Scan for 04/18/24 From Nate

by | Apr 17, 2024

So much going on – lots of great action but easy to get sloppy with size. I did — lots working but you trim only so much and then PnL evaporates. You want to let winners run — but sorta in a period where it’s best to just sell it ALL and who cares if you miss out on more.

Two examples, the long on WISA this AM I sold 2/3s into the highs and then sold down a bit more while riding rest down a few bucks sure, locked in a big chunk but then you do the path on the last 1/3-1/4 x the fade and it’s a good chunk. Same thing on that SPEC call — absolutely massive at $2 and I beamed it sold a GOOD chunk but .50 fade on the rest of the side (other half) ugh, another huge PnL evaporated.

I mean, look it’s a good problem to have but damn it, hard to hold the right ones. PLCE the other one — had an idea started to work I was up a buck and then reversed back and broke VWAP staying heavy — up a buck on decent size to breaking entry and cutting it off. So, volatile day as far as PnL +++ to how can I minimize everything? lol

And on top of that, IZM bleh – still have PTSD from those so I don’t like to get sized up on those. I got short at $30 and covered by $28 then tried a small long bounce and just a useless opportunity gone to waste. I’m not too upset about that one though because I have my rules. I never want to end up in a situation that was avoidable and I knew better ie: getting stuck in some stupid circuits.

When small caps are hot – I miss the big macro MARA RIOT types or — today ARM.

SNAP was great big share big opp love that stuff.

TPET nice unwind today — fumbled/forgot JAGX !!

WISA really nice – great reads there but even late day trade was GREAT but I can’t go size, you end up in a stuff like INVO and you’re screwed. So, looks better than it is IF risk is in check. Just remember that.

Tomorrow was going to be a travel day but it may be Friday first thing.

Main Watches:

WISA ideally weak open looking to buy flushes for ramp r/g and circuits T+2 once it blows out if it stays heavy – avoid. Look at float look at volume and look at the video I posted this AM comparison to WATT NTEC and BPTH concept — and why I was bullish. Good to reverse engineer.

RANI looking to fade trend

ARM reactive trade

SNAP higher better vs $11.30s – fade back to where it came from today ideally

Failed Follow Through:

INVO higher better for back side


PXMD trend forming

KAVL maybe T+2 some social pump and exit (took a few today into lows just in case T+2 pump)

CARV bought last 2 days small for into Juneteenth

UONE same as CARV

Staying Familiar:

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  1. thanks


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