Josh Watch Lists

Josh Blog #2 – Gratitude

For the past few years I have been following and got the chance to meet some extremely successful  entrepreneurs outside the trading world who all had one thing in common, they preached and exuded gratitude. As I sit here, I am grateful to be writing this to all of...

Josh Scan 6/20

NFLX- looking for 415-420 out of the gate para for ss looking for what TSLA did today on this name HUYA- pops towards 46 for 40 wash, IQ closely monitoring IQ for ss as well ACAD- 16 guide for long CLBS- think weak open and washes for 10 push in this market. Shorts...

Josh Scan 6/12/18

    SPOT-- love this chart dips using 169.50 for a long FIT- 7 guide for a long SHOP- looking for lower high formation 162.50s for short as risk guide

Josh Blog #1– Comparison to Others

Guide on Comparing Yourself to Others------ STOP IT As a trader it is very easy to find yourself comparing your trading journey and profits to those of others. I am guilty of it, you're probably guilty of it and some of the best traders I've encountered are guilty of...

Josh Scan 6/11/18

Hope everyone having a good weekend. HEAR-using 19.50 guide for long setup this has ramped a ton and think Fri was profit taking/ people taking risk off table. Will look for morning weakness through 11-1130 am under VWAP to see if higher lows confirm for long or IQ-...

Josh Scan 6/6

You can have a look inside Investors Underground members area here Check this 10 years of Investors Underground video If you want to join the community you might wanna check this anniversary sale and save up to 70% AMZN DCPH main winners today although DCPH was not...

Josh Scan 6/5/18

You can have a look inside Investors Underground members area here Check this 10 years of Investors Underground video If you want to join the community you might wanna check this anniversary sale and save up to 70% Hey Everyone, hope last night scans helped some. Feel...

Josh Scan 6/4/18

You can have a look inside Investors Underground members area here Check this 10 years of Investors Underground video If you want to join the community you might wanna check this anniversary sale and save up to 70% Hope everyone had a good weekend. Keep in mind that...