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[FREE VIDEO] Market Melt Up – How Sunday Scan Played Out

[FREE VIDEO] Market Melt Up – How Sunday Scan Played Out

I've been sending out a free scan every Sunday night where I share the stocks I am watching and the exact game plan for Monday. The game plan is just as important as the watch list itself. Watching a stock ensures that you are there for the action. Creating a game...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Monday June 8, 2020

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Monday June 8, 2020

Video Topics Tonight: Feeling great and got the T-shirts figured out by a bud / member of IU who has a shirt company thanks John from Loyal Brand. So, I'm picking a bunch more winners today: Dave Shell TradingLearning101 Pete Trades -- Longevity Shawn Marsh...

Week in Review: June 1-5 2020

Week in Review: June 1-5 2020

I don't even know what to say anymore.... I feel like every week gets crazier than the last. It is more important to live by the motto of being right on the trade right away or right out. If you are fighting trends right now you are planning for disaster. Reach out to...

What Type of Trader Are You Going to Be? (A Message to New Traders)

What Type of Trader Are You Going to Be? (A Message to New Traders)

2020 has been a historic year for day trading. Millions of new traders have entered the market and it's actually having an impact on how stocks trade. Just take a look at this Google Trends chart for "day trading": The interest in trading spiked. Brokers have reported...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Monday June 1, 2020

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Monday June 1, 2020

Amazing opportunity last week. Incredible opportunities left and right -- definitely minimized overall but hey, can't complain about much in this market and the opportunity we had on MARK - literally carbon copy the FCEL trade. Video Topics: There has been an...

Week in Review: May 26-29, 2020

Week in Review: May 26-29, 2020

Another fun one this week. It was a short week but not short of opportunity. There was a ton of money to be made and a ton of money saved with a lot of the hot names doing offerings etc. Sometimes it is hard to sit on the sidelines on a trade when it is running up but...

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday May 26, 2020

Free Scan: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday May 26, 2020

Happy Memorial Day All! Let's not forget the reason we are here - Freedom is not free and today we honor those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Video Topics: Baby & FOMO + Screen Time Last video Timing = Perfect. Multiple intraday offers and over night offerings...

Week in Review: May 18-22, 2020

Week in Review: May 18-22, 2020

The moderators and members had a really solid week. Another headline driven week so I am going to focus mostly on those type of plays because if that is your style of trading you more than likely had a stellar week. Enjoy the long weekend and reach out if you need...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 18, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 18, 2020

The amount of new traders is at levels that has never been seen before. You need to think about this upon entering trades or thinking things haven't ran enough etc. The number of FOMO chasers is at an all...

Week in Review: May 11-15, 2020

Week in Review: May 11-15, 2020

I am guessing this is the new normal. It seems like the range in the overall market is getting tighter while the range on individual tickers is getting bigger. There is so much opportunity right now it is crazy.   MARK Scan and Trade On the Sunday scan Nate gave...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 11, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 11, 2020

Happy Mother's Day! Some topics for today's video: What is my max stop? 1-2 days gains that way if I ever trigger it I'm not giving back a weeks or months work Intermediate Series 3 Coming - Click Subscribe button to get it Working out with Avidity Fitness - this is...

Week in Review: May 4-8, 2020

Week in Review: May 4-8, 2020

Another fun week in the books. Hopefully these market conditions continue of the the foreseeable future. Since we have a lot of new members and potential new members that read this blog, I included a few swing trades as most new traders will be starting out under the...

Do ALL Day Traders FAIL?

Do ALL Day Traders FAIL?

With great success comes great skepticism. While some people observe success and become obsessed with cracking the code, others instantly dismiss success as a sham. Pessimists view success as a product of luck and circumstance or, even worse, an intricate deception....

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 4, 2020

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday May 4, 2020

I hope everyone had an incredible weekend! Don't forget to register for our FREE webinar this Thursday! Insane stuff happening in the chat room. The number of PMs I am getting on a daily basis with folks crushing it is fantastic but a good time to remind ourselves to...

Week in Review: April 27- May 1, 2020

Week in Review: April 27- May 1, 2020

Can we keep these market conditions forever? I sure hope so. There is just so much opportunity right now it is insane. As I have said in the past this is also a great time to learn as moves that might have taken hours to work out are now taking minutes.   INO All...