Cody (@OddStockTrader)
Cody (Oddstocktrader) Has been a full time day trader since early 2015 and has actively been a trader in the markets since 2010. He has trading nearly everything offered in the markets, stocks, options, futures, forex, penny stocks, you name it he has traded it. Since those first years of trading he learned his lessons blowing up several account until finally gaining traction in early 2013 when he found that his niche was finding momentum before hit happens on the long side. Cody actively trades many securities on a daily basis with a 90/10 long/short strategy. Cody has been the “New Members” Moderator here at IU since Late 2015.
Trading Style
- Short Trades 10%
- Long Trades 90%
- Nasdaqs 60%
- OTCs 40%
- Day Trading 90%
- Swing Trading 10%
Main Brokers
SpeedTrader PRO, ETRADE, & Vanguard
DAS Trader
Favorite Setup
ABCD Long & Panic Buys
Recommended Deals
1-Month IU Elite + Textbook Trading DVD
Regularly $897
Now $497
IU Elite Quarterly + Both DVDs
Regularly $1,897
Now $1,297
IU Elite Annual + Both DVDs
Regularly $3,097
Now $1,997
OddStockTrader Scan 8/17/2020
BOOTCAMP IS FINALLY HERE! Check it out. I am really excited for everyone that is a new member and even existing members to join me on this first, of what I expect to be many, Bootcamps. I am going to keep it fun, informative and most of all giving you all of my tips...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/14/2020
Quick Scan tonight: MARA - Perfect snags on the reversal here today. Was watching that $3 level and it just wouldn't let go. Already $4s after hours. Bitcoin might be the driver going forward as this move to me was one big squeeze on shorts. RIOT - Same as above, look...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/13/2020
What a sweet day. Came in with some nice overnight gaps and that really is all I need sometimes to just see the market well. Starting off on the right foot and knowing you are green before you even make a trade is a HUGE confidence boost for the trading day. Should be...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/12/2020
Killer action today and hope we get some more of it tomorrow. I for sure needed at least a mental break a few weeks ago as I feel I am firing again on all cylinders. Just seeing the market well and staying in a great mood the entire day (music helps) Should be some...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/11/2020
Decent day today but nothing to write home about. Hope everyone has been doing well. More info to come on Bootcamp as well. Just turned out to take a bit longer to get everything setup than anticipated but we will be having it SOON, so stay tuned! I am watching a few...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/10/2020
Hope everyone had a great Monday, wasn't easy to make this list tonight as there are SOOO many name on scan for me going to give you the best of the ones I think are likely to move. I am pretty bearish coming into this week as well. JCPNQ - Amazon News puts this on...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/7/2020
I was all over the place today and really only saving grace was RKT and MAR longs, everything else just sort of crumbled around me. I am noticing that I am shorting more because of some of these moves. Frustration last few days has set in, which is telling me we are...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/6/2020
Rough day until those AAL options made sense mid day. I would have never paid so much to options scanner but this market can telegraph trades like crazy. Having that screener pays for itself time and time again. Markets tend to tell you a story with limited...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/5/2020
Decent day today but for sure slowed down out there after lunch time. Should still be some good trades tomorrow. Here is my list. KODK - Not exactly the bounce I was looking for as far as the action goes. It was right out the gate and premarket. Will see if $10 comes...
OddStockTrader Scan 8/4/2020
Wild day today and really enjoyed it. Ton of action out there on several names and that is really what I am the best at. Slow boring days when nothing is moving is when I tend to get myself in trouble. Either way hope everyone is doing great. We have a brand new...