Action continues – that BMR was nuts. Good warnings and really happy I handled it that well w/o emotion – I guess I should have gone for it again after the parabolic but I just said the hell with it.
MGIH a prime example of why size on 1m floats is just not worth it – and why I am a broken record on this exact subject. Doesn’t matter how much $ you have is it worth the headache?
ARM AFRM etc – great opps
Main Watches:
AFRM reactive trade again like today – was good entries and faded well. Probably has another few days with action like that.
ARM reactive trade like today – trend join vs. VWAP if things stay heavy – great work today
CLSK reactive trade – I was early on that feeler today but gave a nice flush and ended up being pretty good overall.
Failed Follow Through:
RNLX love to see any good push and then fade off back sub $1
BTAI likely pricing in AM is my guess – but great opp last few days off each failed follow through set up
SHOT morning push for unwind – nice idea for the post Super Bowl fade last week — the Super Bowl being the catalyst
Staying Familiar: