Josh Watch Lists

JSC Scan 12/5/19

LK- 30.50 guide for ss KOD- watching 68 os fist key area for dips then 65.50 in cash we washout and reclaim ALLK- 145-150 blowoff for short AUPH- nuts will watch 21 guide for ss see what morning brings

JSC Scan 12/2/19

CGIX- honestly think it was exact same person that ran this swipe as HEPA, nearly identical action looked like it could possibly fail then BOOM, get ran over. Ideally 7.80 guide for dips NFLX- ideally 313 guide for long ROKU- couple days of weakness, watching 163...

Josh’s Turkey Scan 11/29/19

ROKU- 163 guide for ss, first day of steady weakness   ARWR- ideally 73-75 blow off push to fade back red, but can be a steady grind too PTON- 31.50 guide for long, thinking this can start going faster LK- 32 guide for ss here, but will be looking for some basing...

JSC Scan 11/25/19

LK- 29.30 guide for long, funds in here and increasing stake, e/r good   ROKU- looking on 157 key area on 60min, for dips to holds, if area gets heavy and holds below will look for short play 945-10am++ INMD- ideally 38 wash for some basing, two way trade I think...

JSC Scan 11/22/19

ROKU- 159 guide for ss LK- this was a beauty off scan last night, 27.50 guide for continuation LB- 17.50 over under to determine trend join post 945am AMZN- 1745 guide for ss INMD- 48 guide for ss REAL- weakness here 16.80 guide for ss  ...

JSC Scan 11/21/19

I mean you can't really ask for more opportunity than this. TGT- ideally weak opne 123.80 gude for continuation PLAN- e/r premarket, ideally beats and can establish prices from there to get long off of   NVDA- 209.50 guide for a long Lk- looking for a higher low...

JSC Scan 11/18/19

ROKU- ideally 161-163 para for ss, this is straight up I- huge range here daily like 14.20 guide for ss, multiple big rejects here AMZN- 1750 guide for ss AMD- 39 guide for ss, thinking pullback getting closer to due, another one been grind grind grind everyday so...

JSC Scan 11/6/19

MTCH- 60 guide for ss MAXR- trend join 945 am would like to see 10.80 hold if its going to have another leg, otherwise consolidation day/  fade WW- 34 guide for ss   GRUB- 36.20 guide for ss PTON- 23.30 guide for ss, great one today NXTC- nutty one so far ideally...

JSC Scan 11/5/19

SHAK- 74 guide for ss, happy to adjust it lower UBER- 30.50-.70 for guide ss REAL- trend join post 945-10am high short float here so if builds base 22.50-23 could get going ROKU_ 142.50-43 guide for ss MYGN- smoked again ideally higher the better for fade, lets see...

JSC Scan 11/4/19

ENPH- 19.20 guide for ss, has been weak post earnings and an incredibly strong market ROKU- 148 guide for ss AMZN- 1785 guide for dips, liking 1800 breakout near   ELOX- lets see reaction to news but if they run it a ton liking it for a fade, trend form 945-10am...

Josh Scan 10/31/19

ENPH- up a bit after hours ideally 20 guide for fade but also can see this as a dip buy off 18.20 see how trend forms ROKU- 151 guide for ss FB- see if 193-4 holds for guide using dips to buy TWLO- 104 guide for ss BYND- push on 91-92 for ss ISEE- been strong till...

JSC Scan 10/30/19

ENPH- 23 guide for ss, see what the the morning gives BYND- going to be looking 84 guide for ss here GRUB- ideally 30 washout, 2 trades here morning shoves for weakness then if higher lows start to form using washouts as guide for entry AMD- 33.20 guide for ss ROKU-...

Josh Scan 10/23/19

HHC- CEO replaced thinking oversold a bit here will look 106 guide for long TXN- miss e/r going to be looking di[ps off 114.40, morning reactive potential for wash NFLX- plenty of range daily looking 269-70 level to ss SNAP- will look at e/r transcript but seeing...

JSC Scan 10/22/19

NFLX- 275 guide for a long, until that area 274-75 gets heavy will not be shorting CRWD- started small swing short here looking for hods today to top out and add 49 guide for more short STMP= nice range post UPS deal, 945-10am rwactive trade, nearing gap fill towards...

JSC Scan 10/20/19

WDAY- 156.50 guide for ss, sector weakness, and missed e/r   CRWD- 49 guide ss, weakness OSTK- 11.10 guide for ss, unwind potnetial BYND- 113 guide for ss, lockup coming soon and could be a nsty fade NFLX- 279 guide for ss ROKU- 133.50 guide for ss, or weak open...

JSC Scan 10/18/19

WDAY- lower highs, 159 guide ss CRON- 9 guide for ss nice trade today EFTC- see premarket highs/ lows for level determination in am right now 40 guide for long ENDP- trend join 945-10am   ROkU- monster 40% off lows, looking for gap para for ss 142-145 AMZN- dips...