Scan for 01/10/25 From Nate

by | Jan 9, 2025

What a crazy unwind on quantum Wednesday!

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Feels like Monday tomorrow but it’s actually Friday – what a weird week.

Froth may be coming out of the market.

But the BAER long idea/game plan Friday went nuts AHs so hopefully sets up for a nice start to Friday!

I think a few important things we discussed pre market really came to light on market open. No bias into open, if you trade off open don’t trust first move – if you nail and it works immediately = exit etc. And, no size until 945-10AM+ or an actual trade set up over prior resistance / higher low etc.

All of that came in handy even if you had the absolutely wrong read – like me. RGTI those first few entries off open immediately swipe up and reminders to lock but if you didn’t — hard to make $$.

RGTI was good IONQ I was just dead wrong on and it just never gave a spot to really scale with confidence. Ended up losing about $3 over/under without a scale beyond 1/3. It did come back over average after I sold but — I wasn’t looking to force a trade to work.

Rest of everything else discussed worked but … fumbled the big fade opp. Felt like the day AI unwound in a big way. Deer in headlight.

Charts of focus and top watches in AM!

Main Watches:


  1. Thanks, Nate!

  2. Nate, I am trying to control my fingers, stop trading and look left, I say this ,thinks this, but when 9;30 comes to me it looks and feels like a race, and I kept doing it, need to stop. Thank you, to force me to wait until 9;45 , then maybe to something.


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