Scan for 09/07/23 From Nate

by | Sep 6, 2023

Swings working well again and quick long trades – stocks that feel trappy either rip or fade off slowly where you can just stop and move on. Good r/r lately so will keep looking for gems like this weeks TLRY CGC MSOS sympathies and NVOS NBSE longs today

Hopefully they keep coming.

Those that paid attention on HKIT tape change today – solid! If you didn’t all good – not for you. Very risky trade – sure I wish I had major size on the trade but again – I’m way sized down vs. prior years trying to re-balance the time on desk etc. Great trade but, no not a lake house lol.

AMC big opp today – steady unwinder 40M shares vs. that volume it only had one way to go.

PALI = VERB $1.44-1.57 good lines all day. Mean revert into close – cover came and unwound.

These plays are all the same but the “unknown” of how they end it ie: blow out, stuff, same candle — is the variable. That’s why they keep us on our toes because let’s face it one more penny one way or the other could have easily been a circuit either direction, they know we don’t know 100% so — they have the upper hand.

Main Watches:

AMC ideally $9 + then $4-6-7 short term – risk is once they blow out ATM they likely say yay done selling paper for a few minutes before they re file next dilution. This is death spiral financing they’ll keep going and going and filing and filing – remember BBBY?

LYFT higher better for unwind

ICCT morning shove and fail – killer commentary today

Failed Follow Through:

NBSE morning shove and unwind

PALI morning shove $1.45-1.60s ideally then fade

GTEC higher better – no rush – volume is low this can still extend but monitoring

SFWL watching for liquidation day

ZJYL watching for liquidation day


APLT kept some over

NVAX nice break out today I sold it from trend join looking for weak open r/g tomorrow

MINM price alerts – potential liq trap

BNTC price alerts – potential liq trap

APM price alerts – potential liq trap

NVFY price alerts – potential liq trap on daily

Staying Familiar:


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