Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Remember to leave a key takeaway in the YouTube comment section – each month we give away IU, T-shirts, Icon Meals and Scanz!
This week we’re giving away Icon Meals!
Also – on the topic of Icon Meals – if you’d like to help make a Traders4ACause supporters Christmas we’re planning to deliver her meals for the next 5 months through Icon Meals during her chemo treatments. Thank you Todd for sponsoring this! Anything we raise over the cost will be directly donated to BCRF.
We are doing it either way but if you’d like to be a small part or a big part all proceeds will benefit the causes.
Video Topics:
- IRA strategy
- Swipe risk / swipe potential
- More longs (Swings)
- Current market cycle
- Quiet bull market
Also, make sure to check out our interview with Nick Kasnett (@Nkaz) if you haven’t already!
Video Scan and Game Plan
Stocks to Watch
HTGM ideally morning gap – pretty insane opportunity on Friday running .20 then .20 into circuits ++ providing a nice unwind opportunity from that entry after the circuit for .20/share fade. They spend the rest of the afternoon soaking and after hours nearly went to a buck – sign of the times right now FOMO is super high and everyone wants part of the next SMMT AMAM etc. Everything that upticks everyone will assume it has a chance and chase. I’d love to see it hold up near $1 and then look for the quiet fail. As with all of these watch your size and build in swipe potential (like SMMT discussion on broadcast).
MOMO good focus name – broke out a lot like XPEV still something I really need to work on. I know what names have range potential had been zoned in on this name but when they take off it’s damn hard to chase — but right now it’s working. The “smaller cap” ideas from last week TME HUYA MOMO etc. and now may start to float down to the even smaller stuff like DOYU etc. These may become the next type to get absorbed. The quiet bull market continues in China one by one things are getting absorbed. We talked about this last week
XPEV bell to bell unwinder Friday. Watching for trend join 945-10AM + should have a few more days of good range.
Failed Follow Through:
GRWG so far working well TLRY CGC obviously helping – same concept all morning shoves me with fail vs. VWAP risk.
SMMT watch your sizes – everyone is waiting/wanting the same thing. Let the emotion pass and then look for opportunity. I’d look to trade it the same as Friday and will continue to remind as it comes into prior levels of support — it’s imperative to be proactive with covers otherwise you’ll be in the same spot as everyone else.
AMAM intense runner on Friday anything that is always sub .50 that runs to a dollar the risk is always circuit to circuit – halt bands are always so close. Friday we had the sub $1.20 soak and reclaim which fortunately is exactly what we went over RMED SMMT PHVS all week. Sure, nothing really to shout about except my risk management on the name (posted my trade in the lounge). BUT I get this feeling everyone feels the “need” to have to “nail” the trade. I saw a lot of add add adds into losers w/ risk really out of whack. As we discussed in Trader’s Lounge all week EDGE IS ALWAYS AVOIDING A TRADE TOO! Imagine that – what if your edge in a trade was purely avoiding it? I think a lot of times this goes unnoticed. Much like PHVS – traded it in AM but then after it got a little wild I said it’s now an AVOID for me. There is edge and there is gamble. Once it shows the signs — you must behave. Period. There is no “this won’t happen again” you’re right, if that’s the last straw then you’re done, there is no more next time.
CLRO morning shove and looking to fade back sub $1
RENT one of those dips getting soaked like we talked about last Sunday video — tried it a few times on Friday after the $2.45-2.50 + blow out but $2.65 continued to chop so didn’t really turn into anything. Now just need to wait for this trade to exhaust out for edge to come back.
ERNA good big picture idea I had bought a few Thursday sold 1/2 Friday but watching to see if this keeps building and I would scale back in.
ISIG continuing to consolidate still thinking big picture could be like NINE but waiting to add any to the position.
CJJD reverse split names got pushed on Friday – watch weak open for r/g rip will focus on fading it after a blow out move.
KTRA slowly and steadily every day ideally $15-20 + blow off which is why it’s on continuation section. I will not long it but monitoring once everyone gets exhausted out.
NMTC big save – could be continued walk up staying on radar from here on out to stay familiar with the action.
DOYU watch dips building vs. $1.40
NIU set price alerts for the day it decides to pull – but for now hopefully keeps extending. Never jump in front of a China run.