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Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 27, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 27, 2020

This market is incredible. During Project Impact I talked about the important of understanding sectors and themes as that's where the big $$ is made. This was my prediction for the next hot sector/theme:

Week in Review: April 20-24, 2020

Week in Review: April 20-24, 2020

This was a fun week. The trades were straight forward and didn't lead to many headaches. Setting price alerts is quickly becoming one of the members favorite new features. There were several trades that are covered here that were put on our radar by those alerts. If...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 20, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 20, 2020

Impressive opportunity last week in the market. Take advantage right now if you've been on the fence about joining us in the chat room. We have a massive sale going on with a ton of free bonuses including an options course from Sang Lucci! We're putting out new...

Week in Review: April 13-17, 2020

Week in Review: April 13-17, 2020

Another wild week in the books. Tons of volume and range. We have some really sweet deals going that get you the IU courses, the swing trading course and an introduction to options course. If you are on the fence about getting started with us, now is a great time....

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 13, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 13, 2020

What an amazing turn out yesterday! Over $135,000 Raised! You can still donate! Records will be AVAILABLE shortly! Everyone who signed up for the event will receive them! If not, make sure you're on the list! First and foremost thank you to all the speakers who spent...

Week in Review: April 6-9, 2020

Week in Review: April 6-9, 2020

This week was fun. Ramps and Fades that last longer than in weeks past. It is really important to keep your risk in check and cut losses earlier than ever. You need to be right or right out. A let's see what happens plan could be a disaster. We have had a lot of new...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 6, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday April 6, 2020

What a fantastic week last week. The range is NOT going away. Video Topics: T4AC Event Last YouTube Video BA thesis Not always straight off open- patience. 1000s of stocks moving - niche Narrow down Filter out bottom's in / we're going to 200 ... 170 ... 250 etc....

Week in Review: March 30-April 3, 2020

Week in Review: March 30-April 3, 2020

I wanted to do something a bit different this week. With so much movement in the market it is impossible to keep everything on your radar. Surrounding yourself with experienced traders means you are getting a constant stream of different trading ideas and news. Many...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 30, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 30, 2020

First and foremost Props to JC & Traders4ACause $50K+ Saturday Friday was another day of beautiful range. The key as tweeted was sell when everyone wants it. It's the hardest thing to do b/c you don't want to miss the upside but when...

Week in Review: March 23-27, 2020

Week in Review: March 23-27, 2020

I wanted to start this off with being thankful for the markets and all the IU members that help each other navigate them daily. There is a lot of uncertainty right now but as traders we can do well for our families in good times and bad. If you are thinking about...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 23, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 23, 2020

I don't have millions of subscribers but I do have 110,000 on YouTube and if I can impact just a few traders to make a small difference than I have used this platform effectively and done my job. Remember those kind gestures caught on video or photos taken that go...

Week in Review: March 16-20, 2020

Week in Review: March 16-20, 2020

Another insane week in the books. Each day felt like it lasted a week as everyone is getting up early to maximize these trading conditions. If you are new to trading this is a great time to be learning. Moves that normally take hours are taking minutes to work...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 16, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday March 16, 2020

The market insanity continues. First off - IF YOU DID NOT BANK stop, relax, shake it off and FOCUS. This market is NOT going anywhere. It's the worst thing knowing you're not killing it when a lot of others are. I'm as streaky as they come when I'm firing on all...