Day Trading Blog

Check out our latest trading lessons, watch lists, trade recaps, and more.

The Importance Of Finding Your Trading “Edge”

The Importance of Finding Your Trading “Edge”

How often do you stop to analyze your daily processes? Do you take the time to evaluate your daily behaviors? We all get caught up in our daily routines, to the point where our behavior can become instinctual instead of calculated. Whether you’re new to trading or...

8 Trading Lessons That Can Make Or Break Your Success

8 Trading Lessons That Can Make or Break Your Success

Trading is a unique activity in which small lessons can have large impacts. Sure, profound advice can have impacts in all areas of life, but when your hard-earned capital is on the line, the stakes are much higher. We’ve all heard a lot of the cliché advice over and...

How To Take Action – Using “Smaller Goals” To Get Things Done

How to Take Action – Using “Smaller Goals” To Get Things Done

Attempting to master a new skill is never an easy process. Whether you’re learning to cook, code, or trade stocks, the process is always the same. First, you need to absorb tons of information and then you need to start applying that information. Once you start...

The Best Trading Strategies Of 2018 (Free Video)

The Best Trading Strategies of 2018 (FREE VIDEO)

Earlier this month, we hosted a free webinar with SpeedTrader to discuss the most effective trading strategies for 2018. Initially, the replay was going to be for members only, but we've had a lot of requests so we are making it public! We...

The Observer Effect – How An Audience Impacts Your Trading

The Observer Effect – How An Audience Impacts Your Trading

The Observer Effect The observer effect (also known as the "Hawthorne effect") simply states that people behave differently when they know they're being watched. Most of us have probably experienced this phenomenon in one way or another. Maybe you change your work...

Trading Vs Time – The Real Process (Feat. Tom Brady)

Trading vs Time – The Real Process (feat. Tom Brady)

Last November, I tweeted this regarding a conversation I had with a trader I respect and admire. He left Twitter about a year ago, but is still trading successfully. It’s not because he’s been in the game for...

Investors Underground Celebrates Its 10-Year Anniversary

Investors Underground Celebrates its 10-Year Anniversary

Thriving in the world of trading is no easy feat. The careers of most new traders are short-lived, as they quickly discover the powerful and unforgiving nature of the markets. Traders come and go, as do trading chat rooms and services. New services are launched daily...

9 Things To Consider Before Short Selling A Stock

9 Things to Consider Before Short Selling a Stock

Learning how to short sell stocks is a great way to take advantage of both sides of the market (bullish and bearish movements). If you only place long trades, you will analyze every chart with a long-bias and limit your opportunities. When you add short selling to...

The Fallacy Of #Study By @Dgtrading101

The Fallacy of #Study by @DGTrading101

"The Fallacy of #Study" - the latest in The Mind of a Day Trader series by Dante. Key Takeaways The beginning of your trading journey is filled with ups and downs. Your motivation will be challenged. Just when you think...

A Sniper Mentality In Trading By @Dgtrading101

A Sniper Mentality in Trading by @DGTrading101 Key Takeaways Approach trading like a JOB not a fast track to riches Use a "Sniper Mentality" - Be calculated, be stealthy, and narrow your targets The most successful traders focus on QUALITY over QUANTITY Focus on taking fewer actions...

Dcix Trade Recap And Takeaways + Chat Logs

DCIX Trade Recap and Takeaways + Chat Logs

IU Chat Logs for Nov 3, 2017 07:54:07 am InvestorsLive: gm all 07:54:20 am cmorbutz: gm 07:54:39 am InvestorsLive: gotta remember CC 07:54:41 am InvestorsLive: man SBUX what a rally 07:55:04 am InvestorsLive: or maybe im...

[Survey Results] 83% Of Iu Members Improved Their Trading!

[Survey Results] 83% of IU Members Improved Their Trading!

Investors Underground has come a long way since its inception in 2008. Over the years, we've continued to improve and expand our offerings to make sure all IU members get the most value from the service. In 2017, we've already launched a new chat room, released a free...