Cody (@OddStockTrader)
Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.
Trading Style
- Short Trades 10%
- Long Trades 90%
- Nasdaqs 60%
- OTCs 40%
- Day Trading 90%
- Swing Trading 10%
Main Brokers
SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard
DAS Trader
Favorite Setup
ABCD Long & Panic Buys
Recommended Deals
1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD
Regularly $897
Now $497
IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs
Regularly $1,897
Now $1,297
IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs
Regularly $3,097
Now $1,997
OddStockTrader Scan 7/2/2020
May have spent the most in a LONG time in borrows fighting WKHS short. Either way it wasn't enjoyable but did get it all back into the close on that big $1.30 washout. It will be main focus again tomorrow but hopefully it's the blowoff top day. Other than than, ended...
OddStockTrader Scan 7/1/2020
Had one of my sloppiest days of the year. Fully aware it is summer so instead of getting annoyed and forcing the day, I decided to clear out the book and take losses from all the the bad baghold trades. It seemed to be a nice day to do it since July is tomorrow, and...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/30/2020
Happy Monday All! First and foremost I am going to let the cat out of the bag and we are going to be starting up a brand new traders BOOT CAMP! More details to be coming soon about it but the plan is to essentially run one each quarter with deep dives into your...
Oddstocktrader Scan 6/29/2020
Hope everyone is having/had a great weekend! Going to be going full bore into the AD Tech names tomorrow as that seems to be the huge theme right now with everyone cutting ad spending. This has been something I have been closely watching for about 2 years now so...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/26/2020
All over the place for me today and barely squeezed out a green day. Lot of big wins and big losses for me but it for sure felt like summer trading out there. Either way, lot of big movers that I just need to refocus on. I feel like I may need to get up a tad earlier...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/25/2020
Back and forth day for me but OTC's were on FIRE. I didn't even notice how bad the SPY was fairing till around 2.5% down on the day. Felt like a big up day until that point. Tonight's list is mostly going to be OTC's as that is what is working the last few days for...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/24/2020
Decent day but nothing spectacular. Had a bunch of losers and bunch of winners. SPOT timed to perfection on second short but should have never covered lol. Happens but tomorrow is another day. OTC's have been working really really well right now. Just my opinion but...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/23/2020
Happy Free Scan Monday! Hope everyone is doing well, today sure started slow up until about 10am my time then things just started to go crazy out there. Some unreal swings in KIRK MARA and RIOT from last week along with a crazy 2,000% OTC baghold win that I had...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/22/2020
Had a great long weekend. Had a feeling market wouldn't hold up with out me (jk). However, didn't really seem like I missed much in the way of my wheelhouse style trades but for sure some chart setups out there to keep an eye on. Let's have a killer week! YETI - Right...
OddStockTrader Scan 6/18/2020
Back and forth day for me. Felt like reads were good just over patient and bagged a few names overnight. Tomorrow will be last day of the week for me, got invited to go play up north on Friday and the way I am hitting the stocks I would rather be hitting the golf...