Cody (@OddStockTrader)

Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.

Trading Style

  • Short Trades 10% 10%
  • Long Trades 90% 90%
  • Nasdaqs 60% 60%
  • OTCs 40% 40%
  • Day Trading 90% 90%
  • Swing Trading 10% 10%

Main Brokers

SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard



DAS Trader


Favorite Setup

ABCD Long & Panic Buys

Recommended Deals

1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD


Regularly $897

Now $497

IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs


Regularly $1,897

Now $1,297

IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs


Regularly $3,097

Now $1,997

OddStockTrader Scan 3/16/2021

NFT names did pretty dang well tonight. Doing a Q&A Members webinar on the entire topic tomorrow. I would suggest reading up on "What an NFT is" because I am not taking the time to explain that part per say. I want to go into the risks the rewards and where I see...

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OddStockTrader Scan 3/15/2021

Man, Yoga isn't easy. Anyways. What the in world happened with NFT's hadn't really looked until I ran across some random Youtube suggested video that lead me to Gary V getting into them. Funny as I knew it was an eventuality he would so that made me chuckle a bit....

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OddStockTrader Scan 3/9/2021

Market, as expected has shifted BIG time in the last 2 weeks. We are back to stock selection and good trading. That and avoiding trading when it isn't your market. I think we are close to some dead cat bounces in some big names. May not be tomorrow but I would expect...

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OddStockTrader Scan 3/2/2021

Wow, market in cryptos and NFT's is simply... mind blowing right now. It really did pay to buy some of the "crazy stuff" when no one was looking at it. Who knows where it will go but the explosion of it just shows, at least to me, just how power this technology is....

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/24/2021

Hey guys! Likely going to be a very short week for me next week as well with family in town and baseball games starting so will put in max effort for rest of the week and Monday. Was a chill day for me the most part but somtimes that just what you need. There are a...

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/17/2021

Last scan for me this week. I hit the wall incredibly fast on the first day of trading even with a three day weekend. I need time away from the screens with the markets open to really let my mind and more importantly body recharge. Going to be here in the am but to...

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/16/2021

Happy long weekend. Hope everyone had a great one! The shroom theme is still my main focus for now. Some other scattered ideas in there as well but it is the main overall swing focus with intraday trades as well. Here is my scan for tomorrow. PSCYF - Holding well, and...

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/12/2021

All shrooms list for me tonight. Main, focus 100%. Also, have pool guy coming tomorrow so don't want to get aggressive in the am since I have NO idea how long I will be afk walking around the house. Keeping it simple and one sector for the Friday. Also, check most of...

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/11/2021

Hot potatoes stock market is how it feels out there. Just don't be the one holding the big ugly bag in the end. Some great trades out there and I did lighten up some OTC names but then found myself adding other ones mid day. So. Let's take a look at tomorrow TLRY -...

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OddStockTrader Scan 2/10/2021

Let the insanity continue. Amazing moves out there, ride them while they are still going is really all that I can say. Here is my list for tomorrow MINE - Welllllllllllll Isn't this something! What an amazing trade! I legit saw the gap and said, nope...I'll watch it...

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