Day Trading Blog

Check out our latest trading lessons, watch lists, trade recaps, and more.

[Interview] Paso Milak’S Incredible Journey To Trading Success

[INTERVIEW] Paso Milak’s Incredible Journey to Trading Success Interview Highlights I highly recommend listening to the full interview. It's one of the best ones we've put out to date. Here are a few notes from the interview. Paso's Journey to Trading Success Paso has been trading for...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 25, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 25, 2019

Wild week last week. Trading was great but I think commentary was INCREDIBLE. It's not every day we're so zoned into a name like ZSAN and ACHV and get it down to the very candles of the breakdowns. I hope many spent some time reviewing the chat logs. Once again as I...

[Weekly Lesson] Using “Conviction” To Determine Position Sizes

[WEEKLY LESSON] Using “Conviction” to Determine Position Sizes

Traders often get caught up in the “all or none” mentality, assuming every trading decision comes down to either “Option A” or “Option B.” Do I enter a position? Yes No Should I sell now? Yes No In reality, trading decisions aren't this black and white. This reminds...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday February 19, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Tuesday February 19, 2019

Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend! Relaxing for sure but have to stay focused - there is a lot going on right now in the market and the last few weeks have been abnormally hot. This is my style market where you can have your main two or three names that you...

[Weekly Lesson] Why Timing Is The Most Important Factor In Trading

[WEEKLY LESSON] Why Timing is the Most Important Factor in Trading

Day trading is a game of prediction, and like anything involving prediction, timing matters. Timing is one of the main factors that separates a good trade from a bad trade. Furthermore, timing will determine the profitability of your hypothesis. You can be “right” and...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 11, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 11, 2019

I hope everyone had a really nice weekend! Big week last week, lots of great alerts and a total team effort. It was really nice to see the community working together so well. Just keeps getting better and better every week! So many good resources in the room now!...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday February 4, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday February 4, 2019

Hope everyone had a solid weekend so far! I wasn't able to get a video together tonight for scan since I'm in Atlanta but I will have it for next weeks scan! Here with a couple great friends! If you want to join us in chat...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday January 28, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday January 28, 2019

IQ and HUYA ideas from last weeks possible swing ideas working well I am ready for this week - refreshed after a nice vacation last week! Yes I timed it based on missing 4 days instead of 5 🙂 I'll do the same July 4th too - one less day to be anxious of missed market...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Tuesday January 22, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Tuesday January 22, 2019

Hope everyone had a nice long weekend! As stated I'll be out this week - trying to recharge a bit first week vaca without trading in about two years. Probably a bit overdue. Normally I'd have a video with this for Monday's game plan (ie: Sunday night scan - this week...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday January 14, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday January 14, 2019

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We had a ton of new members join last week so we did a big new member orientation and Q&A walking through everything we do from all the daily videos, webinars, daily member Q&A in the traders lounge and bringing...

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks To Watch For Monday January 7, 2019

Free Scan Sunday: Stocks to Watch for Monday January 7, 2019

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Wild market on Friday, another 750-800 point steady march up. Sometimes these days are amazing and other days you're a deer in headlight waiting for the pull back to get long that never comes 🙂 REMEMBER - SCAN is to be FAMILIAR...