Cody (@OddStockTrader)

Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.

Trading Style

  • Short Trades 10% 10%
  • Long Trades 90% 90%
  • Nasdaqs 60% 60%
  • OTCs 40% 40%
  • Day Trading 90% 90%
  • Swing Trading 10% 10%

Main Brokers

SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard



DAS Trader


Favorite Setup

ABCD Long & Panic Buys

Recommended Deals

1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD


Regularly $897

Now $497

IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs


Regularly $1,897

Now $1,297

IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs


Regularly $3,097

Now $1,997

OddStockTrader Scan 9/30/2019

Hope everyone is having a great Sunday and had a great weekend. T4AC is right around the corner and excited as always to hangout and chat with you guys. Hope you are all going. Here is what I have for tomorrow. MCK - Citron is no longer a day trade so will be...

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OddStockTrader Scan 6/27/2019

Going to just be a quick scan as I am headed out early in the AM to work my on my golf game for Vegas! PTON - Only trade I see here is a $24 washout bounce play and if it gives it to us in the AM will be all over it. I think the real trade will be Monday morning and...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/26/2019

Just 2 weeks away Till Vegas and Traders4aCause. Always a super fun event and great to see everyone. Hope you are going, if not this year for sure next year. Decent start to the day but got pretty slow into the ladder parts and not going to just press buttons to press...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/25/2019

Wild wild day overall. Some insane moves and OTC had some nice heat today. Looking for a similar day tomorrow and based on the close of some of the names on tonight's list could be a sweet one for sure. BILZF - Wish I didn't sell the "big" opening gap at $2 as it...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/24/2019

Happy monday again everyone. Hope everyone is doing well, here is the list of names that I will be watching tomorrow. ROKU - Still long mid $106's avg. $100 is the stop for me and going to fully respect it as well. AMD - HUGE call's going off today at the $32 strike...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/21/2019

ROKU - Probably same thing as Thursday. Likely early premarket washout into low $100's or even 90's. Think we get a full reversal off those lows and I am long some from Ah's. RUHN - Still have the swing $6 is the o/u risk area for me. BYND - Going to be taking some...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/20/2019

Hope all the new member we got are doing well. Noticed on scan tonight that there are a few cheapies in OTC land moving so going to see if we can get a day 2 on some of them. Other than that, being very selective on my trades and waiting for the perfect setups as per...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/19/2019

Quite a few items on scan for tonight. Got myself stuck in the halts on MDR today and it wasn't much fun. Either way should be some great ones tomorrow OSTK - YIKES! And some shadddy stuff by Patrick on this one. However if the $15's hold tomorrow might get at minimum...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/18/2019

Decent day out there, got slow again mid day so worth noting on the name I check. Some nice wins today though that I decided to swing into tomorrow as they never gave a reason to really sell. Nice work overall in the room. FOMC this week so likely reason for no major...

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OddStockTrader Scan 9/17/2019

Hope everyone is having a great Monday out there, overall was decent day today and some good trades mixed in. Slower into the close however but we have some decent setups for tomorrow that I am taking a look at. If you are still on the fence about IU or everything we...

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