Cody (@OddStockTrader)
Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.
Trading Style
- Short Trades 10%
- Long Trades 90%
- Nasdaqs 60%
- OTCs 40%
- Day Trading 90%
- Swing Trading 10%
Main Brokers
SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard
DAS Trader
Favorite Setup
ABCD Long & Panic Buys
Recommended Deals
1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD
Regularly $897
Now $497
IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs
Regularly $1,897
Now $1,297
IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs
Regularly $3,097
Now $1,997
OddStockTrader Scan 9/16/2019
Golf was amazing and needed on Friday. Foot finally better and up to a round after a few months not playing. Looks like I did miss a few sick movers in the close but that happens. OIL up huuuge on the drone strikes this weekend. Needless to say may shift entire focus...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/12/2019
Great day overall for me, stayed focused and let the trades to the work. Ideally get another nice day of action tomorrow. Some of these cheapy names are all just on steady ramp ups. Not sure if value ETF's just buying them or someone turning on an ALGO, either way it...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/11/2019
Never Forget. ROKU - I got absolutely smoked on this one today, one of my biggest losses yet. I hate revenge trades but will be watching for a serious bounce on ROKU into the $135 area. JCP - Thinking 1.20 parabolic the way these cheap names keep moving. KIRK - Likely...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/10/2019
Hope everyone has been doing well and enjoying the free Monday scans. Lot's to look at today and the market sure was a wild one today as several Tech names got shaved 8% or more. Some pretty wild moves the day after the 1st NFL Sunday as well. So, that is worth...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/9/2019
Hope everyone enjoyed the opening of NFL this weekend and is really to go tomorrow. Ideally we get some nice moves tomorrow. Here is what I am watching. LYFT - Any ramps going to look to take short/puts on this one. These names are STILL overvalued and market hates...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/6/2019
Not much for me to really say today, made a decent sized mistake and decided to take rest of day off. Probably be here for the open and hit some golf balls or something rest of the day. Only care about the first hour and last hours lately anyways. Plus, some golf...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/5/2019
I tried once today, took a scalp on it but EVERYONE and thier mother wants to short ROKU right now. I made a mini rant on twitter about it but, LET IT COME TO YOU. I want it to but it will be the perfect short and give that $10 move when you likely are sick of...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/4/2019
Decent day today at least with TOPS a/h earnings pop. ROKU let it slowly bleed me out today guessing the top, which is never a good choice. So going to just wait for it to really show me it is ready for that $10-13 down day I am thinking it has. Other than that, not...
OddStockTrader Scan 9/3/2019
Hope everyone had a great weekend this long weekend. Last week felt pretty slow on my end at least. Nothing yet to really slam into. Missed SHOP trade 100% and knew I wanted it even a few days before it went, happens but can't dwell on it. Thinking we have some low...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/30/2019
Not much to really report today, trading was so so, but overall a decent green day on a few names. Here is tomorrow FSLY - Only care about $25 washout and ramp back. ULTA - SMOKED on earnings, likely not a knife catch but looking for any huge pulls on panic. TWTR -...