Video Scan: Stocks To Watch For July 22, 2024

by | Jul 21, 2024

Hey everyone, welcome back to another Sunday Scan. We will recap what has been happening in the markets, and then later on, Stan will be joining us for the main watches for the upcoming week.

The markets have been wildly active, and IU has been on fire with all kinds of trades. If you’re already in the community, then you have been seeing it firsthand. Liquidity traps, squeezes, short trades, reversals, options trades, large caps, and basically anything that is a good opportunity – the traders in IU have been on top of it all with the best technology, alerts, and scanners out there. 

And that’s really one of the big benefits of trading alongside experienced traders with access to this tech. You don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Many of these traders make their living from these setups and patterns that they have refined over time, and they can talk you through how they do it so that other people can learn. 

So, if you’re on the fence about joining IU, we put a short-term trial deal together to make it accessible for literally anyone to peek inside the door and see if it’s for you. 

IU has NEVER done this before and may never do it again, but we wanted to give people the chance to see what we have to offer. 

So if you only take away one thing from this scan, click the link to see the insanely good trial deal that is being offered and you can decide from there. 

You’ll get to see the educational resources, watchlists, webinars, technology, chat, and more for a window of time, so take advantage of it before it goes away because this is the best way to see if IU is for you.

Okay, now let’s get to what’s been happening in the markets this week.

Video Scan and Game Plan

The Playback

SOXL big rotation out of semiconductor names this week and into small caps. 

IWM inflows are based on bond yields dropping with rate cut expectations and uncertain political changes.

DJT ramped after the events of last weekend and then failed to follow through as it stayed heavy after the initial spike.

UPST squeeze out type of name with the small cap runners until the market turned and then it dropped.

SILO liquidity trap/squeeze name have a nice move after collecting shorts and absorbing levels. 

SERV large move on pressrelease that NVDA had some shares; held trend and squeezed most of Friday. 

VRPX liquidity trap played out well with the initial large volume day and then absorbing within a channel.

SCNI trapped off open and squeezed earlier in the week. 

MARA trended well with crypto this week. 

WULF small crypto name with relative strength. 

Main Watches

Watch the video scan for full details on the game plan for each ticker.

SERV will watch vs key levels.

ZAPP (NNE & RGS & IVP) finally gave up some of the move on Friday but will remain on watch in the upcoming week for MLGO style fade. NNE, IVP, & RGS eyeing for similar trade as ZAPP whenever the time comes.

DJT can clearly see how it is influenced by events. Decent volume went off into the 40s+ gap and it has sold off since. Will be watching for back to mid/low 20s.

COIN watching for NVDA TSLA type of trade. Ideally 300+ parabolic and fade off. It will probably require some stalking at first, but the opportunity is building nicely with the strong recovery on Friday

HIMS decent reject off the 23-24s and now back into high teens. 18-19s has been key level for the chart over last couple of months, so will keep that on watch. I’d like to join trend vs vwap.

CRWD will be on watch as more news and details about the tech crash come out. Should be range in either direction once it picks a trend. 

TSLA has earnings on Tuesday the 23rd, and should have a large move on that so maybe a trade leading up to or after earnings. 

IWM see if it gets re-bid or stalls and consolidates.

SOXL may bounce hard sometime this week, big move down recently. 

T-Shirt Winners


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  1. thanks for the video


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