeted, previous hour: DCIX TOPS AMZN QCOM AVGO GLBS AAPL DRYS TSLA ACAD
02:00:10 pm InvestorsLive: scalping QCOM
02:00:14 pm InvestorsLive: if any fast ramps
02:00:18 pm InvestorsLive: will post but prob quick
02:00:37 pm InvestorsLive: nm happens too fast lol
02:01:10 pm Hilltop_88: KEM coming back it seems, I’m in a piece
02:01:16 pm BJBTtrades: TOPS theres the pull
02:01:19 pm nick00787: Tripple day for me lol DCIX TOPS
02:02:54 pm InvestorsLive: QCOM monster monster squeezer
02:03:16 pm cmorbutz: QCOM shew
02:03:22 pm InvestorsLive: ss
02:03:30 pm BLR3000: WATT – 8 test lol
02:04:23 pm InvestorsLive: Please add value to chat
02:04:25 pm InvestorsLive: or none at all – ty
02:04:32 pm InvestorsLive: covering some QCOM nice
02:05:22 pm InvestorsLive: 1/2 QCOM left
02:05:43 pm P_Mil: IMGN r/g
02:06:06 pm InvestorsLive: nasty quick hit QCOM fast $1.50 pull
02:06:25 pm @AureliusValue – There you have it $MDXG. Pete wont address clear evidence of malfeasance at the VA https://t.co/FhkdYLWSFh
02:06:28 pm DanS: NXPI hit
02:07:54 pm Hilltop_88: sold the top of the last pop 3/4 KEM dumped the remaining when it pulled
02:08:24 pm Hilltop_88: still ss NWL unwinding slowly taking some off .5s
02:08:44 pm Arch173rd: DRYS another higher low
02:09:01 pm P_Mil: IMGN nice push off r/g line
02:09:04 pm InvestorsLive: TSLA ripping
02:09:06 pm cmorbutz: GE hods
02:09:29 pm InvestorsLive: cov more QCOM
02:10:37 pm InvestorsLive: THC steady unwind
02:10:49 pm InvestorsLive: SNAP monster missed this one — nice plan but didn’t get there
02:11:07 pm cmorbutz: GE !
02:11:07 pm InvestorsLive: GE MAJOR !
02:11:08 pm MMLifeMatt: GE accelerates
02:11:14 pm InvestorsLive: see it busted that line I posted
02:11:27 pm cmorbutz: sold some more GE
02:11:46 pm cmorbutz: nice alert GE
02:12:27 pm MMLifeMatt: TEVA might also be ready to go
02:12:36 pm InvestorsLive: all covered QCOM
02:12:51 pm InvestorsLive: maybe I look back at $58 but that was sick — safety first
02:13:34 pm daniiit: NRG 52w high
02:13:34 pm _81_: DRYS nhod
02:13:36 pm Hilltop_88: obviously $16.50s key area for KEM, waiting for a confirm of some sort after this triple bottom
02:13:44 pm InvestorsLive: QCOM I only like to trade in and out b/c if true halts etc and rips .. or if deny … slams
02:13:44 pm cmorbutz: TEVA nice strength breach of hod might see 12
02:13:53 pm InvestorsLive: I typically trade first move and leave it alone
02:14:34 pm cmorbutz: 1/3 left GE
02:15:27 pm InvestorsLive: ATVI — very happy w/ those covers
02:15:30 pm InvestorsLive: QCOM sub 62
02:19:23 pm InvestorsLive: VWAP test QCOM
02:20:52 pm MMLifeMatt: TEVA HOD test
02:20:58 pm InvestorsLive: GE if it holds that line — then maybe slow march into close if not — prob sideways ‘the GE way’
02:21:41 pm OddStockTrader: GEVO odd vol, feels like someone bout to pump it
02:21:47 pm cmorbutz: adding TEVA long
02:23:06 pm InvestorsLive: SN another big day there on the swing
02:23:12 pm InvestorsLive: hopefully finally pays so I can get rid of it
02:23:16 pm InvestorsLive: DCIX big crack there
02:28:16 pm _81_: DCIX sub 15
02:28:52 pm DanS: INTC hit
02:29:03 pm DanS: NXPI LOD
02:29:13 pm Arch173rd: DCIX DRYS TOPS wheels coming off
02:29:19 pm Impertrader: TOPS HALTED
02:29:29 pm InvestorsLive: TOPS just price halt
02:30:03 pm Arsenal: K nLOD
02:30:59 pm JackTheDog: NFLX 200 break and hod’s
02:31:04 pm @d4ytrad3 – Expecting a $TOPS development in the coming days that will also be for $DRYS imo; more thoughts to come on wknd
02:31:38 pm cmorbutz: s TWTR for few cents loss
02:34:23 pm OddStockTrader: lon TOPS
02:35:05 pm @d4ytrad3 – $SBUX took all day, but finally weakening slightly here technically; long way to go to reprice…
02:35:05 pm P_Mil: IMGN nhod
02:35:19 pm OddStockTrader: added TOPS, vwap guide
02:35:27 pm InvestorsLive: INTC nice alert Dan
02:35:30 pm InvestorsLive: NXPI too
02:35:37 pm InvestorsLive: great calls/eyes this week appreciated
02:35:41 pm DanS: NXPI monster
02:37:46 pm OddStockTrader: took scalp TOPS
02:39:11 pm MMLifeMatt: TEVA fail
02:39:12 pm BLR3000: TEVA – pull
02:39:38 pm QuantTrade: TEVA HOD retest stuff repeat of yday
02:41:45 pm InvestorsLive: Hopeful for a pop on INTC into 46s but I am joining into any pops/offers to start then scale if right sub .50s but prefer higehr
02:43:11 pm iromano4: Sweet reversal on CALA, watching for breakout
02:43:28 pm MMLifeMatt: GE so far held the 20.20 inflection level
02:46:45 pm OddStockTrader: otc but trading all dips TWMJF, love the daily
02:48:16 pm InvestorsLive: locked a bit GE in re load if yanks again or add if breaks out — avoid if slow grind
02:48:23 pm InvestorsLive: SNAP beauty
02:48:24 pm P_Mil: SNAP fresh highs
02:49:14 pm InvestorsLive: QCOM another big test prior level
02:50:28 pm InvestorsLive: INTC coming into range, see if a stuff to add if it just grinds likely just move along
02:50:50 pm InvestorsLive: CCL gave back the day
02:53:22 pm OddStockTrader: ECYT thru 5
02:55:52 pm OddStockTrader: feels risky, but scooped TOPS again
02:56:43 pm InvestorsLive: INTC w/ NXPI
02:57:04 pm InvestorsLive: EDU from scan rolling
02:57:23 pm InvestorsLive: 1/3 GE left
02:58:36 pm InvestorsLive: all out GE
02:58:54 pm InvestorsLive: leaning a bit EDU will look to get short 82 guide over/under if grind then no add if cracks and starts to peak 8150s wills cale
02:59:29 pm gblair: ss INTC starter
03:00:02 pm daniiit: NRG through 28s
03:00:05 pm Top tweeted, previous hour: QCOM DCIX AVGO TOPS AAPL NXPI AMZN BB TSLA TEAM
03:00:29 pm InvestorsLive: AMD ABCDing HOD test
03:01:23 pm MrAnderson: HMNY crack
03:01:43 pm OddStockTrader: last add TOPS, if .75 can’t reclaim gonna take loss
03:03:04 pm InvestorsLive: moved on INTC
03:03:13 pm InvestorsLive: HMNY dip and rip
03:04:25 pm InvestorsLive: GROW gavce the entire gap back
03:05:36 pm InvestorsLive: Be aware lotta air in DCIX by days end … easy $1-2 air crack
03:05:44 pm InvestorsLive: then another $1-2 right after
03:06:11 pm Zain: similar thoughts on TOPS, Nate?
03:06:41 pm InvestorsLive: TSLA non stop since the perk
03:08:28 pm iromano4: everything ripping it seems
03:09:24 pm cmorbutz: TEVA coming back around still in.. will stop under .5
03:09:57 pm ameer: AMD nHOD
03:10:12 pm OddStockTrader: took loss TOPS
03:11:14 pm OddStockTrader: ECYT lil pop
03:11:44 pm InvestorsLive: FSLR big day
03:14:36 pm InvestorsLive: CVS slam
03:14:39 pm DanS: AET spike
03:14:44 pm DanS: CVS rumors again
03:14:57 pm InvestorsLive: shewww
03:14:57 pm Arch173rd: TEVA another hod rewjection
03:17:03 pm P_Mil: OPGN push
03:18:07 pm InvestorsLive: nice alert AET
03:18:46 pm trader530: HIIQ 13d by cannell cap
03:18:51 pm trader530: 8%
03:19:00 pm Hilltop_88: MNKD g/r hopeful for unwind for the rest of the day
03:19:08 pm @d4ytrad3 – $HIIQ new 8.1% stake by Cannell Capital
03:19:49 pm @d4ytrad3 – $HIIQ ontop of huge earns yest & shook out the weak hands, nice trifecta setup
03:20:01 pm DanS: HIIQ high short interest
03:20:05 pm DanS: 42%
03:21:06 pm PPOWER: CVS right back
03:23:09 pm cmorbutz: QCOM push
03:23:11 pm OddStockTrader: DCIX pretty orderly pullback last two hours, probably gets jammed up in close
03:23:11 pm InvestorsLive: EDU done
03:24:02 pm cmadini: QCOM
03:24:05 pm cmadini: small curl
03:26:36 pm OddStockTrader: TWMJF continues
03:27:59 pm OddStockTrader: MYO crazy ramper there
03:28:43 pm QuantTrade: MYO earnings?
03:30:39 pm Arch173rd: TEVA heading back down
03:30:40 pm Mas: W non stop
03:32:42 pm InvestorsLive: brb
03:35:00 pm @d4ytrad3 – $DCIX nice fat dip right into range; may be a decent scalp re-entry here
03:38:39 pm MileHighTrader: these bounce plays on DCIX are nutty
03:38:51 pm BLR3000: ZGNX some perk
03:40:34 pm InvestorsLive: PYDS near r/g prob buy ins
03:45:02 pm No post earnings today
03:45:50 pm metamo: fwiw CVS e/r premarket 11/6. in case anyone trading overnight.
03:48:23 pm Umar: AXL
03:49:51 pm Hilltop_88: DCIX big range on dip buys all afternoon, will likely pop some prior to close, but my nerves are done.
03:50:17 pm MileHighTrader: QCOM pull
03:51:03 pm InvestorsLive: MoxReports put in the top on RH
03:51:49 pm ameer: MU nLoD
03:54:20 pm BLR3000: ILG – daily bo
03:54:50 pm InvestorsLive: Missed HMSY some how 40% rebound intraday – nuts
03:55:19 pm InvestorsLive: MU slamming
03:56:44 pm InvestorsLive: EDU red
03:57:04 pm iromano4: NEOS ripping
03:58:24 pm InvestorsLive: PLSE gave it all back
03:58:52 pm MileHighTrader: DCIX probably a gap on monday
03:59:05 pm InvestorsLive: up or down — to be determined 😉
04:00:02 pm Most Mentioned Tickers, today: DCIX(469), TEVA(225), GE(195), AAPL(187), JUNO(172)
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