Day Trading Blog

Check out our latest trading lessons, watch lists, trade recaps, and more.

18 Rules To Help New Traders Build A Strong Foundation

18 Rules to Help New Traders Build a Strong Foundation

As a new trader, it’s important that to build a strong foundation. Every habit you form will influence your future trading success. The markets can be chaotic and learning to find clarity in this chaos can be tough. Here’s the blunt truth: You will make mistakes. You...

How To Day Trade Otc Penny Stocks

How to Day Trade OTC Penny Stocks

Penny stocks, also known as OTCs, attract a unique group of traders to the stock market due to their low share prices and exceptional volatility. Newer traders with smaller account sizes often see penny stocks as opportunities to grow their account at a rapid rate. At...

6 Tips For Mitigating Risk When Day Trading Stocks

6 Tips for Mitigating Risk When Day Trading Stocks

Managing risk while day trading is definitely no easy task. There are so many factors affecting a stock and so many thoughts and emotions affecting a trader. That said, as day traders, it is important to find ways to manage and minimize risk when possible. Obviously,...

How To Plan Better Entries When Day Trading

How to Plan Better Entries When Day Trading

As day traders, we all strive to get perfect entries on our trades. You know, the entry where you are green on the trade right from the start. While it’s nice to catch the exact top or bottom on a trade, it’s much easier said than done. That said, your entries don’t...

Exceptional Trader’S Interview W/ Gregg Sciabica (@Lx21)

Exceptional Trader’s Interview w/ Gregg Sciabica (@lx21)

If you've been exploring the trading world for more than a few months, you are probably familiar with Gregg Sciabica. Gregg, who goes by @lx21, is a well-known trading veteran who has continued to thrive in changing market conditions that have wiped out other...

17 Takeaways From An Interview With Nathan Michaud (@Investorslive)

17 Takeaways from an Interview with Nathan Michaud (@InvestorsLive)

Check out this interview I did earlier this year with Chat With Traders. The video goes over my trading history, strategy, and a lot of the questions I get asked on a regular basis. Here are a few of the main takeaways for those who don't have time to watch the whole...

Everything You Need To Know About Paper Trading

Everything You Need to Know About Paper Trading

It can be tricky to find your niche in the market. While many successful day traders make a great living from day trading, the majority of traders fail. Don't let that statistic scare you. Instead, let it ground you and help you take a disciplined approach to your...

How To Choose A Stock Broker: Part 6 Of The Beginners Guide

How to Choose a Stock Broker: Part 6 of the Beginners Guide

Part 6 of our Beginner's Guide to Day Trading is finally here! We have a great video prepared for you this week. Get ready to learn everything you need to know about choosing the best online stock broker for your needs. Even if you think you know all there is to know...

Traders4Acause 2016: Learn From The Best And Connect With Traders

Traders4ACause 2016: Learn from the Best and Connect With Traders

It's almost that time of year again! The Traders4ACause 3rd Annual Charity Conference and Golf Tournament will take place on October 7-9, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada. We look forward to seeing everyone who has come out in the past as well as some new faces! This event...

5 Basic Lessons In Technical Analysis

5 Basic Lessons in Technical Analysis

Technical analysis is one of the most popular methods of market speculation used by day traders. Many day traders utilize strategies rooted in technical analysis to help ease the decision making process. This seemingly complex form of market analysis can be...

Day Trading Computers And Software: Part 5 Of The Beginners Guide

Day Trading Computers and Software: Part 5 of the Beginners Guide

Nowadays, technology plays a huge role in day trading. Traders rely heavily on their computers, internet connections, and trading software in order to execute their daily trading plans. Awhile back, we gave you a front row seat to the trading desks of many successful...

$Hmny Video Lesson And Key Takeaways + Free Chat Logs

$HMNY Video Lesson and Key Takeaways + Free Chat Logs

We have a webinar at 8PM tonight that is free to the public but you must have already registered! If you can't get in by the time it's going not to worry we'll have a recording of it! We'll be going over what works in this market since .. of course .. the market is...