Cody (@OddStockTrader)

Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.

Trading Style

  • Short Trades 10% 10%
  • Long Trades 90% 90%
  • Nasdaqs 60% 60%
  • OTCs 40% 40%
  • Day Trading 90% 90%
  • Swing Trading 10% 10%

Main Brokers

SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard



DAS Trader


Favorite Setup

ABCD Long & Panic Buys

Recommended Deals

1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD


Regularly $897

Now $497

IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs


Regularly $1,897

Now $1,297

IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs


Regularly $3,097

Now $1,997

OddStockTrader Scan 8/16/2023

Overall market just shifted on a dime in a day. Looked like we might rally just to fade and slam hard today. Could get puke out morning and then see how things shake out. Different kind of list for tonight. In no particular order... SHMP - Scanned for some otc...

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OddStockTrader Scan 8/15/2023

Not much really happened today so, not taking my eyes off the main ones. Had a few good trades today but also never really got anything going. Overall for me pretty slow day and didnt see some big movers till a bit too late. VTGN - Keeping on radar for bounce move....

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OddStockTrader Scan 8/14/2023

Back at the screen for all of the week except Friday. I have the Arizona State Poker championship in the morning. I love this event and if you live here, would be fun to see someone there. Market seems shifty last few weeks and some China real estate headlines out...

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OddStockTrader Scan 8/4/2023

I mean, I have been back to the markets for about two weeks now and small cap land has absolutely exploded since then. Let's keep it rolling! Might be in and out tomorrow as we have friends coming over so focus will quickly shift to that and being off the computers....

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OddStockTrader Scan 8/1/2023

Insanity type of day and I am here for it big time! YELL just unreal today, didn't expect it to happen that fast but market is the market. Bit late doing this so just gonna go right to the list. YELL - I have no words. Kept a few overnight to see if it gaps and...

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OddStockTrader Scan 7/31/2023

Markets have been, decent but calm the last few days on a general basis. The intraday moves are starting to heat up a bit though so some good traders. Sill amazing that TUP went .66 to $3.75. Talk about a goofed up trade on my part there. Happens though, and I really...

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OddStockTrader Scan 7/18/2023

Pretty slow action overall today on my front but a lot of names are setting up out there. Not much else to report but on to the list. ONON - These shoes are everywhere lately. I would not be shocked to see this north of $40 soon. Like that it finally brokeout today....

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OddStockTrader Scan 7/14/2023

Feels of 2020 the last few days out there. So many names moving and so many beautiful squeezes. The SHOP calls were a sick way to start the day as mentioned in chat near the close yesterday. No much to say but lots on the list for tomorrow. NKLA - Tried to short...

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OddStockTrader Scan 7/13/2023

Mixed day overall for me out there. Winner and losers pretty much matched up today so will stick with the winners for tomorrow. Here is my list of names. RIVN - Pretty sure we are getting $30s on this one soon. Buying time with the calls further out but if it starts...

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OddStockTrader Scan 7/12/2023

Well, back from the WSOP and it was quite the adventure. Had a great time and that is what I wanted to get from it regardless of how the cards fell. I've wanted to do that for decades and finally checked it off my list of things to do! I am fully back and ready to...

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