Day Trading Blog

Check out our latest trading lessons, watch lists, trade recaps, and more.

How to Enjoy a Year Free of Investors Underground Live Chat!

Nice way to end the week! Welcome all new members! Nice to see all the summer break folks joining up to take advantage of the savings and prior OTC tradings trying to learn NASDAQs!! I hope you've all had a chance to take advantage of the savings on the top product...

How to Short Sell Over Extended Charts! $7500 profit on $IGC

Just a quick note we JUST uploaded a new video to our YouTube channel! Don't forget once we hit 5,000 subscribers on YouTube we are giving away ONE FREE YEAR OF CHAT to a random YouTube follower! If you have any questions about our textbook trading streaming DVD...

Five Recent Reviews of InvestorsLive Textbook Trading DVD

Check out the most recent reviews on my streaming InvestorsLive Textbook Trading DVD! This is rated the top financial product out of 10,308!   I'd suggest getting a head start this weekend and picking up your access right HERE! If you want to save BIG email me...

InvestorsLive Featured in the USA Today Top Twitter Follows!

Pretty neat to be featured in this USA Today article check it out below! Thanks to USA TODAY’s Matt Krantz @mattkrantz If you’re still just using Twitter to tell the world you’re biting into a ham sandwich, you might be missing out on a way to make some money. There...

Here’s 4 of 10 Reasons Why You Need InvestorsLive DVD!

Here is another recent review of my streaming text book trading DVD from to follow up the blog I posted just yesterday on yet another review of the product! Snag your copy HERE You can check it out in full HERE Here are some tidbits from the review - be...

Nathan Michaud’s InvestorsLive Textbook Trading Review

I wanted to share with you guys a review of my streaming text book trading DVD! He spent quite a bit of time on it and I really think it nails home the points as to WHY it's a must watch product! Check out Marcel's review  Investors Live: Textbook Trading DVD Review...

2014 Thoughts So Far, Get Inspired and Meet Brandon!

Guys as you know it's been one hell of a start to 2014 I've wanted to do a bunch more blog post this year ... more trading recaps, Saturday morning mailbag and much more BUT the opportunity right now in the market is like never before. I still owe a blog post on my...

The Last Opportunity to Change Your Trading FOREVER at Half Off

This is my LAST salespitchy blog post for a long time I've given everyone 4 months to get the DVD at the cheap rate. It WILL change your trading, PERIOD. You've seen what happened to Brandon! I decided to go ahead and make today's chat logs free. You can learn a lot...