Cody (@OddStockTrader)
Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.
Trading Style
- Short Trades 10%
- Long Trades 90%
- Nasdaqs 60%
- OTCs 40%
- Day Trading 90%
- Swing Trading 10%
Main Brokers
SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard
DAS Trader
Favorite Setup
ABCD Long & Panic Buys
Recommended Deals
1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD
Regularly $897
Now $497
IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs
Regularly $1,897
Now $1,297
IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs
Regularly $3,097
Now $1,997
OddStockTrader Scan 9/24/2021
Ok day but not the aggressive action I love. However, green and thats what matters after months away. Stack up the green days as they all add up. Some interesting charts out there so let's get into it. AFRM - Low $60s avg HODL long on this looking pretty sweet....
OddStockTrader Scan 9/23/2021
Muted action overall for me today but still a green day, which is all that matters to me right now. Some decent moves out there and shifting focus to other names is going to be normal for me right now as many things are one day and done (until I see otherwise lol)...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/22/2021
Pretty much back 100% now other than the Vegas conference next month so.... LET'S ROCK AND ROLL! Trips were pretty amazing and really got to do what I wanted for a few months straight. It was much needed but really let my trading slide. Likely that was going to...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/20/2021
Well, hello there guys! Just been enjoying life as much as I can. One thing is for sure is that once you hit that point at your trading, your priorities can shift. Just been working out a ton and enjoying trips here and there. The market cooled of HUUUUGE in the otc...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/22/2021
Quick and dirty scan today. Just a few things I want to watch tomorrow FSI - Western Drought still getting worse and not any relief based on the data. First volume day on this one and my guess is some bigger eyes on it soon. Swinging for a while now. Looking to add to...
OddStockTrader Scan 5/21/2021
Hey Guys! It's been a while and just enjoying the evenings lately which is quite nice. Decent Shroom news out of California today and now a forward looking event for the sector. I am golfing tomorrow but will be here for the open. Going to post the best charts for the...
OddStockTrader Scan 4/26/2021
Vacations were great! Nothing for a full month so let's get back to work! It's all about the mushroom focus for me this week. So, let's just get into it. PS. Getting up at 4:30am and starting early gym sessions. This will help me be here for the premarkets....
OddStockTrader Scan 4/12/2021
Gotta love reading! Cruising through a good book always sparks my mind in the realm of trading opportunities and what I can shift my focus on. I read this book today and it was just a great read. Easy to read as well. It solidified many ideas and current trades I have...
OddStockTrader “Scan” for March 31
It has been a hot minute since I have done a scan but with the market the way that it is and the weather the way that it is. I will be taking an approach from April to Probably September with scans going forward. Not saying I am not going to be doing them, but will...
OddStockTrader Scan 3/18/2021
Just a word of caution to start the scan. Lot of non-NFT stocks getting pumped as NFT stocks. Such is the market but exercise some caution is just my point. I am sure some shorts were aware of this and they got run over on some of these names as well. The market is...