Monster fade on Friday, big $$ coming out of big cap names. Volatility is plentiful here and don't need to really get your cut out of this market. Plenty to trade both ways, patience is a necessity. Semiconductors looking like they are about to fall off another cliff...
Josh Watch Lists
Scan For 10/16 From Josh
CGC- 57.50s for a long, think some profit taking on open even though it feels like the beginning of new wave in cannabis FLKS- will look for this to come in 1.17-1.25 for a push through premarket highs NFLX- trend join earnings tonight LMFA- low float r/s has...
Scan for 10/9/2018 From Josh
SQ- looking for long set here using 83 as a guide, if we gap down will adjust risk accordingly, big dump on this past couple days, thinking weak open rebound PYX- Citron defintely helped this one out will look for dips using 38 as a guide, if trading this have a wide...
Scan For 9/25/18 From Josh
AMRN- hopefully a gap down premarket for a 11.50-.80 starter long entry FB- looking to join dips toward 162.8-163, nice relative strength SAEX- can still squeeze out here, will look for big gap down and flush for possible long
Scan For 9/18/18 From Josh
Choppy/frustrating day today, sometimes best trade is no trade at all. QTT- bled all day looking for more wash sub 9 for long play NVDA- long using 273 as guide CGC- looking fade off 50s will see w/ TLRY
Scan for 9/17/18 From Josh
My oh my what a crazy market it has been with cannabis and new Chinese IPO's leading the momentum way. QTT- nice ah movement on this will be looking gap up premarket spike followed by selling similar to NIO- washouts towards 15 for a premarket long on this name MU-...
Scan for 9/4/18 From Josh
Hope everyone had a great labor day weekend. GERN- looking to join dips for trend join, 5.30 as a guide, this in the past has stuffed over and over again so be cautious definitely not one to chase. NVDA- using 276 guide for a long SQ- looking for 90 para into...
Scan for 8/29/18 from Josh
TLRY nice rip Ahs 49-60. Trend Join on this one tomorrow. I will be much clearer on prices for these scans in the am. SQ- Looking for a weak open long or a para move to short into NVDA- trend join tomorrow
Scan for 8/28/18 From Josh
Will not be as active this week as my mainframe is gone and I have a laptop and two little mini monitors. Great calls in chat today, really nice work on $IQ $IGC $ATAI. Trying to work on my small cap game for when this things run. Cannabis Sector on fire today. TLRY-...
Scan For 8/23/18 From Josh
Nice consolidation in cannabis sector so far, don't think move is over yet trend hold extremely well. TLRY- 38 as my guide for a long play CGC- 38.70 for same idea as a above for buy point, this outperformed the other 2 today TLRY CRON CRON- dips towards 7.85 for a...
Scans for 8/16/18 From Josh
Cannabis sector big rip so a lot of these names will be on radar for continuation. This is only the beginning in my opinion. After living in Colorado for 4 years and seeing where it is now due to the legalization is pretty daunting. Now that more real money is coming...
Scan For 8/15/2018 From Josh
NVDA- 260 guide for a long, like channel break here TLRY- using 25.50 guide for ss, weak since upgrade by Cowen NFLX- eyeing 340 for ss or todays lows to hold for a long, trend join 10am PETQ- trend join post 10am, most likely long. Earnings play...
Scan for 7/25/18 From Josh
Hey guys, I am traveling tomorrow so will be light if anything/depending wifi on plane, hopefully its not too bad. Tons of ATHs on big caps day after day after day. Really all about the trend join here, I am changing gears and waiting for more 10am trend join, with...
Scan for 7/24/18 From Josh
I want to know how I can improve my scan to help out more please leave comments on this one. It's extremely practical for me because as you guys ask me more questions on strategy I am learning from you as well. Kind of a self-less selfishness if you will. RETA-...
Scan for 7/23/18 from Josh
Hope everyone having a fantastic weekend. Lot of things going on in the macro w/ Trump tarrifs rate hikes and currency talks. Will see if it kicks in for market downside this week. Not coming in with BIAS but if market does start to slip will be looking for short abcd...
Scan for 7/20/18 from Josh
MSFT- e/r beat 107 guide for long AMZN- trend join for 1813 bottom out for a long or 1835-1837 top out for short AVGO- 208 guide for long push NFLX- two ideas here 360 washout for a ramp back up or 368-370 top out for more fade. Ranges on big caps expanding so...