Cody (@OddStockTrader)

Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.

Trading Style

  • Short Trades 10% 10%
  • Long Trades 90% 90%
  • Nasdaqs 60% 60%
  • OTCs 40% 40%
  • Day Trading 90% 90%
  • Swing Trading 10% 10%

Main Brokers

SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard



DAS Trader


Favorite Setup

ABCD Long & Panic Buys

Recommended Deals

1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD


Regularly $897

Now $497

IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs


Regularly $1,897

Now $1,297

IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs


Regularly $3,097

Now $1,997

OddStockTrader Scan 12/2/2019

Hope everyone had a great holiday weekend! Been a wild market as usual this time of the year and I for one LOVE it. Got quite a few names on my list for tonight so let's dig in. PTON - Amazing move! I do want it to just keep going but would prefer some big washouts to...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/27/2019

Should be an interesting day tomorrow. Going to focus on whatever moves out the gate as there are really only a few names I could find that I care to watch for specific moves. Here they are. ROKU - Bane of my existence lately Probably a morning face rip move and...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/26/2019

With not looking at PNL's till eow Fridays it has allowed me to be very select and patient on names based on each individual trade and I LOVE IT. Peeked today and had a great day (felt like it was anyways) CCXI wild one after hours, I will probably avoid it since it...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/25/2019

Short week, but in general one of the wildest weeks. Things can go bananas so be aware. PTON - Morning slowness/weakness for the call option buys. If there is a week were this might see $35 this is it... also, if it does and goes crazy it WILL be talked about during...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/22/2019

Let's crush tomorrow. Nice CGC shorts in the room and a lot of other great trades. ULTA was a great alert by 530 today so cheers to that! PTON - $30 breakout is key here. It has been a fight for sure but likely we see much higher on this one. CGC - Nice trades here...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/22/19

Great day today! Some awesome alerts and that SPY hammer action gave us a ton to trade in that hour timespan. AMD I got caught long on a few but happens. Overall fantastic day. Not much changing for me on the main watches as they have yet to really "do the move" so...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/20/2019

First time I've ever hid all PNL and not reviewed eod gain or losses. I am going to try this all week and just focus on the trades. I need to figure out a way to remove my emotions from the game and I think it is already starting to help. With just knowing the size of...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/19/2019

Hope everyone is  having a good Monday night. Some wild action out there in the markets as expected during this time of the year. Lot's to trade so be selective in what you go after. ROKU - Stole my sanity last few days shorting it. Short it again this am and covered...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/18/2019

Going to be super selective and not active tomorrow. Friday was rough and need to just get back in the groove. ROKU - Going to watch it all day. If it morning slams, lord help me I will join size and let it work. Other than that I plan on waiting for a mid day monster...

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OddStockTrader Scan 11/15/2019

Felt all over the place today a few big winners but all essentially muted by all the other silent haircut trades I took. Happens but on to tomorrow. ROKU - Main focus. $150+ press for the hammer short. Might take the options route since Friday and the volatility will...

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