We have a webinar at 8PM tonight that is free to the public but you must have already registered! If you can't get in by the time it's going not to worry we'll have a recording of it! We'll be going over what works in this market since .. of course .. the market is...
Trade Recaps
Free Video #1338 $MGT Momentum and Recent Squeeze Thoughts and $JWN Morning Reversal
Hope everyone had a great weekend !! I made this video Friday after the bell and figured I'd share it since I haven't done a free one in a while. Many traders had questions about MGT so I figured this may be the best way. If you feel like you "have to short" because...
[VIDEO] How To Trade Major Gap Down Washout Days, They Don’t Come Often!
These are some of the most fun days in the market. There have only been a handful of them in the last six months and they really give some amazing opportunities to ANYONE who prepares for it. The last few gap down days were when SPY was at the lows. We saw red candle...
Chat Logs From The 23rd of March !
Great day in the room starting from pre market all the way into close! It started with scan last night, prepared and ready to execute the trades today. If you missed today's mid day recap be sure to check it out! We're running this for a little while longer. Couple...
[FREE VIDEO] $LNCO $LINE Textbook Bounce Plays $VRX $ENDP Nails and Yes Had to Donate to $NUGT
Really nice day in the chat room today. Many have been asking for another video so, like usual, you guys win 🙂 Have you checked out our educational products yet? We're running a huge sale right now! Tonight I've recapped my trades on LNCO and LINE which relate to the...
Another Wild Day! Video, Stats, Chat Logs and More!
What a crazy day !! These end tonight! Make sure to check them out! I've been taking a look at my stats lately which I'll be blogging about soon. It goes into the best price levels I trade, the best trading times. the worst and best trading times among many other...
Black Swan $KBIO Short Squeeze and What You Can Learn From It
I really wasn't sure where to start with this post so I'll start with this: I think it would have been easier to cover at $11 on KBIO than it would be at $4, $5 or 7 to $8 range. That makes no sense right? Well, keep reading and you'll get it by the end of this...
Video Trade Recap, Charts, The Reasoning and More! $AVXL $WTW $CTRP $MU
It's been an amazing year for volatility, and I'm not sure if I am just adapting as a trader or if it's just one of the wildest runs we've had with countless opportunities each day. This market is all about analyzing everything that's moving in the morning plus your...
Video Lesson #1189-1190 $CANF $VRTX Unwinds and Stubborn Stupidity on $FIT $VTAE
I figured it's time for a video for everyone as I haven't done one for free for a while. We're heading into a super busy end of the week and I always like to drive some good content for when I am away! I've been trading really well as of August. As mentioned in a...
3 Key Points for the CLTX Trade + Chat Logs & Free Video Lesson
Yesterday was one of my favorite trades in a while. The reason for that is because it's straight out of the educational courses and lined up perfectly on the one minute chart. Most important things to understand here are: 1. Low float 2. Major volume 3. Trend hold...
Raw Footage $AQXP Squeeze “Float Rotation” and “Reclaim”
A few years back, I started getting caught in the front side of moves. In a nut shell, I was shorting early, thinking things had "ran too much" without really having a concrete game plan of what the trade risk should be. There's nothing wrong with trading the front...
[FREE VIDEO LESSON] Going Over a $6000 Trade & Teaching Short Selling Parabolic Overextend Charts
DUST provided a nice trade and I was able to make a $6000 profit within the first half hour of the trading day. I used tactics straight from Chapter 4 of Tandem Trader. Check out this video below to get a better idea of why I took this trade. We'll go over the...
[FREE VIDEO LESSON] $FB $GPRO $DUST Nails Out of the Gate and Phew on $LOCK
Crazy day today! We had some nice plays on $GPRO $DUST and $FB. $LOCK was a HUGE mover today! I'm glad everyone stayed safe in chat for this one. These plays can be very tempting (another blog post coming soon). If you want more videos like this, check out our Elite...
[FREE VIDEO LESSON] Reviewing 2 Winners and a “Good Loser”
Yesterday was a great trading day for us in chat. I had 2 solid winning trades I wanted to share, and one that I would consider to be a "good loser." OHRP provided us with a nice long opportunity. I was buying the dips in the morning using $3.50 as a guide. I learned...
A Nearly $10 Billion Dollar Company That No One Knows
Remember this multi billion dollar penny stock before it halted? Well, we've got another one that you should be entirely careful of! I've been slowly watching this thing break out of it's trend coming from very little volume to a major breakout on, well, yes very...
Reviewing an Avoidable Loss Each Step of the Way $PBMD
Let me premise this post by saying that losses are just a part of trading. Just like any business owner or entrepreneur, traders have expenses, and most frequently these come in the form of losses. Generally, we try to cut losses early and keep our expenses minimal,...